nsm mm 0 ce rgeer O OO ie MF. E. A. Macdonald spoke in favor 'and _ would -- shorten Othe -- present of the bill. He stated that the Df't;"]'))"_ " route by ninety--five miles.. Messrs. Leia.dln'g; updtoMthe bfll('andns'g\"'f;'igh,f, | Fox, Campbell, Lumsden and White, mse essrs. G. » y | $ | a.ndsg. "%nl'rquhart was only a formal | : g:;)"l;t):lri?)n()tir:hgd;i{tc:gxsmo't(:' :;g ;')unllot\r\': | one, but that he represented the desire | ing gentlemen: 'Wny'or Murray, Sheriff | of 11,000 voters of the city. The Chair-- | Monfatt. Join D. Miler, Arch." Foster man of the committee, Hon. Mr. Gib-- | W. B. Russell, F. E. Fortin, J. G. For-- son, raised the point as to whether | gie and W. H. 8. McCailum, all of three ratepayers had any right lo '?)' S roke, "SHd Th To n raie. 'Warae petition, seeing that the matter was & ' »anI]{;r"f"'\\'a{Z J ?Y'n SH",NU{{.T P?:r«in subject of agreement between the city i;t t'lnt;'l' 'h'"" 4FX n ied to "be Y and the company. A desolutory dis-- 4 tA&tPL s at the proj« "' seeme o be 4 cussion followed, but the majority of | \m'rt}_p\ one, and the Government would the committee were calling out "ques-- give it earnest attention. tion," "question," and the question was uen en s put with the result stated. New Judicial District. Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill creating a Ju-- dicial district in Manitoulin removes a ' great deal of inconvenience and materi-- ally lessens the expense of the adminis-- tration of justice to the people of that district. At present the residents of Manitoulin in order to reach the courts at Sault Ste. Marie have to travel be-- tween 200 and 300 miles, and it can be easily seen that the expense in the snape of witness, fees, conveyance of pli:tnm'!"\'. etc., amounts to a very large isum. In some civil suits the fees are | so large as to eat up the amount at issue. There are 15,000 people on the islands and the adjacent coast, so that the Government are perfectly justified in taking steps to remedy the state of affairs that now exists. It has been set-- tled that one of the Judges now at the Sault will take charge of the new dis trict. A Sheriff and a County Attorney will have to be apopinted. The other mnecessary local offices are already in existence in Manitoulin. | Deputations Ask Aid. t A big deputation from New Ontario | waited upon the Government to ask for assistance for the Thunder Bay, Nepi-- gon & St. Joe Railway. The present proposition is to run a line from Port | Anthur to Lake Nepigon, a distance of | 68 miles. Mr. James Conmee, MP.P.. | introduced the deputation to Hon. Mr. Hardy and the members of the Cabi net. Among those on the deputation were the following members of the House:--Messrs. Thompson, Mutrie,Lu-- cas, Richarason, Campbell, Barr,Petty piece, Macnish, Tucker, Lumsden, Chariton, PBridgland, and Messrs. ITL O'Hara. J. A. Proctor, Hugh Blain, To-- ronto; John MCKellar and George CGra-- ham, Fort William:; George T. Marks, F. 8. Wylie, G. W Thompson, E. Coolidge, J. J. O'Connor, Port Arthur. | Mr. D. F®. Burk of Port Arthur was the ; principal speaker for the deputation. | By means of a large map he showed the nature of the country through which the railway is intended to run. ;The whole section, he said, was rich in mineral and lumber wealth. Samples ' of marble, copper, coal and iron were shown to members of the Cabinet. Hon. Mr. Hardy promised consideration of the arguments. Another deputation asked for aid for the construction of & railway line--from Golden Lake to Bancroft, a distance of between forty and fAfty miles. This, they urged, would complete a direct raute between Toronto and Pembroke,