The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1899, p. 6

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(ithat the Govern % s ment is seek C i [ mthe 'nge the revenus in o rde'rn%ot(:n ;Zt gngl':';yfl?ung under control, and de-- we ' 15 noés resulting therefrom they object had reaohe dmunlclpa)mes. Then they 1 (3 l Mr. 1 Referring to the statement of duti thed out for the succession «) .) . Matheson th es, and now ho ¢ be red at expenditures should low n. gentlemen come L f UCed, he a g o 0 down with a new scl h ~ | to show ppealed to the records It did scheme of taxation. 4 PPOved\ rthat the Opposition had ap.- caus not follow, he argued, that be-- C A not 2 pnf-' o(},l,]te (etf(ngndituros in detail m;,,;fya.tbagk IO; "';Ompfln)' is making A ing been . of the expenditure hay-- it shotic o taxed. Th objected t & penditures should, a o e °x+ :1§Ved that the couné)rybi;eg:-'t;?'- H"?i be-- duced, and he'l)ellfile'h(;] (t;;ntonded_ be re~ | [ , the action of the Gov y endors-- fFairs of the Provinc at the financial | | | respect to the ('"nqpnglnernm;;nt with niniStared by rovince could be so ad-- ) gi'r,t and his sugt-roqhti'(l)r'l ?ff'ltoih()u{f tilmi were in l")\;'?'r fl"lt' ?Dl)f;f]'lti(m ir thes | States would in f € e United S *penulture .. as to allow increased adians for a trea future come to Can-- xpenditure on agriculture # / N treaty upon the m; s tion withou ricyulture. and educa~ warmly applauded. : e mattor Was Opnposition \tvnttl:lodr"}?'de t{tl'(:l""n' o Th It Is Direc power, ask the people b rusted . with MF. Wwhi Irect Taxation. administration u.w)vple to jJudge their tacked ":etr(x';;y'u! a vigorous speech at-- ples which he ask ':1 1thf*'s.-1mp '?rm"' . the mythic ;nm'n'ment apd referred to judging the exist! c 0' beapplied~ in ed did m)tansu.;mls, which he declar-- > ng Government. + a ow exist Ryever | urel 4 | 5::':,23(1 He desired to cl(:lr(}'e(r"te'hel'; }E:ld Hon. \Iry ;;'zlfusmess q oin | tax im and to assure him that if tt:; from a 'bu"&illp'q' is, in reply, discussed [ airact posed by this measure was purely 1 o Masg. standpoint what is a | i'The C t:}xutinn the Legislature h: a no! out thatUb'm"SS auestion. . He D"'n}!'d ' ' i Ane 11;21'21(;21 l'«\: impose it, and h.o ('::"'ft'""[;, tlon of th':fpl:')\"emflnflll]"'l'al u,dmmlstré,- r sh North Amer s ' rince has not bee | ient of the Provincial Tr .). e state. | past 25 years the (;"\"'l'll'{ e t ad | the persons affected l'l)' t}llodsnrer that | maintained a _ distinct 'wc'l:'rril feu | ltth with complacency, he E'L:)(;"tg?cep" 'S(mcy'"'hk'h had been that the ls;il');gi[lip('l | | thg (Y'110tn gontlemzm'\\v')um';{n dm\rf}f tif, qoiltlfx}' current revenue from the Te . | lnud'ag'do(t'] T«;mnt?1 and hear the (.Urqez, oSt Lfif)o(:\f tlhle 'Provlnce and the jm?,'.' een wit slatn ses | y ret 0 aps gf taxation h*\S\l\von"fii:fii\?}-lis s}-hemn' would provide rm\?:np'::'al investments F i's llmhtir'al friends his Sonc(.\'"fp' :," '.'Y' 'EJPGt the nxhendituré l)l?;ilmcjent L lcsm"}i" depart from him. The (-E,{L.lll"'| i e faclom this policy has bee t hsn s rat tp (Mr. Whitney) had react c ]u'." | ts actory, and the result h '; {)nost i rrat ; P iMin hc\t holoplsx of the Province 'lr]e( is 1.: 'Y,\g (.lo\vernmem had bt'ena;,bl G?n that illing to have this tax impose yR wov$ ride large .s a to pro-- | them. The "P;N\Lititn?\( n\x:;::.&.»d upon ?fmm the Ol'gli?)z;for the public service . sing, not the I'e{lqnllilb!on('e:'t" dihous | | ing the last 25 )'ga. expandifres. D ulZ sonableness of the t'l'(')(';.' or llnron-' :D()Hcy "'hl('? Aad JS by pumulng the principle _ of the | prop .iln'flbm 'h"' | Government h d been laid down the '\)\;hethoy- it was nm-pq\-f];.;.' «'In t.,llet%nn, | * sums for flw.iz:;':"xfiptcndf&d the following ace, ; 3 MHvKareatals Nopeor' ie 'st | % P and : re a iA P/)in(t g:sdt h« }}nnf pwl.