6. ] tentionally or inaflvertently. or W;'::; 1 (;') ; he the breach is reducible to Aa& m S s ments.®"The discussion centred on { ;ompens.aflon. and where offer to pay clause declaring that banks, electric such compensation has 'been made be-- lighting, street railway, telegraph and fore the action is brought. telephone companies shall stand in the The Revenue Bill. same position in regard to municipal a.S- Hon. Mr. H;n{-uurt moved the House sessment as on.February 1 last. This, Into committee on the revenue bill, t the Toronto member's argued, would be Section 2 provides f?rbmclif':*a)i/l:::?'- most unjust to the city, and Mr. Mar-- of a tax 'ffnil(.'}":',g(gt'th-thirds of 1 ter moved to strike out the clause. His g:::-'i((r;)tmg'v every other insurance com-- motion was defeated. -- It is probable pany, calculated on the gross prem-- that the House will to--morrow (Friday) jums. rir 54 ; discuss th{e llquorllioense bill. At this Mr. Matheson urged that a distinetion afternoon's session Mr. Monteith, the should be drawn hz-twcoq pu::t puli('le§ new!v elected member for South Perth, aend future policies of life insurance was introduced. * companies. The tax on past policies Mr. Monteith, the newly elected mem-- ourght not to exceed one--half of 1 per ber for South Perth, was introduced by cent., leaving 1 per cent, to. be levied Mesers. Whitney and Eilber, and was on future policies. loudly chsered by the Opposition mem-- Hon. Mr. Harcourt stated that }L}-} bers. tixation proposed would not imperil in f j n Asra e slightest any reserve. Distinctions Inter--provincial Boundary. :-]('»uld *;ml Ds ";'m]'. e ween.--pasicand Hon. Mr. (Gibson introduced a bill re-- present business. In fixing the rate it lating to the boundary line between the hsd been borne in mind that the past Provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. It | business of the companies had been so gives--the consent of this Province, lnl and so. ggse of a--similar consent having b~-é'n' Mr. Foy criticized the provisions of obtained from the Province of Manito-- ; section 7, under which the lessors and ba, to a declaration by the Parliament the lessees of telegraph lines pay a tax of Canada . that the boundary tine of one--tenth of 1 per cent. marked by the commisstoners to de-- Hon. Mr. Hardy pointed out that the limit the boundary line between the tix would not be onerous. It was pro-- Provinces of Ontario and Manitoba posed, he said, to add an amendment shall be t'he boundary line b;'[\v(\(:n' giving 'the Governor in Councii power those Provinces. to remit the tax on portions of tele-- & .4 Cases of Seduction. graph lines that werecused exclusively , c for running trains. I Hon. Mr. (Gibson introduced a bill re-- The clause as amended passed., | specting action for seduction. It pro-- | vides that the father or mother of the | Telephone Companies. > unmarried female who has been se-- | Mr. Matheson objectéed t« > tad | duced being dead, and the girl under mml-]s'ix,:h"«':f one l{v;'"(%a*:lz.th:nltdlfelg-t." 21 years of age, any l""'-'"'"'Y"h" _"-t hone lnes. T»is, he said, was discerim-- the time of the birth of the child was 'n:ulm; again<t cuch lines in favor of the legal guardian, or stood in loco vlesraph lines. In many municipalt-- parentis, may maintain the action, al-- though the girl seduced may at the es, he said, telephone compastes could-- time of her seduction have been serv-- not get along without bonuses. ing or. residing with another person, Hon. Mr. Harcourt said the hon. gen-- upon hire or otherwise. tleman overloked the fact that there es xh thianmes pl hi tece was only one telephone company in the Travellers and Lodgers, Province, and it enjoyed a saomopoly, Mr. German introduced a bi'l which while there were half a dozen tele-- seeks to amend the liquor liceonse awet graph companies in full competition. by excepting bona--fide travellers and It would not be fair therefore to class persons lodging in aAn hotel from 'the the latter with the former, operation of the section which requires The clause regarding gas and elec-- that no liquor shall be sold or dis-- | tric light companies was amended so posed of on .licensed premises batween as to make it quite clear that it should 7 o'clock Saturday night and 6 o'clock not apply to:any gas or electric works Monday morning, and makes the sams vwned and operated by a municipality. exceptions in the case of prohib'ted Fafitnad Cas A y o hourltx of other days. It (|I,<4l; provides Natural Gas C ompanies. that the closing of taverns and shops Section eleven imposes a tax of $2,000 on election days shall not apply in a j upon companies producing natural gas municipal election which extends to and $1,500 upon companies tr insmitiing part of the municipality only. or transporting gas, in addition to 1 per Landlord and Tenant. (}\,;,'L\ l:,lf'):.',,l,»:;:;.,;t':" sernings of 'both Mr. Pardee brought in a bill to Mr. German argued that the section amend the landlord and tenant act. It imposed a penilty upon companies makes provision for arbitration to fix transmitting gas. He moved to reduce the compensation to be paid by the the $1,500 to $1,000. lessee for breach of conditions of lease. Hon. Mr. Hardy pointed out that all It also provides for relief against for-- * x'x:x.tural gas companies were not on the feiture of lease for breach of covenant "f""" footing. In one part of the Pro-- not to assign or sub--let, in any case ;Ll'""(" they were rapidly exhausting the where it is found that the breach has PDiy ; in others they were just com-- done no injury and has happened unin-- mencing operations. There waus a pro= vision permitting the remuission or re--