The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1899, p. 4

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ment policy was 'likely ~to be this ses-- Cls emmoueattunos=rasonttion Went & litt!e sion, he would 'w|t114dra;v t}\e tlisso}l\:- 1 2] too far. The only exception which that tior, trusting at some time in the E resolution made was in case of fire, ture_fm' an unanimnu's expressgion 0 | although there were other evils just as opinicen from the House.: 7 disastrous. He did rot think thore The House then went into committee could be any doubt in the minds of on the bill to further improve the S;(lin any who carefully read the amend-- Jose scale, which was passed and stands ment to the amendment that the ma-- for third reading. ; ! Jarity reterr(td to there was two--thirds Second Readings. | of those voting. If a thousand came out and voted yer, and only 25 voted Mr.-- Garrow -- moved the second nay, the condition specifie@ would be reading of his bill to amend the mun-- casily met. . Clearly, however, it was icipal act, which provides means by never intended to open the door as which any ratepayer who has paid for a widely as that. Mr. \Whitney had said local improvement work may take sum-- we must not be Jeprived of our free-- mary measures to have the work kept dom; we must not be muzzled. Who in repair. The bill was given a second did he mean when he spoke thus ? Mr. regsding, as were also the following W hlt_ney further declared, "Does nct an moeasures :-- individual vote away his property. and To amend the prisons and asylums why should we be any more restrained inspection act--Mr. Davis. than the individual °"~ But that was To amend the public, libraries act-- not, the spirit of the municipal law. Mr. Ross. » The system which provailed under that To amond the munieipal act--Mr. Gar-- law: was one of limitations 'as to bor-- row. ; rowing powers, and it was, sought to To amend the law.rospecting the lia-- p_rote(-t the rights of minorit:es. There bility of trustees--Mr.Garrow. would always be found in every com-- To amend the act respecting wages-- munity sanguine individuals animated | Mr. Garrow. ?'3"'\"51'2;'"&"):'tf'\"l')'; "';h"l""""m_ Sf'?'j" | _ Respecting the closing:and sale of dis-- to ithe future 't"' v;vl se l"}- t')"*'"'%{ | used cemeteries owned: by municipali-- léaving to ((m.hnui:iieim:II;':t'llg; t.n:z];])}- ' Uff'"'"r' xm ons that debt which they never would be The House adjourned. « ;ldb'l\f' tgu}r')rz'lgl.lnd!:xh'im'yxmm".r: "]\ til}lt .'-h" sills Arituodficed. ~+® de; municipalities with limitations of their right to run into Mr. Auld's bill to amend the Ontario debt ; and the cry was -- for greater | tree--planting act engables the Council limitations and ~against opening m,.E of the township in which a police vil-- door, so as to prevent ,,,{mi(.n'm"m,s lage is situated to vass a by--law bring-- rolling up millions &f debt. Mr. Whit-- ing into force the bonus clauses of the ney was not correct ih saying that tree--planting act so as to enable the when the hbill to restrigt the bonus-- bonuses for tree--planting to be paid granting power was, introduced it was out of the funds of the police village. a conspiracy againgt the manufaciur-- Mr. Pardee's bill to amend the ditches ers. 1t was not a Government measure and watercourses act enlarges the de-- and the petitions it support of it were finition of the word "owner'"' in the act not inspired 'or sought for by them. so as to include tenants for life and The measure was introduced by the in tail, or for a term of years not less late Mr. Balfour, a man of independent than ten, Also declares the act to apply mind. and who h"l'l'"U' strongest views to the drainage of lands for mining, on this question. He "formulated his manufacturing and other purposes as <('>'\\'n regolution and his'own bill. The | well as for agricultural purposes. roverinment were 'li\'i;lt'( )0 a | Ar. M M seuge ¥ ds question, and Mr. Hardy }}im':-If"m«t»]\"Q-i Natural Go# Men. Complain. ed a _('nuph- of resqlutions in favor of | A doputation representing the On--! relaxing the restrictious which Mr.| tario Natural Gas & Fuel Co. waited | ];:dlf()lll' proposed, and lost them. ()n(:i upen the Government this afternoon | of the amendments: was to substitute arnd complained that the tax levied up-- | a three--fifths for a two--thirds vote, and ! on natural gas companies was exces--| § a second that where there were m;mu~{ sive in comparison with the imposition | facturers of similar. commodities --al--| upon other companies. The deputation | ready established they : should not be | were introduced by Mr. German, mem-- : called upon to pay part of the bonus. ; ber. tor Welland, and consisted of | That. showed that it was not any at-- | Messrs. B.. B. Osler, Q.C., Eugene tack by the Government upon th(\" Cosgte, D. A. Coste, 8. Rogers .;["t},') manufacturing industries. Mr. Whit-- | Queen City Oil Co., and Donald McGil-- \ ney was simply conjuring up a bogey. | livray of 'Port Colborne. John A. Auld When the vote took place there \\'orn% member for South Essex., was aiso pre-' neariy as many on the ('nns«-r\'ati\':-| sont at the interview. The spokesmen side stood up for the bill as there| for the company were MessrA Ofley were. on the Government side, and | Cogte rexive p s when the measure went--through there | ts Ne eenauAandt Oe . Mr." ~Osef was noe'division at all. As settled, the | Siaid .""' eoipany had spent on plant ¢ » C ¢ > s House was unanimous upon the bill. | and m'.lm_l_mm: expenses up to date the The discugsion had been usoful as| sum of $750,000, 'The net earnings in C h ew I Thrk Ne ; p o ces 8907 were $59,000, and last year $66,000% showing the weak points of the bonus tAE ns N system, and the results which follow There had been a shrinkage in the sup-- the adopti ava'\n PRhang s inic i ve in old ply of gas of 60 per cent. A property ption of too rigid a policy in re-- i £f this % e 'as Fard. to the grantiig of bonuses. Under : of this kind was short--lived, and it was at . i l orly fair that the owners should, if the cireumstances it was perhaps hot-l oc 3 t f o s pessible, get their capital back and a er that the resolution and the zmnnrl-| i falr retur n ¥igd [ ments thereto should be withdrawn. o tlh«ltmn beslde's. .'1 ( e t.'}xsol:\ o 'h';(")h Mr.: Pattullo then said that, ha\'ingl On s company was $7,500, w he&rd what the trend of the Gnvern-l 4__---------_--

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