The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1899, p. 8

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® 1. o e t = Larenmarsswe eave nouee or SS rorpurthein seda) 101 H 'tention to move the resolutions rt'lil""% :}:;?; %?#h\?ng -blllewa»s adopted by the t r s and ; _ AALNIWE * ,tt)?htehr; ltlgf,':,s(ff,g,fvb'e"m' gistifiers it | iHouse it would only be fair to treat Mr. Whitney asked when the Senate| both companies ahke.d ith the under resolution might be expected | _ The bill was reported with the under-- ' Hon. Mr. Hardy was und'erfltood to | istandlng' that the Chairman's sugges-- 1 say on Thursday.. _' y tion will be followed. 5 The HOUK'!:( 3?' i at midnight | The bill incorporating t?}n W ortAh!m:- | se adjourned at midnight. . | ton & Onaping Railway Company was ; | Several Doputations. ' also reported. -- U -- Olvtmny deputations waited upon the, Fishery Overseers. ntari PvAxan: t a o rire 1 ing. w4 L'('lgfl:?,'?.')"t 3;95" rd??. ston The Ontario Government has made a & headed by Dlr II{;,Z':, t}:-:q\qlay(\nl'n;;qkuri number.of appointments as o;ersq}:m's. | for such amendments to the municipal Jnh:;]« Sn'lli'\:'u}': :?fttgh()LTl?(i T'rlaoS q});r:rr(]* < act as would permit the exemption from maila overscl C P Hroiain se aace /4 $ taxati En HIBVALOPS . Haray l and of inland streams, within the Coun-- I taxation of three elevators. Mr. Hardy iv of Elgin, at a salary of $100. Poter k informed the applicants that the hostl Y ho s thhar es aDpMntEQ _ Over t ' way to proceed was by way of a private Lamarche has been re--appointed over-- $ | bill SS RY NC id seer for the mainland in South Rssex io M gsalary of $150. John Stewart will| « i Mr. Stratton introduced a deputa-- at a salatl o ns o tion from the County of Peterborough continue to be overseert for Pelee IfiLand_ y who asked for a grant towards the con-- and other isl:;n;};nwl}hm S"'I')th\r"'('fe]'i on , f w ~1 % : y Feorge MceCa struction of the Chemong bridge in Te aneeae on Hetaa as oversser To : { North Peterborough. The request will has been selected as overseer for South | be considered Y t Norfolk, including Walpole and Rain-- | R * | | }{('DI'L"S('Htiltl\'G'S of the Natural Gas | h.aflzm-----' t | Company waited upon Hon. Mr. Har-- Private Bills Passed. | court and asked that a percentage tax o & on the gross earnings be substituted | The City of London had an innings for the specific tax now contemplated. before the Private Bills Committee this . i k o morning. First came the bill of the Abolishing the Close Season. London Young Men's Christian Associa-- es The Ontario Fisheries Department is tion, which was reported after brief P _ much concerned over the news that a discussion. The association is auth-- $ bill has gone through committee in the ovrized to hold real estate and buildinga % Michigan Leogislature abolishing the to the annual value of $18,000 for the ' close season for fish in all the lakes of purposes of the association, free from 3 that State. The bil\l is based upon a re-- taxation. All revenue producing prop-- {g commendation by Governor Pingree and erty (.)wnml by the association, how-- $ will undoubtedly be passed. It is of ever, is to be taxed. | x great interest to Canadians in the west-- Next came the act respecting the} % ern part of Ontario inasmuch as it will London Street Railway Company. The] * f prevent free fishing on the American bone of contention in this bill was sec--} i sid> of a portion of Lake Erie, the De-- tion 3, which confirmed a by--Jlaw of troit River, Lake St. Clair and the the Township of Westminster, limitin;;' Michigan Sault. The probability is the tax upon the company to $75 pori that recommendations will be made to annum. | the Dominion Government to take some Finding that the sentiment of the f steps to meet the action of the Legis-- committee was against him, .'\'..npn.,,«' & 'latm':*, otherwise by the maintenance of Helmuth withdrew the-- objectionable i the close season on this side of the | clause rather than have it amended. water stretches Canada will be mere-- en h 5 'ly presorving fish for the benefit of | Cornwall Cotton Mills. ® American fishermen. The b"l (»(t:nfirn',ing- a by--law and j f ids agreement of the Town of Cornwall Indian Point Bridge. \'\"ilh the Canadian Colored Cottion AMHiS Mr. Henry Smith, Superintendent of Company, Limited, met with bitter op-- Colonization Roads, was called before position. The company has enjoyed suc-- P the Public Accounts Committe yester-- cessive exemptions since 1877, and the aay to give evidence in regard to the exemption on certain portions of the _ construction of a bridge at Indian works has expired, but other exemp-- Point, Manitoulin Island. tions do not expire until 1903. The bill ; communmeniangym ~ i« rennensoy----eurame --=c--nenousmruurmunmemem was repo d. f Railway Committee. ported ' $ e Separate Sch: / s ' The Railway Committee disposed of separate School Amendments. two bills yesterday. -- The first was| Dr. Ryan, Mayor of Kingst that of the Hamilton, Chedoke & An-- | Ald. Behan waited upon the L'\'/llr?llzt(?l:g ' caster Electric Street Railroad Com-- Education to--day and discussed cer-- pany, TLimited, which seeks permission tain matters in connection with the to change its name to the Hamilton, working of separate schools. They made Ancaster & Brantford Railroad Com-- a number of suggestions, which may lp:'my, and to increase the capital stock be embodied in legislation. "Tal f from $100,000 to $300,000. Power is also | given to extend from Duff's Corners to Government Measures. | } through Ancaster and Brantford Town-- The Attorney-- dse c P e ¥, ships to Brantford, with a branch line otice 4 t Gon.( 'm,l last "i_"*ht gave ' dnpi -- notice of a bill to create the provisional k im Sulphur Springs. Power to operate judicial district of Manitoulin: also .'1 ' by steam was refused by the commit-- | bill to amen a rovertedsElectiof 1 "t tee. The promoters asked that the smmo; act. end the controverted election power to operate on Sundays given to Mr. Garrow will introduce bill r ° ' the Hamilton & Caledonia Railway | specting the s c revigp * re-- ' & ! Company by the committee last weukl pec & e office of Sheriff. 5 ibe conferred upon this company. | L i M c cmd en ooo

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