The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1899, p. 2

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_ 1ele the otttEiti at ado iriiiriiFiimtrorr, 6 n new represbntation. and suggested . 'g,',tg,RiNi1t',l'g J'1'i'iiNi"gg2'e',tf . b that the bill be extended. The act tei sec our _ county was _ T nt- . .so far as it reduced the number oft ed he did not regard " serious. Apart ICounty Councillors was a good "ieiii-l from the question of economy. he ven- t are, but the system should be amended; tured to say that the bill has given so that each municipality might il'tl'lli'lll more general satisfaction than any '"re'""'t'"ion in the County I other measure 'making radical changes 'ounc . to the municipal act that has been be. Hon. Mr. Hardy In reply said that, fore the House for many years. t faults are always to be found in connec- ', (Cheers.) tion with any departure from any welt) _ I frtgbllshed rule. and perhaps the Coun- I A Startling Statement. I y ouncils hill does not differ in that ltir.?tc_t, from other measures. It was Mr: Whitney characterized the Pre- I quite understood at the time the meas- . mier 3 statement as most 1'ttuitlir1ir,aty) lure Wtu5 introduced that it was' prophesied that if Mr. Hardy would Imore or lem: an experiment. The call a meeting of his supporters and do i t id . ask their honest opinion as to the po- m nan ea in connection with the . druble vote was to give smaller munici- pularity of this law he would be the . most surprised man in the City of To- pdlities some protection" against being I . . ' ronto. If there were no complaints he outvoted by other municipalities. Witht _ . (Mr. Whitney) did not know what pub- rtgard to the beneficial results of theI lie opinion was He could take the At- act, there were scarcely two opinions in" "t"iG11rv"iiiiniiiii'i' to a constituency the cOuntry. He was safe in saying where the were everai LGlii'V it is beyond all question that the gen- cipalities "Ji which Shh Oli|ti('aiI era! opinion, both of the County Coun- friends . were opposed "to pit ItE cillors themselves and the people Ben' was remarkable how short a 'tlmeI erttliy, itt overwhelmingly in favor ot those people who three years ago had the change which has been made " said the act was iii-considered ill-di- compared with the old system. It was gested and inopportune had id wait for tiarcety necessary to enter Into a dis- their prophecies to be brought home. "WHO" with regard to County Council- ' Now there was a desire from the house ion or the defects pointed out. The of its friends to kill the bill's utility.! net works expeditiously', emciently. and The Attorney-General had said that the', I less money is expended than when peo- act In many respects prevented the pie were gathered from all parts of the election of men to the County "ouncil county dto transmit." bthsines; ', it for tmere party reasons. That, if true.I s now one so on e y t at t e peo- was a good effect of this or any other; pile of the county town hardly know law. and the mover of the bill (ill, t at the Council is meeting. His hon. acting in direct opposition to his leadcrI {pends had airways been divided upon in seeking to kill the only portalon of t e question o the double vote, and he :the bill from which any bene t had tMr. Hardy) was not going to object iaccrued. The whole trouble was i?) toithe bill going-tn the Municipal Com- I bill was not called for by anybody. 1t I m ttee, nor had he any very strong was neither desirable nor necessary to opinion upon it himself. He had found cut municipalities into two or three in counties that are largely of one po- parts and attach them tip other muni- iiticai complexion or the other it is to cipalities, rendering' harmonious action some extent unpopular. but where Impossible. The Government would Parties are evenly divided there would lnever have adopted such a bill had it not be so much objection to the system I been brought down irony-the left side as indicated try the opposition offered iof the House. l iting the case ot New to the bill by the hon. member for York State. he said the representation! South Waterloo. The proposition of the !could be reduced. as it was there, byI hon. member for Dufferin. he pointed irtry1",t"rt,tt.y.y? Iv, Reeves. The 00" "f: out, Involved the adoption of com- the old County Loam!" had, in an ab-i pulsory voting. a system which had "stract sense. been been y, but the people I been advocated but had not found .mevcr objected to the " a day paid to many followers in the House. and he Ithe l ounciilors. because the experience h i v .. - .ln municipal knowledge acquired by at ne er yet heard how it was propos , , . i d to k e ' . r Ithe members of the County Council, e ma e an lector vote fot a man ' l . whom he did not want to vote tor, and and wh ch was carried back to their he did not believe the system would; constituents. was of far more import- I recommend itself to the House or to theI ance than the small amount of.moncy . ' which they obtained as their daily pay. country. With leapect to the division He chanted that the law had the ill of the counties, with rare exceptions' effect of drivin d tgit' bl id , .- thcy had been accepted as being as for Reeve Into 'tu"fa",?l, encahd {mtg good as could have been made. In the county ("when and t"/d"/i'ie'rtfl/',f III: 'ileftutohn, ofWardens it had been found iiiFii and mwhghtps were being m._I t a ere was occasionally a tie, which . t . Ta la . _ Iccntinued sometimes for several days. 'styj"1'sl',r" wg111Jevgehartttif,i,evrid,l, That was perhaps to be deplored and! the bill if he had not said so. He be-l regretted. and that is perhaps one ot! lieved the law was rapidly becoming the weak points which had been de-I I unpopular, would be repealed in a short veloped in the working of the systemu Itime. and. therefore, he would not re- it probably lmightt not t' a iff theiii'I (tard its dissolution. vere a snge vo e, an ere ore t gouid be a question for the Municipal His Latest Outbreak. I ommittee to consider whether it is of grttmeiettt importance to warrant a ShMr: J,Wdir, quoted from IP..) ay.t1o', change in the system. A member of i on at t e commitralonetauin leld- ' . . ng the municipalities should have had ' in. Council, it would be generally re ard t til tt' found, regarded himself as represent- g o e assesse value, popyy ing all parts of the county and there- tion, etc. He had tptytedpnuirs' ittto , ' F -. how some (>th 1htt1ett"i't, made. and was informed {at W "timed i

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