| Second Readings. e« 000 or Téss, and the sum of $65 on every ' The following bills were given second 1 2 4 | additional $100,000 or fraction thereof of | readings :-- | paid--up capital."* Tt is now proposed to | Respecting the Town of Orillia--Mr.> add to this clause the following:--*"And | Miscampbell where the gross profits of any U'U'f Respecting the Incorporated Synod of company are $25,000 per annum, or over, s MaFk + ~Pene ? 3 5 the Diocese of Toronto--Mr. Pyne. | such company shall pay a further sum snn fimig he Sault Ste. Maric & . per annum of $500. The interest receiv-- lA"'!""""','t" l,,'.l" ','", n ags r--Mr ed by 4 trust company from the paid-- Z!,t"fi';:'n Bay Railway Company--Mr. canif: # > ra anv. whin a y nariton. ll:.l-) ;(,:l\'l:.':;l,!']'_",'llh,;!(,':',lf";:'l,?v'\;plt:h,l,;ll:],'.lp:.l-}: rT" ('nn:\'.;li'l;xh- \['h.(' &\Jdl)t' of the Town | s of this act be ?"""*"""" NS Lr0u8 m.'mt\"", "AJ 'I.::;i::*l("ltlil::r"ilhn-.l:-'.u:l.ll under the mar-- It was at first proposed to tax tele i ag * % /A t n ar | phone companies one--sixth of 1 per "'1'5':@ settlement of Mll'h'-"]' Raymond cent. upon their paid--up capital. The s '?""" ,"fl:"""m'!f',\"" ",',"j proposed tax has now been reduced to ,.'\(.'\'.w(.""g the ( ity. of Toronto--Mr, one--eighth of 1 per cent. * ',;"\\1"'.(1' m $ 5 The maximum license free for distil-- ' """"'""l""'-"f',' ?Il" l\'l"'"t". Lindsay lers at first contemplated was $5,000 & Pembroke Railway Company--Mr. where the amount invested excéeeded l",',x' P f $150,000. The $5,000 fee is now to apply cCn "}"m."'] the i . eomonaling. the | to breweries where the amount invest-- :»mnh's Falls, Rideau & Southern 1'.:1"-, f ed exceeds $150,000 but is not more than ® ,',y Company "".1" Matheson. C lr | $400,000, and a maximum fee of: $6,500 'A"'l""')l;l"'lili" the Haliburton, Whit-- | is to be imposed when the investment :.'\If'h;& Mattawa Railway Company ---.\h'd ' excceds $400,000 in amount. Respecting the Township of York and | Bills Introduced. to incorporate the Town of York--Mr. | Mr. Matheson introducéed a bill to Hill. amend the electric railway act. The To confirm by--law 'No. 740 of the measure <provides that when a car County of York--Mr. Davis. } comes to a draw--bridge or swing--bridge To amend the act to enable the trus-- it mitst stop for suflicient time to al-- tees of the Canada Presbyterian Church low the conductor to ascertain from the in Usgoode to convey parts of the bridge--tender that it is safe to be cross 'I ('hu_rvh lands to other trustees for a ed, instead of--stopping for the full three | burial ground--Mr. Guibord. mihutes. | To _incorporate the Thessalon & Mr. Leys introduced an act respecting ' H'r::nd Portage Railway Company--Mr, municipal and school elections. It pro-- }'l"»Y well. 34 vides that every person proposed f"|~, '\ 'I'u 'efmuml the municipal _ act--Mr. an office, the holder of which is requir-- Macnish. ed to have a property qualification, !,, To amend the assessment act--Mr. shall on the day of the nomination or Taylor, on the following day,or, when such last-- | _ Mr. Russell moved the second read-- named day is a holid; ¥. then on the | ing of the bill respecting civil en-- succeeding day, file in the office of the gincers, R Clerk of the municipality not later than | Mr. Hoyle objected to certain clauses §=@'clock in the afternoon a '""""[,\J which tended, he argued, towards form-- } declaration that he possesses the neces ns ", tiose "'".p"ml.'"."' He object-- sary qualification, and in default of so wl'l.u '?f", --'l.'m.sw requiring L:'r;--u]yuh-s of coing such person shall be deemed to :::::'\.:'t'.'\m,fl\ to undergo certain exa-- have retired, and his name shall be re-- | "'.I"lu(n::." W. Ross express i moved from the list of candidates, ;n:-ll de ,Q' 2 .lh'lt .th" '" N'_'\. '.'\,p_lp'"'.'] sonfi-- shall -- not be printed on the ballot ed 'm ,"_'_" C j _""'\" was not dispos-- papers. | the l ' 'l' an y In".lhl"'t" which had Bills in Committee ie appearance of exclusiveness. It * | \'wvAllltl not be practicablé or wise to re-- The House went into committee up-- | quire that ordinary works of q*ngin.ml'-i 6 on the bill to consolidate the debt Hf' "lL"lHH!-'l'lllk"n by municipal ('""n""'\.-l the Town of Mattawa. When the bill j such as road--building and the .\'.nu'.lx-r' was before the Private Bills Committee | h_\'dr:mln-_ operations, should be carried permission to issue 30--year debentures out by civil engineers only. The bill ! was refused, but Hon. Mr. Gibson in might go to the Legal Committee, | formed the House that a strong case where the objectionable clauses could | had since been made out for an exten-- be eliminated. hjul) of the period, and at his sugges-- Binder Twine. tion the clause was restored to its or-- | iginal condition. . The ratepayers of Mr. M'"'""" inquired : What were the Mattawa will therefore be able to ";'fh receipts from the sale of binder spread 'the 'instalr.ents of repayment l\\'m«: manufactured at the Central Pri-- over thirty years. Son for the twelve months ending the The following.bills were also passed s0th day UfVSn'bt('Ynhr-r. 1897 ? through the committee stage :-- _"""; Mr. Davis replied that the bind-- Respecting the Town of Smith's Falls m' tw ine was manufactured under con-- --Mr. Matheson. l'l':'u'-t with tho. Government which re-- } To illl'nl'iu»!';lh' the Toronto Western ;;l'\ t"l-'i\. Certain ;"'llnl for the labor of | Hoespital--Mr. Crawford. | '~'|l»(ld l;:\'f';'}""l& The binder twine is | To authorize and confirm the amal--| i:lih 1"«-s'txl'I -t;n-'"}urm:tml.r "'nd". (.5.;.-- gamation of the Toronto General Trusts| are ?ll'lfl:')\'«('l CHo | as 10 _ _price which Co. and the Trusts Corporation of On--| Before : ]f U," -"w ('"""5"'."'"" to tario--Mr. Pardee. | prosseqO iijOurning Mr. Whitney ex-- To incorporate the Bruce Mines & Al-- ' ln'l> ~i(n tll;:'i',-flh]'.:](;-t-tq h;'!(l;(ll:'Q.ltn)h":':r\ \1\1.;!"' | men s a i rey ar * I . 7 € ® C Y C auve ce gama Railway Co. i l?h' bills a stage when they were reach-- 1 ed on the order paper. If members |