(! Laugh! ' ton), T ney--37 i Nave-- F'Liiifhhh. Powell, Pyne, Reid (Adding-- |ton), Thompson, Wardell, White, Whit-- It was moved by .Hon. Mr. Hardy, seconded by Hon. Mr. Ross, that an humble address < be . prepared to hor Majesty the Queen, to be signed by the Speaker and Clerk of this House, em-- bodying the resolutions respecting the Senate of Canada adopted by this House this day, and praying that such amendments may 'be made to the Brit-- ish North America act as will carry the same into effect, and that the address be transmitted to his Exceliency the Governor--General for the purpose of presentation to her Majesty, and that a copy thereof be sent to the Secretary of State for Canada. This was ailso declared carried on the game division, and the House ad-- journed. f The amendment;was then declared lost and the resolution was declared carried on the same vote. The following gentiemen: paired :-- Messrs. Stratton am@t Reid (Woest Dur-- ham), Bowman ,and <Crawford, Smith and Tucker. j6 t * woeetel e O + id 'I9SL Nays--Auid, A:x'lesworth, Barber. Beatty (Parry --, Sqund), Blezard, Bridgland, Brown,.-%lurt, Caldwell, Campbell, .. Carpenger,. _ Chariton, Clarke, Conmee, <;IDm4vis, -- Dickenson, Douglas, Dryden.._Fapwell, Ferguson, Garrow,-- German, ;. Gibson, : Graham, Guibord. WMarcourt,, Hardy, Harty, Hill, Hislop, Holmes, Leys,Loughrin, Lums-- den, Malcolm, Mutrie Macnish, Mc-- Kay, McKeo, Parde® Pardo, Pattullo, Pettypiece, Richamdsom, Ross, Russell, Taylor, Traux--48.¢ 5s The report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands for last year will be is-- sued in a day or two. The area of crown l lands sold during the year was 59,231 acres, aggregating in value $60,353. The collections on account of these and sales of former years amounted to $42,-- 602 There was also leased as mining land under the legsing clauses of the mines act, 48,9il acres, on which, and on lands previously leased,ret amount-- ing ~to $63,944 was ~collected. The. tctal~ : collections of 'the depart-- ment on account of all sources of reve-- nue were $1,112,582. The total disburse-- ments -- were . $311,348. The -- total revenue _ from woods -- -- and for-- ests for 1898 amounted to $981,186. -- Of this, $159.698 was on account of bonus, and $§65,053 on account of ground rent, leaving the net révenue from timber dues $756,434.. There was a decrease in the revenue of this service as compared with last year of $345,953. Of this, $325,-- 620 was in Crown dues, $31,220 in bonus, while thkere was an'increase in ground rents of $10,886. * 7 The report draw# .attention to the: msny valuable whiter--powers to be found in the novtliérn parts of this: Province, and points'@out that 'the pol-- icy of the department is to rent these at a moderate sumy®n order to secure the establishment="o0f industries. The 4imber policy of the Government is re-- viewed, and it is 'stited that as a re sult of 'the prohibition of the export of sawlogs the diminution in the cut this winter probably amounted to from one hundred and. sixty to two hundred ' _ million feet Crown Lands Report. compared with theprevious season. I'ne export this year will doubtless not go in .. Bdb es . * Wrsufeur > hy es En 2 c E2 C c c 2 LC mE WSV 9 amount to more than from forty to fifty millions, madesup of fifteen mil-- liens cut on the areas exempted from 'the prohibitory regulations, and quan-- tities 'cut under Hst-- year's licenses, which were stuck h"the streams and in the bush.. Some fifty'milllons taken out this winter by parties who formerly 8 e vent Sar en ries She? c ooo C CARCE . 9V REVeR! PW EUTY! exported will have to be sawn in Can-- ada by contract elther at the existing mills or at others to. be erected. : No bad effect as a rosult of Ontario's pol-- icy has been visible on the lumber trade, and the lumbermen appear to be al-- most a unit in favor of maintaining the statvs quo until, at any rate, terms satisfactory to both countries are Aatr-- rived at. Concluding the report, Mr. Gibson says :-- "The effect of the.prohibition of ex-- port has been to matérially reduce the cut of sawlogs this present winter, and, so far as can be now seen, there will be from one hundred and sixty to two hundred million feet less taken out regarded as being destitute of timber of --commercial worth--has immense rorests of spruce, which timber is daily increasing in value, and it may well be that the region will in the end prove our most valuable possession. Bearing this in mind, and remembering the ability of our merchants to exploit markets afar when those near at home are denied us, the people of Ontario r«ed not fear any stagnation of their timber industries." P Further changes in the Government's general revenue bill are spoken of. It is proposed with respect to loan _ companies that where Aa "The lumber trade appears to be in a healthy condition, as prices have stif-- fened, and the demand has been very active. Whatever may have been fear-- ed as to the result of the action of On-- tario, no bad effect has been visible, and the trade now appears to be almost a unit in favor of maintaining the sta-- tus quo'in Ontario until, at any rate, terms equally satisfactory to both countries'are arrived at. The Future With Us. '"'The Ontario lumbermen have come to regard the position with a feeling that the future is with us in respect to raw forest materials. We possess l@rge quantities of white pine, which is daily growing more valuable, and it would appear from information in pos-- session of the department that the Tindson Bay slopc--a few years ago xemyp Revenue Changes. iJ 4