* promaiiges."" 32 o apae., . T<as y 'EW Kya t D A&' s 'fi CE m ; which he contended would remedy this | ~--W. DNES + EL qpaet¢ asserted objection. The amendment| nc 9099909000 was opposed by Hon. Mr. Gibson a.ndi w mss * qthvrs. and was declared lost on di--i vision. The bill then passed the third reading. On Motion of Mr. Mutrie, Mr. [ Holmes' bill to incorporate the Ham-- . iton & Caledonian Railway Companyi was amended by striking out the clause | authorizing a Sunday service. Mr. Mu-- » trie contended that the Legislature could not allow the clause to stand, in . view of the enactments of the House in * o regard to Sabbath Day observance. , Hon. Mr. Hardy, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Crawford spoke for the amendment. Mr. Holmes ard Mr. German opposed . the amendment, which carried on a | vote of 27 to 24. Mr. Foy desired to P ® H d | gmegd Mdrd Crawford's City of Toronto remier is | y adding a clause providing that ar y States HIS t]t\e fnlsse:sfimenrtl on the proposed King *.+% # street palace hotel be fixed at $360,000 Posntlon on the for a period of ten years, and that the . hotel water rate for the same period be Question. five cents per thousand gallons used over the quantity used by the Queen's Hotel of this city. Mr. Pattullo com-- mented strongly on such a proposal smpmmergeeqeqzgs coming from a city that had refused exemption to so worthy an institution x as the Ma.sssthusic Hall. The amend-- a ment was defeated. The hbills to in-- RE V }'J N U E BILLS. crease Provincial revenues were ad-- vanced a stage and reported with some amendments. } Progress made was quite satisfactory, | and there seems no reason to doubt that business will be completed by AKdvanced ; C P . Thursday night. ced in Committee of the Trusts Companies' Bill House. Mr. Pardee moved the third reading of the bill for the amalgamation of the Toronto General Trusts Company and the Trusts Corporation of Ontario. iess vecenestrineccamcitde Mr. Carscallen said that if the con-- solidation of these two trust companies PAR[ was prgposeg to bed carried out on a f aQ r proper basis he would have no objection 8 --REPRESENTATION.> to it, but the effect of the bill was to | relieve the shareholders of a liability | of something like $600,000 to the public, smm | while at the same time affording no ! adequate security in place of the lia-- 0 I bility that was thus wiped out. He ntario to Make an Exhibit at the | submitted that it was mosx;l objec;ion- French I able for this House to legislate from ch _ Eshibition--Amalgama-- | the public the security which the latter tion of Trusts Companies, | held against a corporate body in regard * to the unpaid stock which had been subscribed for by shareholders. The mmz n on mmmmme | total subscribed capital of these two companies amounted to about $500,000, and there was in the neighborhood gt p $750,000 which was security to the pub« h arliament Buildings, March 238. lic and which had not been called in. e motion for the third reading of It was proposed, under the plan set the bill to amalgamate th forth in the agreement which the House General Trusts Co . Toronto was asked to ratify, to wipe out that Trustg C § mparny _ and the liability upon payment of $6235,000. That u. Sh orporation of Ontario pgovoked . was not a just thing to do, and so far H:uz:t :;-:t M;erestmg discussion in the :gmfe&des:ehetrr:s't"acsm;\g a?&:iifi'(\f{;'&%nm}m C ontonded sta termmon.. Mr.. Carscallen withdrawing from the public that se-- hat the effect of the bill ; curity which they held with respect would be to relieve the sharehalders! to the liability of shareholders. The of a liability to th companies referred to in the bill held thing like $600,000 h public 'of--some | trust funds amounting _ to something C ,000, and at the same time j like $20,000,000. That being so, the afford no adequate security in place of ; greatest possible security should be the liability thus disposed of. He mov-- | Cc i o ns s dnnion aoonitie dnectorate ed that the bill b (sere. e movy-- I was no restriction upon the directorate ommfi e referred back to ; #s to how the capital stock of the