-d] to discuss u:(l: :jhe people and the nlunicll;}.'u';g';ihf of frienas ."..h" )z' agreed with his hon n railways € 8 !---- 8, recede s N. () ; Fa'¥rbrr# x¥ 16 in aa%e 735.00 * is no nt'("'s',\'illfif 'ff:)'rd }t!;]"\l' that there I'Hb'l;'.lbh_c buildings ...... $ 2'1:::'000 of this taxatio e imposition Col lig WOorks*\....;...", a ++ '-"':"'00 people of this ln_n;-\':fi. _ upon the A 1_)'rziza(lnn roads k. ... 1,033,000 | The contention "f"' {hm !(l;lil,'! P"""h"?". 'l"f;v':]fu"ture rk +5 ++ +¥%'% ":..... :3,2:;0'1)()0 the past ten or twelve y U;"Fi(iml for 3'1:": :]'tld)p Ese in til. .. 1'--"6:;.4,'("}0 "f'"mcd by the r"wtqh.",;; ht"ld 'N")'n "wln: ning public institu-- 5,922,000 showed that o 1e i1 ONB L.l. ... .4. kss d r-- arrived at dti];.:up';f; ince is not only Hospitals and vh:xritie;"."" ]g'""""" AngRy long way al l\(;:\"":li-'n":-'n. but _ has Or a t im fl t :'xlfqlt«}»l: )"\;'zn's 1894--5--6 li;m-x'l- \\"-112.'1 lg:jr- The P;m)"tm Of.s.. :. .... .. x $58,760,000 ss Or-- annual. deficits _ avernems ; . members x ath $400,000 per year. T?'."t(}:],: r!\nrngl'('"r :"f'_{ continualtly (';iud()f"":( Opposition | | been made tuipo o t statement had axation was in si@ ut that direct and pon the floor of the unders r C »"ht- As publi n\ on the ,,thr_)r;n arit e House "; 4.'l|.u)|] Mreet taxatio .' public men '])p;}n denied. , and had never i::)v',)vl, this bill--did not h"nh.illl ""']'\'nrld . : on. Mr. Hardvy--On & ause, provide, f * ' elared amid : rLf ® h' Oh! der! He rec; or direct a x« ' "\(r. W hltn()_\'_ (")ntin"'\ngl PA Ord ¥. ]'Us"rtl'( llf::'l the statements rtfl\.llll))]. ]h'{,d never been denied '. 'F,!l:] that it ""-l lu.n 25 years ago that l'" the Op-- | who had a character to loze thar thans the Mowal unvas C ithin Averysate. if ?h;'u] not been three defici ose that there he Mowat Government we e years if : vears because th ficits in successiv llll[ the d|r.,/.t taxati t were returned he o Cbeddarsg & hey B2 e Wkes A x: h + | penditure within t'\hn(-")nl'].}:l.n"t keep ex-- .:(l'v(*'\u\ld'.'~)"'st ""-\"'!'-ihudm\]nvtt"'n, r('-fi'm""l | ing to the charge that enue. Reply-- peoy kers of that day, wt me of theit i had been cryin that the Opposition ople that the tax' 10 assured the is ying that "direct t: knock at t ax collector o | is near, he quoted fro n ixation" year he d'mr of every far would '11880, in which it w rom The Globe of _}:n to collect his taxes armer each time had gwene was stated that t "l clal, purposes.-- Th 'x-'s for Provin-- come to call a h h ly be dir at would und penditure, : x Bs a halt in the ex-- )e direct taxatt ndoubted-- upon the.;md also from "Bystand x-- bill provided for m"n. but the present same subjec efantier ' reply t i for no such taxs Mr. Hardy m: t. A speech ] y to the 'Asse axation. In ade at Er ch by tion t ertions of th l t ;md & .haif aso es \l'lnufumut a year | duuad}.m'\tht-hp];':XQ""'"'"""S should be re: } hl;r;'thg: proof that in t}nt) ;u(imtv?h as turns s';()\;"n;\tf {zu;m.q Brom.the r:;_ | en a deficit. Dur & y ear are the six at: the expendit he y ?}?&. %('nt'ipmt'n .)xnm«.q':];,'l',{l :ih" {!""'i')d | lstr:niox;m)szém')';':atl'\t services, au({riaiflnl: rovince the wep d </gp ominated roads Geyth ts stice, c 3 reaching out a;:E'l' hi;}. been gradually He *3 ini!{l';l"'"'"e. e(]uoat«i)(l;:'nxzt;)t'i]?)n sources of revenu grasping all the charities }ltlons, hnspitals' 1 e which they could in 1871, in which amounted . And e | in 1871, increased to $2,486 to $877,298 2,486,566 in 1898.

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