The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1899, p. 8

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"They were an ambitious city. a great railway centre, and were becoming me so. They were to some extent also a manufacturing city. and were a growing and expanding people. What did they wish to do '."' l ;the Speaks: was really" illustrating his "argrument. and not a little seiected fragment out out for the purposes of special pleading. Mr. Whitney should have given a fair and honest example orthe speaker's remarks, so that the House could have Judged xx bother the latter was an offender or not. What he (Mr. Hardy) had said at the St. Thomas meeting was this _ That. observed Mr., Hardy. pausing in his reading of the uuotation, was a fair question. and Very proper law. guage in regard to the progress of one of the growing cities of the west. He defied hon. gentlemen opposite to point out anything wrong in that. But he would proceed with the quotatVm:--- , 'fIltelr opponents argued that two Governments should not he in power representing the same party at Ottawa and at Toronto. That was one of the fundamental planks upon which they went to tho people. Applying this ar- gument locally to West Elgin. the speaker showed that a.s.thev already had Conservative representation in the Dominion House. therefore they should send a Liberal to Toronto. This de- duction was greeted with laughter and applause. Taking their own arguments and applying it to the voters before him, Mr. Hardy pointed to the bonefitte 'that Would follow such a. course." That, continued Mr. Hardy, was not his language. but the deduction of the reporter. Tho report was give-n in half a mlumn of a siieem that woum have tmed six columns " Tho'moha. The repoher did ant prrfess to attribute tr the speaker the statcment that tcnefl'.4 would follow, hut merely gave h's own version of that parm'ulm- point. The report went an to my: - _ What prom've is made there? "fhat hope is held out? 't' I ed Mr. Hardy Mr. C'onrrrt---Tors argument. non. Mr. Hardy-- Exactly. Totw ar- gument. mew-Mug their own case onlv reversed. r,?, {have any attenmt at bribsry thew P I want them 1) put "ttith' finger un_the bribery or appear- 'al'ittie 'o'f trritrary. I "amt to sue wuwher the pr'oposmon we are asked to "sfopt is true or false. Name the bribery. I "At a time when the tlood tide " bus- inert' was t"rrtntr, oust ass-2- t Httteq were upon than). just as 13.0 -x'er.n-. ment were beginning to feel ti): effects of good tlrpe. of inerettsod bu.~lness, of' increased comn'eroe. and gr'wlng enterprise ."rmxgh-ut the Do'nnion. did they wax" to place so goaliy a town in bppugition at both cet1tyes of political ittfitntttce ?" was holding out hopes, it Is said. What hopes? We had nothlng to offer 8.. Thomas; St Thomas was asking no- thing. There were no public worki we could ortho: them, and nu railways. Where. them was the bribary ? The hon. gentleman made more of this sub.. ject when'ho tirst 'rw.roducrd tt to the House. I had not ,'hen the speech be- toro me, as I I Ai' vow. I have rear'. gran material and pertinent part of themed), and I an willing to be judg- artsy It. (Loud Ministerial applause.) w uuason Bay at a cost of $20,000,000 return my party to power." (Minister- ian cheers.) The hon. gentleman sets himsvlr up on an eeralted_pe4etrtal, as "Does thowhon gentleman extect." inquired Mr Ross. "thaCa member ot a Government wl I go to a co'cstitueney and not Show what "ho Government has Leon doing, or what the policy of the '(iovernment in in regard to any ques- tion ? Did he ever hear of the lender of a government or any member of it, erticulgrly when its policy: was at- taokid', not (it-renting that policy, and not showing historically, it necemary 'what that policy hurl Ween '?_iMIr.ister- ial cheers.) I was in a county where mining operations Were being curled on. I could not have ayoided diS"USS- lug mining question, it I wished to dis- russ questions in wi ich the people were interested.- .What could I say to the people of North Hastings. except that the Government of which I was a meatlxr had a progressive. policy in regard to mining matters. lf the: Minister of Agriculture goes cut into the country and tells the people that he has aided Farmers' Institutes, and mm oil stuck-breeders. is that bribery "t It the Minister of Education tours the peo- ple. "I have endeavored to Min-ate your Fone and daughters," is that bribery? lf a Minister is not to explain the pol- icy of his Government, to Buy that their expenditure has been economical, or that their policy tor improving the country was a good one, that would be putting a man in a position in which no Minister has ever been. placed. (Minis... terial cheers.) My hop. friend affects cal cracksman of this country. I am surprised that the hon. gentleman sits within twenty feet of me attest his asso- ciation with Sir Charles Tupper. (Min- isterial cheers.) Sir Charles Tupper. who went to Winnipeg and told the people, "If you want to build a railway P. Hudson Bay at a coat of $20,000,000 My hon. friend will go doin to a gathering in some obscure place in the City of Toronto, where a. pugllisuc en- counter is taking place between two colored men. (Ministerial laughter.) He will attend meetings with Sir Chanes Tupper, the leader of the Op- Position, who is known to be the politi- a great deal of virtue. Howlung has in become possessed of that '? How an}; has,hc so completely washed him- self ot the A1.esyAt1tytion of 'clteumyke..rss of his own party at Ottawa, and be- com; BO transcendantly pure that he will try to discredit a Minister when he simply discusses the policy of his Gov- ernment. and the polivy on which that Govrtnrnent has been sustained for over twenty years? cheers.) Hon. Mr. Ross te'. Ci he had been at.. I 'tabke'd for asking the people of Madoc to elect a supporlsr of the Govern-lf ment for North Hastings. Wag it likely , that he Would ask thém to return the l Opposition candidate? Mr. Whitney had l, Hs\..=r't'ed that corrupt prawtiaes were', Suggested, because the speaker appeal- _ ed to the people of North Hastingq to (110v: a Governmcctt Bttp.trortor, and _ Ment onto Shllw Tt"at the Government , policy was. l, Mr. Whitney's- Associates. Mr. Ross' Caustic Spcech. (Min'sterlal 199

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