The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1899, p. 3

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were five wholesale licenses, and the gentlemen Sitting in the House repre-- . total number in the Province was 22. senting Toronto knew very well that 88 It would be seen that the bill concern-- there have been transactions in the city ed city municipalities only, and no oth-- in which there had been paid for the : ers. license and gOOd(;WI:" five Itlhom;aund a}?ld | nsc 14 dollars, an e could assure his Brewers and Distillers. ggg Triends that the imposition of this There were.67 breweries and eight dis-- iuncreased fee _ will not _ operate , | tilteries in the Province, a total of 75. 10 cut off a single license | The pill was so framed that the amount in Toronto, there having been paid in | paid would depend upon the money in-- actual _ transactions . in _ Toronto| vested in the brewory and distillery. '(-ight times the increased feel Th'fr" i8 :Ffl l".":".'.'ri."s. \'\'hic]! o o y the Gm'crnr;wnt asked for a li--| classed as small breweries, and 'it was | . isc 1 * th I not expected that there would be any cense, --He had not discusse C | increa far -- : » auestion from an ethnical or moral or, ease so -- fa1 as they _ were 1 & concerned. As a matter of religious standpoint, but purely from fact, out of all those small breweries the standpoint of revenue,. The total! only one brewery had suggested to the ' receipts from license fees this year Department that the minimum fee of | were about $275,000, a reduction of $50,-- $250 was too large, and in that case the | | 006 or $60,000 compared with a few years owner had explained that owing to| ago, caused by a reduction in the num-- special circumstances it was not con-- ber of licenses, which a good many peo-- | ' venient for him to pay the amount that ple had welcomed. T ** [ year. The new scale would be a grad-- | uated one, and the amount of increase Fees Paid Elsewhere. | would range from $150 to $1,000, depend-- | ing, as would be seen by--an exzu'nlna-z He compared this with the rewenue Ki the amount in-- from the same source in Quebec Pro-- tion of the bill, irSapideith is vince, where two cities alone contribut-- vested in the business. ed a larger revenue than the whole of Distillers. Ontario by $80,000. Albany, Buffalo, N q F & Ne e > ~ i & rp a i On the same lines the Qistlllorws \"lill: i]x(l('((\':l'(;:D(l)fu?\:}\;:'t}\lmt'h((:nxi':vo\:l(uze g:t?lin(}i | pay much larger sums. T h"f'" . %h,.i:-h from liquor liconses is many times that of them in the Province, two of whic received in Toronto whvre.the licenses are smaller dis"]l""m'd[:';' (:,(u:g?'}':,::- are also lower lhan' in (;lh'm- l"rn\'ln;"x.:! o .fféan,?eu::l{',,i:;t;ée'(.f::;g_ 'l?hv fee they of the Dominion,. Comparisons with re-- :\l\'lill be asked to pay will range from | spect to brewers and distillers' licenses $750 to $4,000 and upwards. "All told, it !n'uthor Provinces could not be so eas-- | ' is expected that the result of the bill as ily made, as they were not {faxed on the A concerns distillers will be to increase same basis. In Que;bec_' the tax is upon C the revenue of the Province to the ex-- the rental valus, and in New Bruns-- tent of, say, $24,000, as concerns lh«*} ' wick there is a lovel tax. The progosed brewers to the extent of Slfi_mm'. and as| I fee for liquor licenses in the Province ccncerns the tavern, shop, \\-nnle-?'ulo ' was also compared with like fees in the and saloon licenses, by in the neigh: States of Ohio, New York, Massachus-- borhood of $65,000 or $70,000. | etts, Pennsylvania and Illinois, disclos-- | What They Will Pay. ' i:u: the fact that the fees in all these s gt states are much higher than those pro-- é The wholesale licensees in cities of posed by the bill. .In Quebec, whtle the | 159,000 will hereafter pay $450 ; in the tax is twice as large as in Ontario, the second--class cities the dJicensees will Province gives back no part of it tr; the hereafter pay $400, and the wholesale municipalities, whereas Ontario gives | licengees in smaller cities will hereafter back one--half to the municipalities, IHe pey $350. The result of the ?"", i :4'0 held that the bill is not an immoderate s : -- & e cities sU--Cla Sss c 6 5 i s ("l"u\:o'ntn? lhe»glh-»-nw-vs will pay $300, in '-."'3' one--third of lh('- licenses are a*fect-- ' the next class of cities $250, and in the 'V'I at all by the bill, and that in the smaller cities $200, and the saloon li-- ;'l'"n:]"ll"nf l'huse most integ'ested, name-- < censees will pay $300. The total increase ']-"- .( e 200 license--holders in the City of ' as to the wholesale licensees is approxi-- i "_'f'"l". they will be glad to pay the | mately $3,000, and as to the tavern increased fees which the act imposes. licensees some seventy odd thousand "'l"wmi) . I dollars. 4 ' _ The bill was then read a first time. . Mr. Matheson inquired what the tota ¢ i j | fee for brewers would be. The Revenue Bill. | Hon. Mr.: Harcourt in reply pointed Hon. Mr. Harcourt on rising to move ' t ovut that the increase would range from the first reading of the bill to supple . $250 to $1,500, according'to the amount ment the revenues;of the Province i'.a" ' invested, and in the case of distiHers received with C'i)\fel'nlxrmt cheers F);" it will range from $750 to $4,000, arcord-- days, he said, [bpy-had")f'un (lIE('{lqsix'lg : ing to the amount invested. the financial conmdition of the Province, Fees Not Excessive. Hfl(l' it would therefore be wearisome were he to say.much upon that subject It might be said that the exactions ovr enlarge much upon'it ; but he desired are larger than they need be, and Mr. to make two or three observations in ; Harcourt proceeded at some length to which he believed is hon. friends O'DDU' discuss this point. In the City of To-- site would agree.. First he desired to ronto, with its 200 licenses, he was in a obgerve that there has been no waste of © ' position to state, knowing the facts, public money, that every dulh;r f 'that if there were 250 licenses more to money appropriateéd--has been expendéd be granted to--morrow there would be for the purpose,for, which it was voted. | ' twices250 people anxious to pay the in-- Large, expenditures have been m#de. * feased fee and take out licenses. Hon. *

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