The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Feb 1899, p. 4

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I "min the necessity of I p I _ , capital to (19.. _ . W , D 4 evt1oht,1,tt ',iye,tr., tt rewurces. and clos- not Mr. Simian-u indicating an inten- t I tion: J/li/h", elogluent- plea that qulcs- tion on the ft, Of the Government to Ivince shouldnge hie 830: of the Pro- tux iinanei Institutions. he objected dinary discusai page atom] the or- strongly to it on the ground that " ' Mr. Stratton WE: gl, agility Slth1te.: gi',',t',,btt gigs: tax on levery business, on the conclusion of his ver l D- e nee. eac one of whom deli y e.oquent has to use the banks, who will make ' verance. t . . 'up the amount of the tax in increased I The Amount Was Interust. _ Lugergstr.' tPt,', loan "companies 1rpel » 0 ene natumiltu'rnanner, a- l Mr. Stratton afterwards referred to 9. ing up the public accounts. Mr. Krlbs '; criticism in The Mail and Empire this f criticized the salaries paid to public oth.. morning, and of which he did not corn- lcials, which, he contended. were too tttttin, to the ethict Ihr! when reply- Iliigh,. and should be reduced by 15 per Mgr to COL Matheson S'oharge that the cent" and the Ministers ought to com- ma" "riml tit. the Government from I mence with. their own salaries ', this., the Dominion was subsidy and not in- t would effect a saving of $150,000, and i terest he did not give a complete an- 3 wipe out the .defieit of last year. swer. I . Hon. Mr. Ttomr--woutd you reduce I Col. Mathetmn--r did not say " was a I the members' indemnity , subsidy. I said it was a loan. I Mr. Kribtr--1 am willing'to commence Mr. Btratton--We will my a loan, and take it oft my own. the members then. And I replied that It was interest. l, i should commence first on their own My hon. friend has great confidence in , 1salaries. Continuing, Mr. Kribs con- the booitireepintr at Ottawa during the f tended that there was too much money recent regime, and the some system of l . spent on the AtrriSu1tutyrr.Co.i1esre. for booking is there at present. I was go- I the amount of work-that is being done, ing to ask him yesterday if he would l and also that It the money spent on point out to me in the putslid accounts I colonization roads was handed over to any particular Item which would show the municipalities much better roads ' gill! amount to be a subsidy or a loan. would be the result. ow I will read, for the satisfaction Motion. of my hon. friend. for the satisfaction Notices of , of the House, for the satisfaction of the Among the notices of motion are the country. and for the satisfaction of The following '.--- Mail, the following letter from the Ot- Mr. Thompson-On Monday Next-In- tawa Department of Finance: quiry of Ministry: il) What was_tlie "Sir,--) have the honor to ene'ottu reason of the commission inquiry Into herewith check No. 'i',964 in your favor the claim of Gaul &'Sons ? (2) What on the Bank of Montreal. Ottawa, for was the result tif the Inquiry of the $60.000, trerntr a Payment on account of commission '? (3). Names of all WW0" interest due your Province. (Applause) , employed by the Government in con,'""'.: This tTproo1rmue,pm:iunt is arrived at tion with the said commission inquiry I' as follows: Interest on trust funds for (4) Amount paid to each of mid her- two Years to June 30, 1898, 8335 212 " sons ? (a) Total cost of the said com- iess amount already paid. 8140.000, and mission inquiry ?' (6) Total revenue re- C less interest on approximate debt; bal- ceived by the Government from the I anc'e, $1,700,000, at' 4 per cent. fur two timber on the territory in dispute , Ci) . years." ("been-J _ Dates showing the length of time oath I Mr. Stratton-Ago my hon. friend will of the persons employed by the Govern- see that the statement I made that ment was actually engaged in work in , 11118 $142,000 that we considered in the connection with said inquiry '? i receipts as interestt- WM the interest on Mr. Whitney-On Monday next-an- .the $2.848,000. and. that this $60,000 was qulry of Ministry '. (1) Has the Govern- interest. as I said to himself yesterday. ment appointed a. Crown Prosecutor at . Mr. Whitney-Who signs the letter ? Fort Frances 't (2) If not, has the Gov- Mr. Btrtuton--W, Fitzgerald, As'ist- ernment any intention of making such ant Ptt.ryty Finance Minister. an appointment , Col. Matheron hold that Mr. Fitz- i gerald's statement was extraordinary, [ For Open Vot nc. as the rate of interest mentioned was Mr. Pattulio, North Oxford, has not the rate decided thron trrthe tru.,t given notice of his intention I funds award. i to introduce several bills. The 2hr. Whitney-The writer acted under first has for its object the I orders. prevention of the use of the ballot in Mr. Btratton--He is a. Conservative municipal councils. The Wardens areI appointee. and carrying out laws pass- , now elected by ballot, and the custom l ed by the Conservative Government.! of electing omcers by this means inl (Applause) township and county councils is grow- I . . lio regards this as ov-', Opposition Will Co-operate. ing Nr Pattu .- .. posed Co the principle of representative . , hm. Kritm assured the Government. government and desires to prevent its l t at the would ha he -o - , cont nuance. ' . "Mien 'l, the 'lp'l'd,%tlf, 31621:; $3033 Another bill which Mr. Pattulio will which might be made to develop the introduce will prevent municipal coun- mining and timber interests of the oils from granting bonuses or other aid Province, He relented Mr. Stratton's to manufacturing industries. whether reference to Ananias and his plea that by exemptions from taxation, free wat- the Provincial otBeitut, did not require er 'll fgit ld,'l'tt;othere theae are under mun c p co . . I" close watching as hon. members of The third measure proposes to extend the Opposition demanded. and in reply f M C . , bill f t , quoted the case of an official In the the scope o r. axons o wo Waterloo Re lat Office wh had a des years ago, relating to the election of I . IT a township and town councillors In towns iicit of 86.000. Accepting the remarks

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