' % mrmuy map» peopmacanitet VWn Gem e niere en UA ie i s n ernsmamssa w midnight and 7 o'clock. The for some time prebw, pelting each municipal amendment and assessment other with blue _and copies of 6) ()n, affiend t Dadving the provis. bills, rose and sang the national an--| t« ) y iendmcnt acts, embaedying the p them, following it by a rendition of ions of bills relating to municipal and | "Auld Lang Syne." ~ -- lrg assessment matters, which had been | Proroga.(t'lon,kso tlr;g Att?me)'v-(}eneral previously passed, went through in g:'o';_gg":fe , takes place at 3 o'clock to-- ghort order, The Attorney--General's $5 i p 3 measure relaiting to the statute law _ Pome Measureg Fassed, was under review for quite a while, but The municipal assessment act and < ived its third reading. In the assessment amen,dmcfnt acts and finally receive 6+ the bills amending resrectively the acts committee a number of important {'elatlng to msi.ura.nce companies and to amendments were made to the measure,l oan companies were pushed through committee, read a thi i Y s-- (8 the most interesting, probably, being eg.n mittee, read avthird 'time and pass those empowetring the Government to! Then the House again went into com-- enter into a binding agreement with ; mittee on the })ill to amend the statute * ; | law of the Province. the Rankine Company for the surrender' o . of: their monopoly at Niagara Falls,| The Engledue Agreement. and enabling the Park Commissioners ]On mot_ior; of t}flon.' Mir'.i Gibfson a *s # clause was inserted providing for the to give other companies seeking to de Tef ing of '%'000' the security ds velop electrical energy admission to ed by the Engledue syndicate | the park. The Opposition fought these under an agreement entered into in '] pd ts, o tphe ground that it was FQ?W.V- 133';- The agreement itself,he m ndinen 'as Oft P p said, provided that on the surrender by putting too much power in the hands of the lynélea&e of either of the areas they the Government, but the majority of had undert&ken to explorg and pros-- in "an pect, one--half of the deposit--should be the House by their votes expressed returned ivm;nkdja.tely. The syndical. their confidence that such power would had spent between $40,000 and $50,000 in be judiciously exercised by the Ex-- exploration and prospe.ctin-g, but noth-- ecutive. lng'khad been giscovered which would M n ¢ make it " worth while for them to Another dmenjr.nent made in (the lLndertake further development work on F statute law authorizes the Government either location. -- The syndicate, there-- to refund to the Goldfields Axploration fox:. l:iesi;'ed to st;'rrencder both areas -- c 3 a 'l¢ » Lieuten-- | Company, sometimes referred to as the | a::t-(t}oe\\retrr'x'(l)x:ex'nal:.'tox(.n);lczi?dry)u:-eeflufig[S:e Engledue syndicate, their deposit of | C s * e £20,000. The c any have spent be-- whole deposit. The question was : oi o qo m comare goay l orett ' Should the syndicate be penalized, so ta tween $40,000 and $50,000 in exploraition SpPeAK, by the Province Insiglify an ow r ork without any o £ & and development w a taining the whole of the deposit, after very tangible resulis, and the refun the syndicate had spent the sum. Ham--« is in accordance wlt.h the terms of the ed in eXploration and prospecting 7 agreEment entered into by ther with Mr. Mathes:a asked why individual the Government in 1897. 5 or private explorers should not be treat~ Mr. Whitney caused the House to be ed in the same way. The deal in the divided several times upon the resol_u- first place, he contended. had been an . tions granting _ subsidies to rail-- unusual one and weak in every parti-- ways. The principal items attacked cular. _ Canadians had been shut out were the subsidies o# $2,000 a mile each | from the area while the English com-- , to the Ontario, Hudson B#y & West-- pany were at work. | ern Railway and the James Bay Rail-- Hon. Mr. Gibson pointed out that pri~ | way, and the land grants ito the former vate individuals went on Crown lands#, I'ne and also to,the Sault Ste. Mari'e and, after prospecting, applied for a * & Hudson Bay Railway. Mr. Whitney's lease of lands which they thought wer& justification for thus secking to retard worth developing. In this instance the development of the nonthern part the syndicate had taken over theso of the Province was that he could not areas without having first seen or havy-- see any reason for making these grants, ing knowledge of them.. They had when the Government were imposing gone in on chance, and it was a mat-- direct taxation upon the people. ter of regret that they had not suc-- i Daylight came and found th% le%'is- ceeded. larors still at work. One of the last j o ; : things done before adjournment was The Government's Reports. the withdrawal by Hon. Mr. Davis of Mr. Carscallon asked what indepen-- the bill having for its object the licens-- dent report the Government had on the \ ing of outside corporations who sell subject. ! | mining stocks in Ontario. The last dv-- Hon. Mr. Gibson replied that they had ' ; ing hours of the session were ¢nlivened the reports of the mines inspector of _ | by a brisk tilt between the Opposition the western division and the Director leader and the Attorney--General and < | of the Bureau of Mines. , the Minister of Education. It arose out Mr. Pattullo agreed that it was a mat-- oi some reflections made upon Mr. Ross ter of regret that the syndicate with by Mr. Whitney, in the latter's chagrin which the Government had made so at finding that, having unduly delayed hard a bargain had not succeeded in his bill to punish election bribers, the discovering evidences enough to war-- measure could not then receive consid-- rant them to go into development. oration, Mr. Whitney thought the Government Soon the last stroke of business was had been gullty of impropriety in bring-- '_done, and the members, who had been ing in the proposition at this late stage