The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1899, p. 4

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so ~7 | not fear the Toss of rental. If the Can-- the 'desirability of the terms of the 1 0 in adian Niagara Power Company refus-- contract being fulfilled. ed to go on and develop there were|! One might not take such a roseate *other companies that would. There | view as the people in the immediate }0- was room on the Ganadian side for two | cality; but, on the other hand, it was ant * in 9 00 | \ sible e that the deve-- | companies, each developing 200,000 | Impossible not to see -- | horse--power. It was possible to develop | lopment would be of the greatest gm')d * o | power at Niagara Falls for lm!'.smi_*-; to the locality of I\iagzu;a l" a"-"."llf;tt sion in profitable quantities to Hamil--| it would: inspire new life and cause | ton and Toronto. At present (-l(-v(rici much prosperity. l energy was being transmitted to .H}lf-:' The Monopoly Clauge. : faro, and in Mr. German's ():)lnlnlli | | transmission to Toronto could be pro--| He believed. Mr. German and the p2o-- | | Etably accomplished. ! ple of Niagara Falls themselves were | » not so much concerned about the can-- The Premier's Reply. | cellation of the agreement as about the Hon. Mr. Hardy said that the (':uv-! cancellation of the 'm'mm_ptrnly ("l':I.!?:ia".\'l) | ernment was in accord with the resolu--| that other companies might come Il.l.' | j anv | The clause of the agreement on this | tion, and, further, he agreed with many| s s is l-)f the arguments which had hbeen pre--| question provided that "the ('Hnlnllh-' | se n'p(l t ,.'le'l ;]1 # \' lil '" ble speech | sloners shall not grant or cunfgr upon l 'nied to the House in the able sp any other company or person the right | of his hon. friend from W eltland, | If j to take or use the waters of the Nia-- |! | at any time there had been any differ--| gara River within the limits of the "'"""' of opinion between Mr. German park." When the second company tirst !;'1:t|kllllxlsc=lf o;- the ('.n\';n'mm-ntl :'n' ::"'f asked the Government to permit """"' | Park commissioners with regard to the | to g« 'oug '.par nd empty the | powers which the Government had un--| \"'u:'v-)mth(l)f) ':,}?v"(]';:'zinlrikl?ivir n:h) the | | der the agreement it had not boen from| Niagara River the Government con-- | any want of desire on the part of 1h"_' sidered that was using the waters | ;'"in\'t'rnnn-n' to see power developed at| within the park,' and the courts sus-- Niagara Falls as rapidly as possible, or| tained the conteftion; Forfciture of " to see that the company performed ih'.l the monopoly cl@@se <would not neces-- | full duty according to the letter of the| sarily imply forfeiture of the agree-- | contract, and in default of so doing| 'ment, although It was not at all T 7t | that it should give way to some other tain that 'the company would be will | company which would take its place. ing to act upon'theone without also | The Government, however, were in the ;",m,ix".lf'.g the ,"thl'r' The .'"""f""",'"";' position that they were responsible to 3"""('\",'. n'lu.~.t' _b" ,'" u"l")q"")." if E the Niagara Falls Park Commissioners. ('.' e "l!hm 11e SnCliot ho aboligh t Six hundred thousand dollars of bonds monopoly and to» take advantage 1 of which had been 'i\";l't'\] (_",im_u(,(l and every (:l'nmrtunlty tending Luwu_rds that guaranteed by the Province were in ond. N6 company had had its time, the Hands AF" veeebra prend t\ or would have had its time, after the ] ine hands of the purchasers, and the operation of the contract, whatever it lll':Q'i'PS? upon these amounts to some-- might be, expired, and if it made ds-- thing like $25,000 per annum. The 1w-nt-l fault it could not complain. The state-- al received from this company, which, ment of the Canadia@® Niagara Power for brevity, he termed the -- Rankin Company to the Government was that Company, has met that interest, and| it had put in machinery capable of 4e-- without this rental up to the present veloping 1,000 horsepower. The sur-- time the Government would have been plus power of the electric railway called upon to ask the House to pro-- company was 700 horsepower. Theso \ vide for the intcrést from Provincial statements Mr. Osler assured the Gov-- | resources. The Government had, there-- ernment were correct. _ The company fore, feltsomewhat solicitous --that was flli"nlsh'in,'.," power to the extent of | when any step is taken cither to force 500 or 600 horsepower on the Camadian I the company's hands or to deal with| '\Tm"' Dut: it TE NO »usitive in ho the company, so long as it was n-n--l statement that it .('mxhl supply to the ce ,'i\l)l'ill,&' to go on with the work '\'1!]! 'ix'l nt. of the fld(hl!ll,'l'll ]'"'") horse-- had not forfeited its agreement, that it | frio onerey "Ppel Ooal nended cléc B & & thi tric energy, on the usual terms. Mr. | should pay this rental. Beyond tha:| (Lerms y is Pri t /A as _ 3 a ¢ --erman and his friends did not agreeo and on that side of the question the| that the additi ) nOrSBDCWEr Government have had no feeling | was thepe Sorert e i ONnh . Homsopowet ® EOlicitude (": The « 1.1 ...'-'" '~ mng, no W am: there '\\.1.'.1131;.: for those who want-- felopment at power, hewere,. antris, l taneg ,f" en 20.000 horgepower | was |;|': Ch of th )"n'~ w .lti\.'\l'!. anothe 'l talked ')f'll wias, he hvln-\'_n-d. double anel ( e case arises, and another the quantity that was used in Toronts, gquestion is presented for consid ,»;![i.,l,_] including the waterworks, electric rail-- ways and various manufactories. How-- ever, the Government as well as the country at large would rejoice--at the possibilities of development at Niagara Falls. It had been hoped that the Judges would, when the question was submitted a few days ago, have com» to the conclusion that forfeiture could t:;kv place immediately after the ex--* n'ration of the ist of November, 1899. i Phey seemed, however, to have left it | an open question, and perhaps anothor case might have to be submitted upoin l J that point.

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