. 9% Wt It the default of tiieysniuttan" q ' .. ---. 7 - _ Mira Power Company interpreting Canadian W Power ett.grettSt 4 i if electricity 'or 'pneumatlc power as that an application made by the com- - agreed, namely, by works with water pany to them for an attention of time connection . of twenty-five thousand. to commence their work and have 10,000 horsepower and having ten thousand horsepower completed. ready for use, horsepower ready for supply and trans- supply and transmission on lit May, mission continues up to the thvt day 1900, had been considered. but that the. ot Noivember. 1899, will the Government approval 01'f such application ftr'lr brim on an d first. day of November, 1899. 0" extension o time was no prac ca e, immediately thereafter, declare the slid and, inter. the company was reminded agreement. liberties, licenses, powers that the foregoing conclusion communi- and authmlties thereby granted and cated on said 23rd April stood on record every one of them to be forfeited and as the determination 'of the Govern- V Utterly void and of no effect whatever? mént, and that the company knew be- i CIO) Hasthc Canadian Niagara Power fore entering into any contracts the ICQmDany or anyone in its behalf ap- Government felt bound to hold the com- I Plied to the Government or to the park nany to the terms of the agreement. l commissioners for permission to de- Further, a notice with a view to 'mak- velar ten thousand hotseyyEerr.ln the ing time the essence of the contract power house.of the Queen vietot"r,a?'ia- has within a few days past also been Kara Falls Park & River Hallway ("MT given to the company. and that in the ' pany in lieu of the developments ttti- ' event of default on the part of the com- pulated for in the sa.id agreement, ac- any action will be taken for the par? companied by assurance of further de- p . of terminating the liberties Ir velopment up to 50.000 horsepower or pose , __ ' r, any other amount as demand for pow- f',',?'),'),',',',', "my: IT,', outgoritlcs graptui el' 'nrlges ? or con errct y e sat agreemen ' so (11) Has the Government rereived a that the same shall cease and determine proposition or offer from,. vny other 'tp/l,..'" void and of none effect there-, cmnpnny or companies or Individuals . 1 proposing to pay a rental for the pri- Questions Nos. 8 and 9-A fe!Pllr 1ilege and to at once begin work on the answer can hardly be given to these; . development of electric power at Nia- nuéstions at the present time, involving gal-n Falls. and. if so, what rental is . as they. do unknown and unascertatned ' thereby offal-ed 2 conditions. Should the company pro- ll ceed in the meantime and spend half , _______ Mr. Hardy's Reply. w, a. million or a. million of dollars. and t Question No. 1--iteyr have not. I the work be very near completion by .5 o No. 2-The have rfo 'm- the 1st of November. 1899. the Govern- J ou)t,is,,tl, tow. the (triumph)? lSIln-I ment would then have to determine rr formed. as follows: The cost of exca- l what course would. under all the Cir; vations and surveys made is estimamd ? cumstanccs. be just, wise and.in the at between $2,000 and $.'l,000, the met. public interest. But it is the intention of preparation of plans is estimated ' of the Government to act in accordance at about $5,000, and in furtherance of with the spirit of the notices that have . the contract, that the company have been given to the company. Further, acquired lands on this side at the it is the intention of the Government estimated cost of about $10,000 or $12,000. in case of default updn the part of the . That. in addition to these expenditures. company in any case to do all acts and _ they have in order' to provide for the take all proceedings necessary to de- T immediate supply of power pending the more the right 'by the company to the i commencement of larger works spclltl sole use of; thewaters of the. Niagara about _.'iirt.1fi) in 11c,1,rticra2f'"t,not,:,',y),1 ".y',l" Hirer within the limits of the park at _ no. 1);?" HW, " '.f?.l C' , ffsy'/.Y'il? on end, under section , of the agree- 0. "hit h they have sold 600 no" in mm" as soon as the law will allow r» 12'3P, and they have I,000 for which they Question No. IO-The application ' 239?: 29'") u'llableiéot final 'iei"2"c1i'/'i: mentioned has not been received. mission'cl": 'lr2', J'fl refit-(llI emildngnn't Qutstion No. ll-Ji'he Govern.teottt t 'iii i G/ F" 'i'ou't""iiiir', oiif The. has received a variety of propositions , tin green 812an "21 to rent 'ave (will? from the Canadian Power Company, 1',',"/J.7'of.v1',"2, upon L/oii',iit/i,'ti from ony of which was to pay 50 cents pm. iiiiiiii, of the company, but are as near 1,1c1is/yr,',1,veai,"ttt'te'/1tt't: _ Another 1"i1' as can be arrived at with the inror-i t',T%'i,l,'t'.U/tr' o l', present mon ' . ' . s 5 . "tt ' y to pay $25,000 rental for I Fss?::s'r.1tt,i't,1(.:/'i?j,1,',i 9:08:21 4--The Govcrll- such rights and privileges in connect- mom": informed that l F -., " b- tion with the watery of the Niagara l. . p ans were '.4U . ' mitted in 1804 and approved in 1895, JtivEyt' and the park as would enable that supplefhenta.ry plans were sub- that Tmerny, to tlevelop 150,000 horse- I mitted in October. 1598. for approval of I'owet'. Flpeciticntionti have not been Iihc commissioners and that the com- presented, nor has anything definitely missioncrs replied that inasmuch as the been done towards arriving at a barns I court had not determined the questions of an agreement. No agreement grant- F submitted and it was not known whe..' In! these powers and rights could law- l ther the contract had been forfeited or fully be entered into by the Goveimment not. that they could not the-n proceed .ue.til after the termination of the ex- with the examination of these supple- lilting agreement, or until after cancel- ' l "131mg plan:, re 6 l lation of the monopoly clause. l ues ons Nos. D, am 7--An lice.- tions were made for extension J,,"',',!',',',"),." Mr. Bastedo and West Huron. No promise has been made or given to Mr. Matheson asked :-,-1s B. T. Bas- the company or to anyone on its behalf tedo an employee of the Ontario Gov- that such time would be extended, but, ernment; andnif so. what is his post- on tho contrary. the commissioners on tion 't Is he the same S. T. Bastedo the 23rd of April, 1807, informed the _ ------_----#