The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1899, p. 3

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I calf. the ltr/r,', " and the t'ff,','2,'i l note ram Dan ad done much to r n t TP, discredit upon the agricultural interg- l Mr. McLaughlin Mites Poetry. , u ests of the Province. As a reprenent- Mr. McLaughlin (Con., Stormont). attire. of one of the newly-settled con- icongratulated the Government on only ftritttencies he expressed hearty apprnv- having one Minister without portfolio. I ul of the mining laws and Crown lands F whereas at the last seRsion they had l I regulations. Referring to the attempts two Ministers without seats. He lapsed l . made to defeat him, he indulged in some. into poetry in speaking of the Minister- _ -' good-hiimored badinage at the expense inl bye-eieetions. Tho poetry tlea" with a't of Col. Mathcson, who invaded Amount , a man with a very red nose, a friend of 7% and made eight Spent-hes, the result be- Mr. McLaughlin's : "It was only a "ly" init that for each speech the hon. 2011- i brandy blossom, upon his face so fair i '? tleman made his (Mr. Parnell?) one hut, oh, what money it cost him, to lr Jul'iiy increased by 100 "it". , paint that blossom there '. " (Lauuiuem "How many did you have I"' inquired "And, oh, what money it cost them to Mr. biotin-son. . Ret those two seats there," added Mr. , "i ran give you a thousand votrss and McLaughlin, with Very dramatic effect. F tht n I'll beat you by two to one." was fie was highly amused by the speech of _ tho retort. amld cheers of the Gosirtt- the Provincial Treasurer, and he told! a mi nt supporters. Continuing. Mr. F'uv- the House why. Then he criticized the; f Veil challenged the Opposition to show management of the agricultural farm} ', I that a single dollar of the money Voted {It Guelph. hut he would not t'ritir-izei for colonization roads has been im- the administration of the college proper. _ 'iivaei-iy expended. lie congratulated in dealing with Mr. Ross' educationaiI the Government upon the wise retrnia- policy Mr. McLaughlin triumphantly: lions which require logs to be manufnc asserted that if there was one thing tured in the Province. As an iilusti'a- more than another which had helped to ', C tion of the benetHlal results of these elect him " was that policy. The Clit-; . regulations he iiistanced the case of an position applauded, but the entire; American ttrm which in tot-ttUU. years House laughed when Mr. Ross remark-l have cut millions upon millions of feet od. with a quiet smile. that Mr. M?" of logs and floated them across to their Laughiin could not have. stated it ac- mills in Michigan, and they had been curatciy. Mr. McLaughlin yen! on to hopeful while the Washington negotitl' tind fault with an Item'of $1914 of un- tions were proceeding that some com- authorized expenditure, a.n.d.aci'?unttd rv'omise might be arranged by which for Mr. (onmees skirmishmg in his _ they might export their logs. Hut now recent speech by the ffft,llyf, he serv- thot that hope is almost en- ed in the 8th New York l avulry under tircly gone he had not the Major-General t uster. The (.overn- s'ightest doubt that mills will .hp ment, he said, should immediately take From") on the Georgian Bay or Lake the House and the people into its t'on- "drop. and the work that was formerly tidence and tell them what they pro- done in Michigan will be done by Can- l 82:? to tax to meet the 99""3590 tev- muons. tCheers.) He expressed plea.- . M . _ sure that the hon. member for West it'll?! Ite:',',?,',?,.') had the "m" "bk"; Flimco" had endorsed the regulation pro- I Mt "um N JourneU. hibitizig the exportation of logs, and Notices of Motion. ( was also favorable to compelling tho; I tr,anufrtcture of 3pm", logs into pulp in Mr. Powell will on Wednesday next ' ttu Province. Respecting the assertion ask for eopies of all communications _ that to prohibit the exportation of pulp- ll hiclt Ituve [Ni-Ned between the Domin- wood would be an Injury to the settler, I inn Govirntttetat and the (lorernmeiit of i he had been informed by Mr. Clrrgue, l Ontario in reference to the abduction of Manager of the [urge ptiip mill at I an Ontario, man .numed Meagher by " Sault 3,... Marie, that he would be PW" t'lih'hilils oti'it-er of the l'nited States. pared to "tttep into a bond lo Rive us Mr. Dryden will on Monday next in- niticb for etel')' void that is cut be- "Witt" " bill "rnouinp,r the eluviiie tween Port Arthur and Sudbnry as any "WW-"3' ttrt. Aiiieriean tirm will give. He was as- | Mr. Fox will on Monthly "PX! ask for sored that tho Hou.ue and the people I Copies of C0rtistprmi'uuwo, with referent e "mm! K1", the Government hearty to the appointment of a Police Mapiis- Stiltlmi'l in " policy uhich would secure trat'e'i;f Lindsay and the salary to be tttit t ttt. , for our workmen the employment t"; be I Mr. McLaughlin will on Wtuluosthty htcineu1 i,Cy,.i"1y,ry't)ylr"r pumwoot ICI.-, next inquire ot the Ministry to "boot, to'pulp. I) ',y'l",1/yy1',ityyyyyy,11- hi when and at what prieo certain lots friendly with their cousins to the south, in the Township of Mai-mom "wink sold, tlttvy wanted to demonstrate to t/yy..t.t. whether gold was discovered on any that they are. able to stand upon their , of these lots and hy whom, and did'one It". and that, while willing to 1'ltttl Mr. Miller report on the discovery of Upon principles of equity and fair play, I gold on any of said lots, by "hom the they are able to work' out their own discovery was made. and what was thi, (it'lllly and build up commercial in- date. of his report ? I terests equal in importance to theirs, if N . i not so great. In conclusion he advo- Private Bills Committees. ; cated a liberal policy in the encour-l playor William Sutton and c,. w. asement ot railway construction for the " ells, QA?., appeared before the Private purpose of opening up and derelopink' Bills Committee yesterday morning the millions of arrest)! tine agricultur- I in support the Tbili to cottsoli- al land which await settlers in north- date the debt of -the town om Ontario. ' ' of Simone. Thvye is a de- benture debt of $35,000. composed of the I following umounts:-Aid to woollen mills, $6,000; school debentures (2 ser~ ' his), $9,000: Port Dover & Lake Huron

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