The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1899, p. 4

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170 I , - . llh _ _ , F simir/rov,t'W'vet at Auens., Mr. warden mbvod the swond read- IntCof a bill preventing the employ- ment of client! on work: constiuéted linde" the' tit'pviaiontt of special acts of tt grovlm'e. He alluded to the prac- ce ttrt Importing Italian. to work, an railways and other works." These wl-re men who lived on mat-carat» and cheesegand spent nothing In the coun- try, but took own-anus they earned elsewhere. The. and Trunk had roam. to the tom Ind the 'tsito- tion arose. who yhould .heep up the Rouge Rtverftrridtte , The'strurture had can 811,960'qr 310.000. T The County of Ontario with Wining that the cost of maintirntutreyhotttd be divided between itself and the Ctittitty bf York, leasing the Townshtpro! {ticker-mg to koep up the' approach in the bridge within the latter's limits.. That oeeritrs based on the assumption that the bridge was in a goat] mate of We". It turned out, howmaw. that the contrary was the (2339' um that " -would.wtako~ $1,400 to ut the structure into good condi- thug" i'Durlng the last eminent) months the Countyéuf 2',t,,2fci',',yritf, from the County of Ont o more t on wait oumcient tobaqghcneedegl malt-1' but but not sp v. tttt on the hridie. Under the 'ct.2ti,viig't'hi he 'ttioatthtAt' was norto-u.ett w tgtVNtttt the compen- sash." town paid by the County pr Yorit.tthou1d,lte may; . '. Mr. JUll opwmQ-hhe Amendment. and 'g,ttU,1iti?,ht't' to saw; tgdttsf.e' c s on) (a. $1131 ps' la. fqmldggo'. '_"'rtlWii?i'tl'lQ?,li'r'.lt.t .tgm 1"-/ri'vit'r2.d House had already granted them, under which munfcittctitreittvere given power to set aside-u certnm portion of the highwny~us tv.cielrathm and they Were pleased with the msyHtt which the At- torney-General hnd' Rune to their us- slstance two years ago. In the hope that the Premier would give his favor- able consideration to the measure when It "ttttie :uCttrtstrt next session he beg- ged Ite'Mthdlraw t.ttt, till]. sum: HMO! road. Mr. ij,iiiti"u?ii5'i'1i,'."iter fa Fag"?! to tlie Mr. thaonmuhl the County of York before. theixttVrtrphttee "had {Int pinged $1.05!). or t'ihtt'atlf, then qr the Sake of MW iehttti',',t',', added that 3hr bill Would beam" drawn it that gum C'i.irei'i':'f,itit?'s2,?t, _ Mr. Comma. All". If the decision arrived at by the rNate Bills ('mnmit- tee was dirstu.u+totttirre Woutd be no mule-mam. r," s.' ,. ihymn, Mrhmi'. a sway}? the county " Ontario' a',t? F "reap rge Quanclal bcmetit by Thu-f tem qt Pt nth-e- i"i','i'gt,2ittitl."r" Thy .t e Prhate Bills Coin ' _ a . j. _ The ',llrii?iiiiiitcjias voted down-and th., t,ttt 'rsfl _ Ah (VI-1." was m; it oir' ries' of 'Hih?s tttpi',','. "t the Proxi,ne. Tho I endow f-k.tytrlr'91 se'Hltif.'ttqyWtst./.'t. '2'i,i'i.'o,),iii'iiir,?ii'ii?i', It bt! .919"wa 'tttt . ,quchep . we smunf'fl%m##n%§nmyf all}! gum" e+titiqitViiiiiiiiituriutty n roger to tpe the tMt _ i! new. te Path Bill. ' Mr. Stratum v. (itlitrew the cycle path bill with p}. 'l. '/.e.xMaPpuou. as to, his redsuns for Lining ho. He could not, he said. ask for mean ItO'beoont to com- mittee {at Arte 1)[u:\'n§ Inc period qt the session. it '11."? Y',',",; amount of CtrtTeFpottt 'it) h'o 5d received since the iair'ouut'if6h of the bill the manure I'j,ijt,i,'fj: le 'aft; "iifi"uG'ii'iiGd w 't?ia%il,'t, r gamma; his" Itirr!ipaJi. itkte'd. f ikiFwn the bud vex-union! going to the United States Mr it! present Manager, 1and he had brought with him 'many mmioyees from, (Number side. thus displacing many s; led and trusted Canadians. He would exclude from em- ployment in the-Province any man who did not intend to take up his residence 'and did not pay mixes. . i shbwn the tt United sum and he had Mr. Conmeevsald that the mover had, no doubt.' the best intentions In bringing .Iorward the mea- sure. It was not, however, a matter for the Prov1ncJ.aUHoutre, but was a question with which the Dominion Gov- ernment must deai,.Canadians were not navvies, and without the labor spoken of by his hon. the railways and canals of the PhrtFince could not be built. It might perhaps be a good move to pass a bill providing that persons employed in operating railways in the country be Canadians. Care, how- ever, was needed In dealing with sunh matters. They.desired to encourage immigration, and Italians and other foreigners, as a rule, made good citi- zens. and such a stringent regulation would drive them away before they had an opportun"y under Canadian law for becoming citizens; Mr, McDonald said that in his Opin- te the shutting out of alien labor in 2utada would mean the closing down of EM all the public works and womb requiring great numbers of nav- vue.' Me took exception to the remarks regarding the G.T.R. trolntrout of the country for a Manager. They had a right to do so It they so desired. The ORR: had done tho same. and he did not an: that u more loyal citizen lived than the Manager of that rail- gm the at .aqada w of glmoot Mr. Whitney said it was generally ad- mitted that the principle of the bill was right. That being Bo. the details were susceptible of easy settlement. There was no reason why the bill should not be read a second time, as had been done in other_cases, leaving the details to be arranged in committee. The House had already affirmed its ap- proval o.t the principle of this bill, and it was crystallized into legislation. In 17.98 the Legislature passed a law pro- viding that no subjects of a country which had an alien labor law against Canada should be employed on the con- struction of railways In Ontario to which Provincial aid had been granted. The Legislature would be stultitying itself by rejecting the bill. _ Mr. Smith's bill for the election of Councillors separately was withdrawn at the Premier's request. Mr. Mnrter's hill requiring an application for a shop license to be supported by a. petition. aiitH',ti as in the case of a. tavern ii- , went to committee. The motion for a secénd reading was declared lost on divieion. Mr. Pattullo spoke against the blll. The policy of the country should, he 9051}- be. to Welcome the people of all laan. Mr. Auld ligated that the whole ques- tion was covered in Mr. Cownn's bill: passed at pttawa two sessions ago. It would be: mistake to page a. measure of this kind in view of the repatriation', movement now in progress. Many for- mer Canadian farmers. for instance, Wm'e coming back from Michigan to) 'elle. in his own County of Essex. l Way.

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