* P emeeaeeaee OO on i of munici-- |rean" reompany . was . .tts coreamzn-- e in ons ano io. 'tion and -- head office in 1 '\I theson's bill providing for the re-- | Britain'or Ireland and l(,smlplloysi';':a%: union to counties of separated towns '{::rt ?fl *Ll:;xrgfr:(tl-(lig\:rlsotrft lriI Council were agreed to. The Toronto bill ask-- e € > ~G n Oy : re n by--laws in re-- [ ¥ys he tax shall be cal-- ing for power to enact by--laws . [?'fi'l':ugi'liflfny'\mt'}llc-t afmnunt of paid--up gard to the taxation _"'f 1nsl'|l1'1t.mn'sa "r. o int» loved learning and churches, and limiting the capital that is being used or emplo: single vote in the Board of lin Canada. Mayor to . e \f-, y !' 0 i']- r |_ A modification has been decided upon Centrol, will be considered on Friday. }in the case of natural gas cmnpzmlos.l Toronto Elevated Thrown Down. | A company producing natural gas will| | be required to pay $2,000, instead of The Railway Committee threw out $£5,000, as at first contemplated, and |\ Mr. German's bill for the incorporation companies transmitting or producing, \,.f the Toronto Elevated Railroad. The $2,000. Every company, whether a .\hm to incorporate the North Lanark producing or transmitting concern, or [ ailway passed, as did also the bill for both, shall, in addition, pay a tax th« incorporation of the Nepigon Rail-- equivalent to 1 per cent., calculated up-- way Company. on the gross earnings of the company rix R a* Manamwtt u'tln'in&r f'nv preceding year. In the lat--| The Speaker's Reception. ltz-x' case a percentage has been substi-- The House will sit until 9 o'clock to-- \tuted for a specific tax. | morrow night, after which the members | l A change is also likely in regard to will attend the at home and * :xmkw'"i brewers' licenses. The intention was to to be given by <the Speaker. 'IA\ y a minimum fee of $250 where the Sm remsemmmntigientersreencemicommcrmnteine \| | amount of investment. was $10,000 or * less. .It is now proposed to strike this ]nut, and make the minimum fee $400 | where the investment exceeds $10,000 !hv:f is not more than $20,000. ; To Visit New Ontario. The members of the New Ontario dep-- utation haye decided to invite the whole of the members of the Ontario Legis-- lature to visit Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William, and the in vitations will be sent out shortly. The proposition is that the trip shall be a free one and take place some time to | wards the end of June. Three days will | be spent at each of the three towns | named, and the inhabitants will ~-m~1'-i tain their visitors in royal style, | Midland's Smelter. : In the Private Bills _ Committee | to--day a bill authorizing the | Town of Midland to raise $50,000 | n debentures as a bonus to the Canada | Iroo Furnace Cotpany was passed. The money is to be expended in the erec-- ilon eof smelting works and charcoal kilng at Midland. By the agreement with the municipality the company guarantees to employ 70 hands in the direet process of smelting, and, with } subsidiary works, 130 hands altogether, the year round. The Town of Potrolea's. bill to enter into agreemment with the Carmen Nat ural Glas Company or any other com pany for the supply © of light was rassed. \ bil embodying an agreement be-- tween the Perth Waterworks Company and the munic ipality of Perth was ap proved of. l Municipal Committee, | Mr. Kidd's bill to compel the City | of A"[l:l\\':l to. contribute towards thwi maintenance of the Carleton County Court House was up 'for discussion i;l | the Mnni(-'ipin'l Committee, but was post ' :.n ntwl. until Thursday, in order to allow epresentatives of the city to be heard. ' Mr. Pattullo's anti--exemption bill went over until Friday. Opposition to the 'moasuru was expressed by Mr. Kribs, \'vlm tn-.'l; the view that it would inter-- '1:1'" with industrial development -- at Galt,. Preston and Berlin. . Mr. Kribs' pommmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnm 0