- eral gave full Ind, clear uniting"; ft the investment ot the mm" ot the com- : 46 series ot quest one propoun e . e n- pany in real estate. Distress not mi formed. the House that the company extend for Toronto taxes on any other has not proceeded with the. work, as property than the property taxed. provided by the agtrveernent, although Canadian Niagara. Power Co. . , r ' '..r. they h,yie,ne,try,1.ed, $4.),000 in prelirr Mr. German asked the folhywinc, inary preparations and work of a. ten li', .. . ' questions in regard to the a re ' ., tative nature. and $160,000 in rent. Re, of the C h g em nt , . , "TI. - anadian Niagara l'qur (a. '--, npet'tintt the Intention of the Govtwtt tl) H th C li . .. ment, the reply was that it is the in- as e .anatmn Niagara Pom:- tention ot the Government, in case " Company Di'occeded so far with 1'si l default upon the part of the com- twork as provided by clause ten of the; I pony in any case, to do all acts and take. 1 e'i.k,'t'eemCnt with the (ti'iiiiii~s'oj" is o"; all tu-tsolute,'." necessary to declare , th. Queen Victoria Erin-gun F3115 1'3:wa the sole use of the waters of the Niugn- l made the 7th (My of An P, 1.91:2 u: to , ra River within the limits of the park ', 1ytve tomplczvd watpr (".[i], mth tori at an end as soon as the law allows. i the At'xelo.trmsont a: 2.1.in lltrr--rrrwstl The return of the returning oiilcer for ' "nit to have rmdy'fnr it-, su.oply and West Elgin showed that in every i transmission 10,000 dove (I'vt"i 11-) Si}- division the permit appointed as deputy t "new l' l returning otllcer was a resident of the , lid) Hats the C'v.rradrl,,v, Iii '_'A'rt,"it Pozvrrt riding. and that the man appointed act- 5 Company performed a". h." l: my." i:s ed, with one exception, in which, owing turret-m: nt xi ith the t-r'mimiss'rm '12: o" f to Illness of the man appointed, another the Queen l it'tm'ia Ningavn Hilts: Polk person acted. but was not appointed by ' made the 7m clay of Anni, 1.0:, ant the returning officer. . l it so. to what extent ? The budget debate was resumed by H) 11sz up, Cttttadiah Niagara Pro-er I Mr. J. R. Simtton. who ably and vigor- l t'ompuny submitttd its ham for an- , ously defended the Government. and prowl to the commie/sonny m. to the had not nearly concluded when the de- Ummrnment. and it so, has em'h zippro- I bate was adjourned. val been given ? ' New Bills. it) Has tho t'itttrtdian Iiiugaiut Power iompnhy or nnvonv on l,t', hthztif al Among the many measures intrmluv- vital to tlw park cohutris,yrmws m' to ': ed were bills having the following ou. the (loveinxmnt for it change in any. _ Jects l--- . plans, etc.. filod and submitted limit-"I Mr. Brower-Providing that three ' thy Iriivisitms " "muse It of midi members or the Educational Council s'l'r',t'r'emettt, end if HO, has permischml, [ shall be school teachers. to make such change been 'i.unted or! Mr. MutNe--That the municipal promised ? i financial year shall close on the i if.) "as tlic t'anndiun Niagara Pomp; list of December and the audit be li'tnnpntly or anyone on its lithztlf ill)-' made up to that date before the 10th. . Mimi In thy park t.ornmisuionors or the The auditor's abstract of accounts and i (ion-mmvnt fur on}; ixtericiti;. of it"... detailed statement to be published and [or up, "onurletio of its woMts im- retul at the nomination in lieu ot the Iii, said 'aRre;'ttirmt, and if so, has any one now issued by the Council. , t'xlcirci, " of such time m..." Kruntvd. o." Mr. itm\vm.._.-'l'o prevent the granting : hm any promise ut' intimation rest.) of pr"rmlt.s out] dltgtrict certificatrs to made or given to the Comlrdlly or to teachers by inspectow. anyone on its behalf that such tine- Mr. Get'mun--To prohibit the prnc- would treexttsitded ? i tislng ot veterinary surgery by anyone (6) Has the t'anndinn Niiurarn Pow 'i'f not retristrwod HS a member of the. Vet.. Company been 'ttrrtifiid by the p tr}: i F erinary ('ollego. conrmisriom-rs or the (lm'ernmont [lull l l Mr. German-To enable Councils in tho stipulations of' c-lpure ten of Suki" ( lieu of taxing personal property of aux-w-nn-nt will have to be fully (vovn-| i merchants to impose n turnover titX l Irlh d nit!) not later than tha- tirst do} all , based on the business of the preceding: l NHVt'lHlicr, 15:19. and in default th .,.. "WI t year. A that the cold agreement will no longest Mr. Mavter--To do away with ex- be considered in force. and if not, will I etnptione on lands held by universities the Govrst tttttent Rivts sot-11' notiruo or) and colleges, but not in actual use by ("use such mm". 'm lr, gun by M". them; on church sites and grounds pork tsommi.oslonv,r.v,'.' i used in connection therewith, on the (7) Hus the ('zumdiun Niagara paw"! slit-s of incorporated seminarioq of ('omponv h, n notithd bv "the pirk, learning, m vary the Toronto unsess- , commiseionets or the thvirmmnt tit-it I ment roll by inserting m the tqer'otvl if ilefulili under clams" thirtctn of mist. column the names of the occupant, or, autwuhent continues until the tirst win)" it' vacant. the letters N L and other a wanhwi ISi..19, that the said a.sgrre- partlcula-rg in the roll. Also to.de- mom and the liberties. rows". p,\v-r.~r clare that the ways, rails, poles, Wlrtw, and 'iutholitles tin-why grinned and} gas and other pipes, substructures, sup- ("my (me of them will i/, rott itwd. and I erstructm-ps and other plant. and Air- if ntrt will tl t Government pive s,rrh puancits belonging to the street v.uil- WNW"; It ' ' FB. F, l ways, telegraph. telephone, gas and-til: (S) It the t'attutlian Niag.:r:1 Power. ectrlc 1itrht, water and other! 81min: Company has failed to complete by No- i companies be. ta>xable n L." , vember l 1899 a development with on» municipality in which they ate I , - ' . . Cd f "pa . ftv it ill-< ituate. The amendment also emu-ks- I t"t' connettions or Want)- ff. '/ Fl . u tl ' exemption on 3 Pond horsepo" er, and having ready fort to '"d,')2/iia, 1,9, t t of com- 'suppiy and transmission ten thousand; _ thr'. persona "(wry . horsepower will the Government deri names. such as gas, water, plank Ot ' . ' ' . ' . c-irc. vt'es' . . . q oldie or (twee the park Lt'lillllls. no.1. l. gravel loads, railway and tram roads, to declare the said 'agreement to be "9' harbors or other works requiring the longer m~mr(";? V