The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1899, p. 3

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_", ,i,titit1i,t'ajrtr,ttitrgst . _ 1 T , ""' _ l ___ . "r"'"."" n a vote our" "he _ 5 _ in evory l g". at the sumstion of the tattt inspector in the country. . _ . minty Councils. The commissioners. Mr Br ower said there were a ntmr. i i in following thtt, ttdvice. had mlsun- her it teachers with pmnits 1erEtdin' T - i _ derstood the special grounds upon County who had no schools and a mum ' I 4 which they had been eteeted. No County bar also who had _ , _ t "mm." had, however, expressed disap- Mr Ross said he would inquire and b. . ? 'lite,',; and, on the 0th". hand' If"? l see if the privilege was being used " K I , M expressed opposite y, ews. " s el, the hon. gentleman said. His own im- - _ i r. Whitney calling the County Council l pression was that there were not three SEI' i l a school. he said he did not know that I ermlts In Elgin County and he would It . I 5 the school system extended to grown- g i d if th ' e two The - ', l no men. nor was he aware that the] 9 surpr " ere wer . - . ) _ bill was withdrawn. T, school system goes to the extent of pay - l C I I intr scholars $3 a dav to attend. It: Mercantile Assessment f, was a new outbreak of his hon. friendl _ , 45 in respect to his educational polley. Mr. German moved the tNsei,tte1 rem.- cr,, (Laughter and applause.) Ing of his bill to amend the assessment! i The bill was sent to the Municipal act. and in doing' so admitted that the Committee. bill made a material change in Ute ox- lstlng law, but one that was. Ito. eun- - Out of Order. tended, in the t,tt'i'I'f, of the 't't'briic i . , _ ' . , _ . . .. generally. and soul ve an equ. a. P. r , i I Mt; it?" ford moved the tMM 23d read- assessment of mercantile businesses. i ', 'J/UL Uh.: :gfflate P. over i The bill was permissive in its nature, l Hon. '5"... Hardy iiiiiiea the point of: and he thought should no to the corn- , , order that the measure was in fine nai-j g'/t/ttt,,'.or discussion and perhaps moo. ' ture of a private bill, inasmuc as t,' j . . . ' i" _ dealt with one matter only and lappliad; b/trut,),'.",',,',?';,:',',",,',',,,',:",',',',']",.','.' due _ ., E 1"hneu'g,tlreevhtg'a',epcoil,v,to,e.1eri "up. i tended to depute to the different muni- ihr,.' , en 'and the order was discharged Fiiil I clpalities of the Province the power to 5 '4' ' " . l make a special law to suit their par- , C, bill will have to be reintroduced as al 1 l l lit H did t . t "d . t iprivate bill if it is to get a second read- :;:p::t "fi'd {will Selieviggr t'lli1vot"f,uf, =" us. should be a uniform assessment lax? _ I Mr. Brewer's Bills Withdrawn. Hon. Mr. Hardy admitted 'hat the _ Mr. Brower moved the .seoory1.rtyt- ', b1evlhao'u.mTJt"nttsQgtr'11,tt1,2, It _ F' Ing of his bill to amend the education! would be best to let it tro to the com- we ttct by altering the representation on, mince. where it could be thoroughly Fl' the Educational Council by the adxgl-i discussed . , F ~13? tion of three public school teac era. r.I Hon Mr Harcourt reminded the a Roen explained in detail the method! i House that there was precedent for the: ( F T ' adopted in selecting the council and the ' hill in Glasgow. which was probably Pc, , 1'rnotret,tnot, t"i'e, 1'tg'2tl', "that". ii)) the best governed city in the world. ' ' Do n ou e cu on a wou , _ _ ' _ follow proportionate representation of! The bill W" then read a second time t . the public. and high school teachers. At: and referred to the committee. it be- ill i _ the present time there was a represen-l ing understood that the house)?" nut " g tative of each university on the coun- committed to the princi e. _ er-; . oil, while the hitth and public ttchool Mr. Brewer moved file second read- . teachers are represented, although not ing ot his bill, which has for its oft- ' * "ht" trtatute. This year " promtnent: Jeet the relief of municipalities from imam" ot the, i ity of Toronto repre' frivolous and vexatious suits tor dam- i Benin the public school teachers. and 9. age arising out ot accidents on the ": lirri;iiiiii;ilt teacher in the C'ity ot Lon- pubTic highways . t 'e' idon represents the high school teach- Hon. Mr. Hardy said the courts had ', P.rB. The "a" before a prominent one on from time to time and strained [whom inspector represented the inspcc- ghe law as 'atrainst the municipalities , tors. The proposed amendment would and in favor of the plaintiffs. until the :disturb arrangements which had work- municipalities might he regarded al- _ ed well, and. as the bill would serve no most as insurers against accidents. It good purpose. it was withdrawn. . the interpretation of the law k, it . i tr. Kidd's bill respecting county , ' , . . d M M l . bill . stands in correct, then the act goes fur- buildings an P. _ utr e , W' ther than was intended. The bill might 'tT,t,C,'l',', tthe 1"g,1,',itott, municipal Audi.. g" to the Legal Committee although ors wen o comm ee. . ' " ' I Mr. Brewer moved the second read-l V tte,Teet'iee,i"tTe, clauses in it to which he ing of his bill to do away with the ', Th . - _ granting of provisional certificates to! ' Mr? i'll'ogg,'g,e,',,"/-t,tnhg'.et"gg,'1tit,t'i,m teacher? a'e,2n1ifi'i'.,tgtt dthatt, the?" to make it clear that municipalities ') 'iff, 'i7h)'/i'd' y org anthe l, .20 - Which have established waterworks _ t tat il' e 'Ross in re 1 s- '/? 3'" systems may furnish water to adjoining I men . r. .'V'p T y, al e municipalities was also read a. second inspector could not give a certificate ti and referred to committee without the approval or the county 'Ati' House adieu ed .. Board of Examiners. the other two m . _ A members of which being teachers were North Toronto's Separation. not interested In multiplying the num- Tl . f . V. tf Ill her. The withdrawal of the primary "N": 'lf/g/e: essrs. w. J. H11 l T certificates might cause a scarcity of (E 9; Y a" ', "if!" John Richardson teachers which the county boards of an? -0." y nlro:1uced a, large depu- examiners would have no means of th "d Composed of representatives of meeting if the bill passed. A number e outtty ot York and Town of North 'an years ago there Were MO ot these Toronto, resrpectivtriv, who desired to permits: last year only 40. or a less lay their views.before the Government average than one for each of the 81 »;l;wreference to ttttpreparation ot the i

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