The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1899, p. 7

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e e o oi 'Telegraphs"and Teleghntnes:al Express companies .. .............~ 6,000 "« * & \tax Natural gas companies ....,..... 15,000 92 .As o 1elesrnpH compainies. thet. bPrust commpaniles ..... ......... ©; 3000 would be one--quarter of 1 per cent. on Life insurance companles ...... 42.00) 'the paid--up capital . According to the _ Other insurance companies .... 17,000 test information he could get, the paid-- FLoan companies -- (pemarent ' uyr capital of those'compfahies was, say, [ rlcapital) ..... s2s2. . e.yl....2¢: -- 24,000 $4,375,000.. . _A telegraph company own-- | Loan companies (terminating) .. _ 8,000 7 ing a line that was worked by. others MStPeet Tailrays ..... ............ 19,000 would pay a tax of one--tenth of 1 pér iRaaIlways receiving -- Provincial | cent. on the paid--up capital of such $fi 1 aav.i o eniynagnte * * company, except where. the company, | And from the license bill, ap-- owning the line was already taxable.| | PrOXImMmALEIY . +..:@.¢«.+«+++>, +. 100000 'The company Ope:atin? ;)rpwozi;innts ':29 ' Mr. Whitney's Criticisms. f line would pay a tax o er s = § $ r. Whitney said that the Provin-- | on insait 45 Capital as. 10 ones 'clal Treasurer had ventured to make Telephone companies would pay 4 | D a ai Di Itlo sixth of 1 per cent., and the paid= arguable an sputable propositions, *+ and had represented certain capital, so far as he could learn, was statements as> havinlg been . utier. in the aggregate $4,000,000. | ed by 'members of the Oppo-- * ieg. sition upon a number of questions ( | Natyral: Gas Compantes , under consideration. To these he might h Natural gas companies would pay a have replied, but, having regard to the, tax, and also comp&}z)\ruelgl which trnlx;s- sefl(;:llsnesiq (l)f tlfle present :utbji%c& he mitted gas across the agara or De-- wou refrain from any detailed re-- tlt('il Rivers, whether they produced it marks. 'The magnitude and the sori-- or -- not. Companies -- producing gas ousness of the propositions advanced 6 ar. If by Mr. Harcourt were such that no "l'(m(l.?,mml::;' f,';o,?gm"?ed yeasr well member of the House would be justified duced as it would . pay in discussing them without delibera-- ertgt ay s ons 1 8'2000 0 ever tion, and in a spirit of the highest re-- an . additiona Nxz . i & gard for the welfare of the country. company transmitting or transporting The Treasurer's propositions that after-- ) gas the tax would be $2,500. The re-- noon comprised the whole 'inancial his-- mission or reduction of the tax would tory of this Government for % years be permitted in the case of the smaller past, and to--day they hadi simply to companies which produced only for do-- consider the fact that owing to the ac-- mestic purposes. > tion, and in many respects the non-- Express companies, two of them pay action, of hon. gentlemen opposite. with $2,000 each. -- Pullman car companies, regard to the financial interests of On-- two of them pay a similar tax. | tario, they had arrived in this free Pro-- i | vince at that stage and condition when Founded on Equity. 5 almost the herrth--stones and the win-- In conclusion Mr. Harcourt again re-- | dows and chimneys were to be taxed. ferred to Quebec Province, where for To--day by the confession of hon. gon-- years similar taxes have beon imposed, tlemen opposite themselves they wore ' aggregating in a single year $780,000, of face to face and struggling with direct which $194,000 came from commerctai taxation. Eighteen years ago The i corporations, and 329'.000 from imanufac-- Globe warned the Government that the turing lhndust'rles. Since th? act was in ma]xltnlllmtn ufl uutlayhhfid been re;c%:edt. | force the tax on .commercial corpo:a-- an( at unless a halt were called a | tim:s has"ag#@regated $780,000, and that onee the approach of direct taxation, ! on 'traders $348,000, The principle of then in view, would be much shortened. | the bill was, he contended, be-'#ultatb':e 'Ilt' ;tl:gn%p{):g:g;rz iv:'ex{;en?\ft?f;reat)e'dtgz ' and would to some measure obviate the & > C t great irrltatlm}]and @'ssatisfaction and Provln('e_ th?)'? might -1()ngratulfate ' N Hioter hom Te met tat C rea o Hampie d arinos s t ted States from the fac a > rei P , y » Af en o mm sns ie o . e an minisen in nol & of the country, 'while the personal pro-- | Dr l't' 1 was that t gan ho h P MA esith. pavye onl) nngsre portin;hot :)}lll? ; 2(1 ":'19 fi;:nci}:l w(;mt of nuccez-::;rel (0; }vealth. o B (ml"- en € i the Government was the very man who is in the right direction in its equity fixd char 0f the Anances of tha Pro-- and fairness, in l.-he_hdistm'butlon ?f thf; v?r;co ge e e s Ire State burdens; it has--th> merits o * io y truth and justice on its gide, and every th'g;"'a ":_gg(i'rt'ofor the first reading was member must recognize that it is a gre * measure of unusual ir{'lpurltan;:e. every | Dairy School Students. * section of which will b» closely exam-- ; Replying to Mr. Carnegle, Hon. Mr. | ined. He insisted that that examina-- | Dr\'d'ell: stfm:--"The numtir'of students tion and criticism shohu!d be aside from who ~aftentiied. the Bastern Dairy party and with regard to the weal of e the nation, and in the interests of the whole people and not of any particular barty. 4 s _-- Revenue éxpected. | w In reply to Mr. Matheson, Hon. Mr. Harcourt stated that the approximats estimate of v--.cnue to be obtained by { the bill was as follows:-- ' ~ Tefié'g'fqph companies, something | hndor ...::. 1: w8 + vis~>+«+«+..« $H1,000 Telephones, something under .. _ 7,00) SIeEpIINX CLCS :. ... ..«>:« ... ..¢s««~ 6,000 " _--%

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