, Walled on the Government. A. deputation of the Veterans of 1m headed .hy Col. Dunn, Capt. George Musson and Mr. Alex. Muir waited .11!" on the Minister of Education yetRer- day, to ask that the second of June be set apart as Decoration. Day In the public schools. The Minister, while sym- pathizing with the object of the Vet-' emns, could not see his way clear to declare that day apart for the purpose I but pointed out that there. would be no objection to the trustees making it a half-holiday if they chose. A deputation composed of Lieut.-Col. Geo. T. Denison, Judge Kingsmill. w. B. McMurrieh, QA?., Lieut.-Coi. Cosby, Frank Arnoldi and one .or two others . waited upon the Government to-day to _ lii,ii,i, that the salary of the Principal of Upper Canada College be increased from,:3,ooo to $4.00. There are at pre- sent 136 boarders' and 146 day boys at i the School. On Tuesday at 2 p.m. a deputation will wait upon the Government to ad- vocate the construction of a railway from Missanabie to the Hudson Bay. Opposed to Bonusing. Mr. Pattullo gives notice that on Wednesday next he will move a resolu- tion which; after' frecitlng the disfavor with which the tendency towards un- due rivalry between municipalities by bonusintr manufacturing concerns is re- garded, declares t r, c--- This House is "opinion that if in any such und tediy exceptional case special legislation should be granted. the requirements of the repeal provisions of the munici- pal amendment act of 1888 should be insisted upon. and that the hill should contain without modlthtation the ' following clause :--rhe vote of two- thirds in the affirmative of the ratepay- era who are entitled to vote upon any by-law granting aid to a manufactory or manufacturing establishment. or for lending money to such company, per- son or establishment, shall be necessary in order to the carrying of the by-law [ for such loan or exemption from taxa- l ftlion to an establishment destroyed by re. _ A New Members Manual. Col. Clarke. Clerk of the House, has . issued a second edition of his "Mem- bers' Manual." The new issue is great- ly enlarged and much improved. It con- ta-ins the practice and procedure of the Legislative Assembly and the compiler aims to give an intelligent outline of the Legislative procedure as the Leg- islature exists to-day. He makes no claim to originality in conception or execution. but frankly admits how deeply he has been indebted to the British Parliamentry authorities, from whom he has freely quoted. He has not sought to make a big book, but to pro- duce a short compendium of Parlia- mentary law which shall be of ready use to those for whom it is prepared. and facilitate any reference which may tat/it'"" to more voluminous auth- or s.- -----