femema cmprnciniaracmnnenac mm n anman wnnaniwwions > en in m nemanannaed mt . GESEANDTHTTT T T mm WR Nn en per Chamber' and the popuiar body. | . That fear was shared by Bri-- hy b4 +# $ 4). % € / j ¥ M { a f ~Aish 'statesmen -- of the time, as :E B'ID'A'Y' MAROH 17' ~--the Prem{ier' established by quoting W K the opinions of the ~Colonial Secre-- | tary, Lord _ Carnavon, and _ Mr. 1 U Bright. The predictions of 30 years L had been verified by the Senate in its : recent acfion, and now the demand had gone forth for reform. Mr. Whit-- ney spoke at some length, twitting the g ', f Government with being the mouthpiece 4 of Sir Wilfria Lagrieér. -- He moved an amendment expressing approval of the $ action of the Senate in regard to the % #ormerchkn Jarot m rajrer . ® Yukorn and. Drummond County bills. Mr. Hardx's-....Resolutmn De-- Hon, Geo. W. Ross talked for two | * But o% hours at night, his speeth being listen-- | ""~~ bateck in the | ed with delight by crowded galleries. | g The Minister of Rducation was in his . happiest form, and his, deliverance was, . HOUSO. as usual, eloquent and witty and scath-- £ ing in its arraignment of the case ad-- | . vanced. by the Opposition side. Mr. is 18 M k beslesione. Carscallen followed, but had not con-- cluded when the House adjourned at 9 a midnight. HISVI\OR\»"'S REUUI{D Reform o6of the Senate. * s Hon. Mr. Hardy moved '"That in the opinion of this House the provisions of the British North America act respect-- in« the constitution and powers of the | Benate of Canada are at variance with R A the well--underatood principles of re-- Mr. Whntney $ Amendment sponsible government, and should be brought more into harmony with those 4R principles by an amendment to the said Eu'OngvS the Senate' act substantiaily providing that if the House of Commons passes any bill and the Senate rejects such bill and fails to Whteabssinbymmus Sfi pass it, or pass it with an amend-- ¢ ment or amendments to which +the ( | Touse of ('onm(xlons shall not agr;o and to which amendment or amendments HON' M:R' R'OSS REPLIES' the Senate adhcres, the Governor--Gen-- * eral may, by message, upon the advice f ~MH of his Council, convene a joint sitting aeol Etnircteline of the two Houses, at which the ques-- | tions in controversy and the final pas-- -- ' sage of such bill shall be decided by a Deals Exhaustively With the Olmo-l joint vote of the two Houses without + -- (i debate. Further, that it is the opinion : mition . Lender's -- Oritichins--NMK. of this House that the British North Carscalien Has the Fioor, America act should be so amended as to 2 provide that Senators should be ap-- _ f peinted or chosen for a limited term of l ow . o mmmmnmmmmmmmen m years only, and not for life, as at pre-- | sent." * Speaking to the resolution, the Attor-- y Parliament Buildings, March 16. ney-ngfr;;l gaid lthatthit d'? l;)nt enter' h $ 3 6 upon details, leaving oge to be work-- The fBSL, UR gr?at public interest is ed out by the Imperial Government, or I taken in the question of Senate reform some Oother proper authority. The re-- | was shown by the crowd that occupied solution, it wmald be noted, was divid-- | » 2. ture to--ds ed into two phases, the first Gdealing' ie g'?}:"e; C Coitee 1 o e e renngs * with the power of the Senate to block en the Premier. moved the resolu-- legislation enacted by the representa-- tion: of which he gave notice some tives of the people, the second phase days ago. Mr. Hardy's address in sup-- :l}?vlgg ;'fgard 'It'(l)w the a{'immltm;'ilg of > , im y El e Senators. e question had been port of the resolution was worthy of before the Country for & number --of the importance of the subject and the years, and was not new to the Ontario seriousness of the occasion. It was ¥l°"5e» h'tll'{"fi be@? tilntré)duced in 1888. . . k ie constitution o ie Senate was one :)ogica.l ;'nfl,,('omfh" i'ng, and supported of the most difficult questions which y an invinciMe arrdy of facts. He the framers of Confederation had to showed that--the--fear was entertained | d;*al :leth. Tthex]'le was great difference by the framer « + yMR of opinion as to how it shoul® be form-- feyderatlon r:h e :;lt the Canadian GCon ed, but it had been finally decided by at e constitution of the | a settlement--it could not be called a Senate was likely to lead at some time 1 mrln;t)rcémiset--it had been decided to ap-- y o point Senators for life and limit