The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1899, p. 2

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o o ion " creditors flling their claim 'the senwte's action in re Ender the creditors" retief act, or shar. 1 E. ' »cting the Yukon and Drummond ing in the distribution of the moneys D County bills, but upon a further | reilined D9 in s o int it ons in his! a Mr. Carscallen| execution, the amount of the incum-- amendment, moved by : Mr. { brance to be deducted pro rata from the this afternoon deprecating any change | amount which would ctherwiss be pay-- J in the constitution of the upper Cham-- able to the subsequent creditors. A ber which might disturb the equilib-- The Drainage Act. tium between the Dominion and the Mr. Ferguson introduced a bill to Provinces established at Confederation. amend the tTunmml dramatg: acti. mn C mt ts, it will limits the time to six months within Comparing the two a,mendmend }: | Whith the engificer As 'to male his a%. be seen that there--was a decided change amination after receiving instructions of base on the part of the Opposition. to do so, and gives the Council power Mr. Whitney's proposition, asking the |to appoint another engineer if the first House to vote approval of the Senate, | does not act. .scarcely deserved to be treated serlous; l Amendment to Amendment. C rvatives had at leas ty, but the (,ofnse * ment when they | Mr. Carscallen, in resuming the de-- some basis of argu % buate on the Senate resolution, desired } touched the question of the constitution lto withdraw his observations made on | of the Senate. Mr. Carscallen's amend-- |\ Thursday night last, to the effect that| | ment was defeated by a vote of 48 to 37, |the Attorney--General -- had _ unduly| and the amendment of his leader was \pressed the continuation of the debate | declared lost on the same division. The on that occasion. He had since learned same vote reversed procured the pass-- that the invariable rule of the House, age of the resolution and the adoption when any great public measure was { of a motion ordering that an address be under discussion, was to continue the ' prepared and presented to her Majesty debate until midnight at least. He | embodying the views of the Legisla-- hoped the explanation would be ro-- | ture. celveddin 'the same kindly spirit as it T § was advanced.. He briefly reviewed his Statute Law Amendments. remarks of Thursday night last, and, |I Hon. Mr. Hardy introduced a bill to continuing, he said that as a result of gamend the statute law. The bill amends the remarks of the (Premier he had the --manhood suffrage registration act looked up the records of the House of by requiring applicants to cswear to Lords, and had found that that body the different places of restdence during had not done anything more than to the three months previous to registra-- hold jn check legislation until such tion.. ~The district Judge is enabled to tiime as the will of the people was act on the revision of the voters' list in known, and then had allowed it to the districts where there is no stipen-- pass if it was clear that the public de-- diary Magistrate, and the bill declares manded it. It was the same in Canada. that the Government shall have power There was no instance on record where to appoint more than one local Master the upper House had endeavored to in-- ' in/a county ~or union of counties. In terfere with the popular will. The dis-- ' case of the illness or absence of a local cussion in the press, on the platform Master, & Judge or junior Judge or and in the Senate on the Yukon bill i doputy Juvdge of the county may act clearly showed that the Senate's action | | as local Master. It is set forth that resulted from their belief that it was moneys vested in minor or guardian a measure not conducive to the interest| f ad litem shall be deaned to be vestel of: the public. The Government had, | in' them in trust for her Majesty. Au-- advanced a scheme for Senate reform, thority is given for the investment qf and proposed to go to England to get it ecourt funds in municipal debentures. sganctioned.. He protested against their The bill further provides that any per-- 'going to England on every possible ex-- son who has been practising as a soli-- cuse, and on this occasion particularly. * citor Tor five years before becoming a 'there was no possible excuse to go to | barrister may be appointed a County the highest tribunal until the peopiec, byl Judge if he is of seven years' standing their ballots, had given expression to at the bar of Ontario, and that a per-- their opinion. In his opinion the Pro-- | eon who has been a practising solicitor vincial Parliament -- would be better | for ten years bofore becoming a barris-- employed in relieving the burdens of| ter may be appointed after five years' the people than in playing donkey en--| standing at the bar of Ontario. It gine to the Government at Ottawa. HeI also enables a Judge to be appointed gave figures showing that the aggre--| in counties whore two or more lan-- gate of legislators for the Dominion| | guages are in common use, where he was 746, far too many, and consequent-- 1 is conversant with more than one lan-- ly too expensive, he said, for a country guage, if he is of seaven years with so small a population. For himself standing at the bar. The use of affida-- he was not prepared to say that vits in the Division Court is prohibited some measure of reform in regard to if they are sworn before a solicitor or the nomination of Senators might not agent in whose behalf the affidavit is be advantageous, but not alflng the lines made. The bill permits the Division proposed by the Attorney--Reneral. In Court Judge to order a non--suit or d's-- \his (the speaker's) opinion the Senators miss the action; or to direct the JjJury * should be elected from constituted elec-- to answer questions of fact submitted 'toral districts of the Provinces. _ Mr. to them. The giving of a mortgage or Carscallen charged that the Liberal bill of sale on any part of the estate party had in all its history in Canada of a judgment debtor after the receipt been the party of inconsistency, and of the execution by the Sheriff shall that was the case with it to--day. To not, it is declared, prevent subsequent support this he would, he said, read the

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