elated and bidding fair to be . a I _ 60 throughout the Province. in Tit,',',',' ' Hon. Mr. Davis. in reply. stated that I , municipalities there is a strong desire the output in I". was 982.87: pounds! 1 4 expressed to have a body ot auditors and In IM'? 1.518.". pounds. In ism-3 ; 3 appointed by the Government and paid no binder twine was manufactured { by the municipalities to replace the from a variety of causes: first, be- present township omcials. The idea ite cause of the fire, next because the pri- l to have one thoroughly competent man I soners were employed in rebuilding the to audit the books of each large count . . shops and constructing an Improved i or several small counties, in fact 'd iwaterworks system for better prott-c-i ' group the different municipalities so as 1 tion from tire; and, thirdly. because of to secure an etticlent audit by an in- I the increase In the price, of raw mat- i ( dependent body of skilled accountants orlal owing to the war. The tmanutac- ' whomwould the under the control and ture of binder twine ham however, been i, i won repor to the department Ir T - resumed and will continue. The con- ' I ronto. There are. says the "$091102, tractor pays 82 1-2 cents per 100 pounds l, ' 'pa'1r'lvd"i!i1h',",'i'lt/l, p50 andHcmi in re: (iart'eil ttie) thoi tho Gorernmcnt furl t "$888 on. is own - 2 RC ncry. inion is that at least another v33,- Mr. Carnegie inquired: What is theI should intervene before the present number of students who attend iiiil systeqn should be interfered with. Be- Western Dairy School during each of sides. there are many highly competent the seasons of 1897 and 1898 'l What municipal auditors as well as those not is the total number of students who so qualified.. But there is no doubt have attended the institution since it.', this suggestion. which has been so 'sVc'i.R opened ? What are the fees of frequently urged of late, is worthy of cat-h student ? l favorable consideration hy the Gov- lion. Mr. Dryden replied that the ernment at no distant date. number of students for the season of . Among the audits which have been 18's? was 27 and the number for 1898 was made under the instructions of the de- 210. The total attendance since the open- T 1tt'.1',T"..?. during the year were the fol- in} of the school is 98. A registration Td',"tt"-sra,.ysburs, T hi ' i fer of $1 is charged for residents of On- . . owns '-. a.) " _ , . fielt of $1.335 55 found m tho 'townslhp: 2.3333" " for non ft sidents for the accounts. which has since been made up Att' \Vhitnev asked . Has the G n . F - . " ' . .-- ' . ll '- 'ti', t,tl"i, 'l,i',",i'eT,'/e/.:, iRt appeared not, ornment appointed a Crown prosecutor t Kee in . Th hu ' at of bad book- _ at Fort FrancCs '? If not. has the Gov- of i'ld audit "320;"? t e municipality. I ernment any intention of making such j . " Town of 1nyer?.t11-etrrPltt.i,foy,.t.,a,', l "I,'),',','.""?),'.'.""'),:,, replied that m" l I :it11fititosr.iU'g, tifteon years back. Cost i,' I Crown prosecutor has been appointed i I o p,y,',.1iu'i",e so}; T f '" [ I at Fort Frances. The Government has l "this 3.23. ".12.:3333 its: £223.15: ' I tho question ttttder consideration a. to T i that a balance 'or" 83.80% in was due by I Llt'th" one shall be appointed there or , 1 the Treasurer. who duly deposited that I ' . l amount to the credit of the township. Motlcns tot' Returns. Cost of audit $82 25. . I Mr Jess . . TI . .. .'... , . ssop (Lincoln) moved for an 1gi,"?p,/fs, ii.',i/e,tTt,riAat'i,l'r'.l',',a'/t""J' an?! Order of the House for a return of I S,', ', Yr,"', f "'0" '5" a .,l.': f"" ol 'i. 1 copies of all correspondence between Phe Treasurer has since resign-rd. l . b t th c, Fgh t d th Town of Niagara F'a.ils---The. niunicip- I an) mem er o c. yournmen an e ality lost over $1500 last year through i License Inspector for the County of the -bad bookkeeping lit' the foymer Lincoln and any other person or per- Treasurer. The 'mw Treasurer is iii/did 's, sons. referring to or respecting the al- ing the books crcditably. __ l leged connection of the inspector with ', West Zorra--An investigation lusting t the kt',',',",",',"',' Of cigar; y',',yy/,f,a,,c/1s"c.t over six weeks resulted in It report .pea ing n suppott 0 is motion,.Mv. that a balance was due from both the a ""950." said he had been requested by present Treasurer and tho late Trea- i .tho "gar srta't'e,mf,"ue,'lt'i',' of Esthcmhar- surer - Innes, 323 Te: SutheN: n:l. . mes to ask t e quest on o t e Gov- $88 87. Cost of she audit $443 'lf. A F ernment, as the inspector for the North t'oIchester--'rhoTrvasur'Pr was] County of Lincoln has accepted the is. defaulter to the extent of about! WWW?" ot misnager Lt a igrge t,.f'i'd $3.500. which was compromiscd by the r tnanu EMMY n t l? I? ty, an in V rtue Council for $2.500. No audit. i of his ofBce as Inspector of Licenses Orillia. Township-A defFit of $5.22 N t in the county it has intluerwed, it isl was found, the most. if not all, being a I l said. hotelkeepers R great deal in the, total loss to the township. Cost of l purchase of a certain brand of Cigars! audit 873 45. E The Secretary of the association Gil Informed him that he had written to' Questions by Members. the Provincial Treasurer, who replied Mr. Marter inquired how much bind- that he had notified or requested the in- F er twine has been made each year at "WOW" either to resign his position or _ the Central Prison during the currency to abandon the cigar business. The' of the present contract. Does the Gov- Inspector had not, however. done either _ ernment pay directly or indircctiy for At the request of Hon. Mr. Hardy t tu the new rope plant now being instal- motion was allowed to stand until the led? What do the contractors pay per . Provincial Treasurer was present. 100 pounds (gross weight) for labor and l \thn the" order for the second read- use of machinery in making binder ; leg of Mr. Crawford's bill to amend the twine , What are the terms and con- I workmen's compensation for injuries ditions of the contracts under which act was reached there was a brief dis- 1 rope is being made , Who' are the con- cussion between the Attorney-General tractors t and'Mr. Crawford with respect to f,'Jeg l a day for the debate on the secon reading. The Attorney-Gene'al intim- ated that the Government had receiv- l ti