The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1899, p. 5

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On the item of $204,217 for the pur-- _poses of agriculture, Hon. Mr. Dryden made an interesting statement concern-- ing the politcy of his depd@rtment. A large part of the vote, he Said, was giv-- en annually to agricultural societies. These societies had accomplished a great deal of work, but their usefulness _was not generally recognized; The Eastern and Western Dairy Associa-- tions had through their efforts caused a high standard to be reached in the quality of butter manufactured, The Sheep, Swine and Cattle Breeders' As-- sociations had been doing successful work. The grant to the swine breeders would be increased by $300,'in--order to gromow educational effort in the di--~ rection ~of producing better bacon. There was a trade worth millions of dollars to be got in England if we could only produce the right kind of bacon. The Experimental Union was one _ of the most useful _ or-- ganizations «~of the Province, and its sphere --_-- of usefulness was increasing. The interest in Farmers' Institute work was increaging, and last season a, total of 130,000 farmers at-- tended the--meetings. It had been in-- tended to drop the practical instruction in fruit--spraying, but it would be con-- tinued for another season, at the ur-- gent request of certain sections of the Province. The Eastern Dairy School' had been successful in its operations, but the Western Dairy School had not given such good results. The Superin-- tendent had not been so great a suc-- Cess as was expected. He was a good --butter--maker and instructor, but lack-- ed personal magnetism. ~He had now resigned his position. o ty Mr. Matheson--Was he asked--for his resignation ? . * oX Soouutng To amend the act respecting cheese and butter manufacturing associations and companies--Mr. Dryden. ¢ Agricultural Development. The House went into committee: of supply. Ee Cheese Inspection. Hon. %rr. Dryden moved t reading of his bill providing 1 ficial inspection of cheese bo To amend the law with respect . to compensation to workmen--The Attor-- ney--General. Respecting executions and Sheriffs-- Mr. Garrow. : To amend the statute law--The At-- torney--General. ~+» Uys c e 0 PC AeATBEO . SH. CITe C CY Mr. Graham spoke in favor of the bill, which was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Dry-- den, Brown, McKay, Pattullo, Stratton. Mornteith, Gallagher, Graham, _ Mc Laughlin, Allan and Pettypiece. To amend the separate echools act-- Mr. Ross. s Second Readings. k The following Government bills wers read a gecond time:-- Respecting -- succession -- duties--Mr. Harcourt. Chiihe® Prcop sn g arthe un rntiedlith Guinirtctc nds : hes 51. Mr. McKay hoped it was not the in-- tention of the mover of.the bill to press it at the present session. It would be hardly fair to do so without giving due no'tice to those engaged in the trade. Hon. %r. Dryden moved the second reading Of his bill providing for the of-- ficial inspection of cheese bought, sold or exchanged, and for the incorporation of'fhet:se a,nd butter exchanges. forth.,, J, . J,. McPherson .of. Btratford, legal adviser;of the deputation, pre-- sented, their views to the Cabinet. The small. brewers, he said, were severely handicapped by the present tax of $250 in addition to the Dominion Govern-- merg--licenso of$50, and to further in-- caxgase their burdens would be to drive them--out of the business, They thought EePAE 125 9%>--siiT BM z6+i Bmall Breicéers# Progést,;~~ "J baInsts vhsatle Sed A deputation neprefimffn& the small brewers, of; the.Prowince. waited ,upon the .~Government > Anyday :to. . protest against <the inerease O~f the minimum tax_ from<$250 to $400..on :investments of $10,000,+ Among sthoge_on the depu-- tation, which. was: introduced,by Mr. J. Brown, MP.P.,;, were;J.~Watson,, Lis-- towel; Geo. Reutem, Selem; Felix Dev-- lin, Stratford; J. Grainger,, Walkerton; Jos. Raw, .New Hamburg;_ John C1 0 e wus m acges c C CA . Ti c Ni n Pn ol o .2 CCCR a TR TT 3 ';"t.'.'yf 43 iD Schwarts, "Formos® ; +4p" Institute . from annum. _ ' allum Messrs, Byron C, R. F. Stupart, W, K. . stupart, W, | allum Mie.d,fil? tp increase the gr Messrs., A,, E. Kemp, Robt. JUffray, John D. Allan, fi&gfimfi'xa%'%'aag 'Rog: ers and E. A. Wills, repl }'signfln" the Toronto ' Board ,of 'Trade, f ""ég- on the Government to--di'. "LAg;% '%Y,s approval, of the Ontario,, Hudson 'Ba & Western Rau'wayACd;Jfigéy"'flfbg intends to run from' 'MikSAndble' "to James Bay. Theysstated--that if the Government decided upon auy measure of support to 'the f¢°'""§'~ " 3t 'twould have the 'approval 'of th 28 firg, d1t 0 i Oanadiam;lnw'éng.mi Pm in 4uL Jslo hahors Ro 1. 6 ol es hirk / OBE in the Municipat Comntiftee on Tues: day riext, 'and it : would be well Zir' the deputation to present thew Wrews there; This the depu'tationv"prfi;fhfi'efi"l;'o* 46. 8/ L SI8VIT Y( 4 Ya JBR Day »1_ LhApprore®0fhltGuiyiail a.. Messrs; H. N. 'Kitsonp? B. Buchayr;-- ton, W A. Robinson, fo]@fl Khos: amd : Alex. Turner, representing thoHefaip> ton Board "of Trade, wa&ne@!poatithe' Government" to--dayay" *¥¥Ooneiypro-- tested agathst Mr. Ch o To / cfhdnoe.. ed bill"to"tak $Féint : st~« urcghnt i tel/ companles or individua: nerchan(s' oar their. visible ' propert$t/m&kiNE fto'al« lowance tWthatever " 'for "Indebtedness! Hon, Mr. Hardy stated that personally his; opinion <was _strofi'lsé"?hgamst the principle of the 'bill. 6 Yhole" q ues-- tion, 'however, was to 'be*TOUgHt ~out i2 uD NV nanme W 6 aeus d T i Messrs; H. N. 'mit ton, W A. ~Robinsot The agriculturbésestimates were.pass-- ed and Ithe --committee rose/and weport-- ed progress,. Y¥ Tavo': At=l2.\5' the House adjourned., :; Mr.: Dryden--It does 'not. matte 'whether he was asked or not,; he ha: resigned his position. . Conti uing, Mr Dryden said it was hoped,,Lge,p.t'tend ance. at the .coming gession would , b« imuch larger.~: Mr.,Dryden. . also, spoke of the success of the pionepr, farm, ir Algoma, and of--the, work carried on.a the college.. : I 4 foBGmiTzzR ar Mr.:--Matheson urged the --abpjition--of Ehe 'gVestem: Dairy School, while, Mr. Mr.~Matheson urged the--abpjitioan--of the Western Dairy--School, while, Mr. Wardell® attacke@ cthe::expenditure --for fruit'spraying.3 o)~ wsoirtia efff jy nvvoasd $esd s t n n CIC «sbmlf Lanublngd anli 0 <5% Amar a . Oppose ;8q4flcca'1_leg:§'l'gfl{:x MessrS! H.OCON. 'Ritsons ®) fmm: fi'lgfi**hgamsr the 6 Yhole" q ues-- ) 'beifdu'ght vout infiifftee on Tues: 4. Jaltray, L!{','fad' Rog-- 56}}"?} the sugl t C ress I'nfléfi?'fl;{u not. matter not,; he' has tinpuing, Mr. ._@e, attend-- m would , be' _ also . spoke epr,; farm, in 'arried on at abnjitian.of srt Sea-- y ud 28A 171

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