glate Institute vufcd inltrll,e!'!:: shall be obligatory in the ordina branches of an English education, here-- inbefore -- designsated as . the general course, and in . so many of the other \ courses mentioncd in the preceding sub« _section of the trustees of each Hizh [ School may, at a special meeting of the i board to be he'd in the last quarter of each academic year, deem expedi-- ent. 4 Rouge River 'Bridge Again. The fight between the Counties of | York and Ontario over the Rouge River ; bridge, a section of which is in Pick-- ering Township, is to be renewed in Committee of the Whole House. Hon, | Mr. Dryden has given notice of his in-- | tention to move to restore the amount i to be paid by the County of York to | the figure which was inserted in the | bill originally, $2,000.,,.In the Private i Bills Committee %hq amount was re-- | duced --to $1,500. *~~* ~ l r License Commiissioners. |*. 37. i The following I.t[iceufie,Commlssloners l have been appointed:-- / $ Carleton--John'D. TLindsay, John Mc-- ; Kellar, William Relly; -- | _ West Kent--Jan}es,}--Iolmes. Thomas , Brady, T. B. Dundak. j | The Cycl)" Rath. Bill. ' Mr. H. B. Donly, Secretary of the Canadilan Wheeltien's Association, te-- legraphs The Globe ag follows :--*'"The Stratton sidepath"MA?t hgs never been , considered by the G.. W. A. or by the | Executive of the association. I believe iflmt it has the cotuntenance of the To-- ronto district officers> of: our organi-- ; zation, and that Mr,; Howson, Chair-- i man of the association's roads and } touring départment,' also favors it. Per-- ; sonally I think that if passed at all it ; should be given an experimental trial : in some one county, wheére cyclists are ! numerous and well organized. T doubt |if the ordinary rural county is as 'yet | ready for such legislation. Further-- 'arore, I question the wisdom of at-- ltempts to separate the interests of | ecycelists and the general public in the | erusade for reform in the construction iand maintenance of our highways." | f uentomnmmmnnmmmenmeasenee se memmammmemen