The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1900, p. 4

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Ministry declared if"? dttttmt, so much. perhaps, of what it: tteye, iand voted it down. "i chum the 13 to-day, the time has come when P. .statesn'tanship of themanthe Treu- . should consider, more particularly 6'"th (ury benches. . ', [ than the other members of the l' .4 l j net, for reasons which are obvious}; li' Election Irregularities. not the time arrived when 216111311331" Mr. Whitney went on to say that the be Irtid doyy, when the p/i mPhl-l commission of inquiry into election should consider the position 0 s r '0'": iwrongdolnz was not issued until the burs with regard to these great"? pup; eve of the bye-elections. Mr. Ross ations." in support o oted the dared not issue it sooner, because ot guttwnt Mr. Whitney cl." Lex-Prc- the little conflagration down below. cam' of Mr. Mund: a'Bnard Jot (Opposition laughter and applause.) sidot of tho Britls m even} "He dared not issue it," declared the Trude, who resigned that o ce vith speaker "because he knew. as has afto-r an Australian loan company; , nr' turned out to be the fact. that the com- which hrs had boen connected hm gut' mission would not be sitting two hours to tlw Y'all]; fearing the two interes b' until the fact of the disappearance of might IC'."'. . T - I l 'dur" f om West El in-because I Mr. IN hitney quoted 2le?. the Ji',') itililanlfitulsay they are burnefi ', I don't be- mier's Whitby speech to him" t a f . Hove they were burned-would he blaz- Ross had promised Increased grants or mod forth to» the world and then what agriculture. education and "my. Em:- 'i'/.'a"ld, would there he of carrying East P05"S ti' th". titr,trwetg of the I rm m - Falgin West Right and East Middle- wocld ptounit, and asked how the pro sex "h He wondered if the hon. ttentle- miscd uid could be given when the 'l'm' min. opposite took account as the days ple tVt't't' hurdcncvi with direct st/l."- and weeks and months went by of tin- tion that was likely to be "Huge . responsibility that would surely fall Education Question. upon him some day for keeping back ' from the knowledge of the people of Turning to the question ot edty'tttio.n, the Province. whose servant he was, Mr. whitney tvitvruted his views In that the foundation of all invl-stigation. record to high schools and public the corpus delir-ti. in this cnsc had been schools. He ,was not opposed to high rmnovcd, accidentally or otherwise. Ile schools, but thcy were not what they noticed that the lhm.murvutivtrs who ought to he, having degenerated into " took money for their votes at some of munufur'torDr top third-class teachers. the hyc-clcctions were being prosecut- As to ttw puhlic schools. their t.ouns.hwi ed, while the men who destroyed bul- intcndod them to be a substantive m- lots with pencils under their rinse-r stitution, unconnected with any other, nulls Were walking unmoicstcd on tho where the chlidren m attendance might slrccts to-dny. (Opposition applause.) ncquln- knowledge and information lie rci'crrcd to some of the acts of which would equip them for'theit' 5311i)- wrongdoing committed in the North sequent location in life. J."- J'wss, '\\'Hl('rinn election. and said that in ono- houcxcr, had made the public schools polling subdivision "4) votes cast for part of " chain which terminated at the 'the Conservative candidate "Tn, stolen unixuu'sity, "nd stuurrwd to consider ""31 by the mcn who were working for the mechanism and smooth working of the Govcrnmont. He maintaincd that every chain of man importance than the ac- bye-election which had been curried tual cfl'cct upon the public schools. He by the Government since the general repeated his plea for tly' uppointmer.1t, 'election of was. cxcept that in North of on Advisory Committee. and ttaidl, 11"J///,','ltg',, had been carried by such that Mr. Itrrss, in urging that such a, means, and to-duy the Government committett would rolleve him of Minis- were occupying the treasurv hem-his" terial tvs1urnsilrility. had ignored Mr. by virtue of an mtur,itimatefrLGiriif.l Whittwy's contention that tho 'Mmistl-rl tilm'msltion applause l After the Ken- could "PW" or tijr?ct yt: avhlce hi". l, v-rul election the machine started in (it-red by t,er/,))y't'",,','T l (,"i'//t"iatt'it) "411:. I gnu") Ontario and went through all is: 111 I) t't'f't " an!) n it l) C -, ' i I/iii",'.,."')):",',,".,;",':,. to l\\!ili('h he should lr: Constituencies whrro bye-election» t mint one-half the members and Mr. ook Ily"', holuintr " high carnival of W,?', . x r 'l'UI'rupiion and Hcoundrelistn. (Opposi- \\ hitney one-half. It "oulid nlot in i{on}? rm." applause l Truly " the Premier ._'. . 'S;. Sr' ' ..., .. _ 2;::::g tangle: J,"/,,"/,iltcl,i ""131 more- illml said, thvsc things left a bad taste over, what responsibility would rest i1" tutes' mouth. upon them ? Constant friction occm'- In North Waterloo. red betweeu the authorities of Toronto i Ifnivwsity ard the Government undcr 1 Messrs. Gibson and Davis wcre pre- the Irt"'sertt systcm of Governmcnt con- lgt'llt in North Waterloo during the trol, :mti the institution Would never bye-election, and one or the other made realize the high aims entertained by its " Isromise that they would appoint friends in regard to it until it was scrutinccrs or organizers. freed from Government control. I Mr. Gibson-No, Mr. 1 1 Mr. Whitrwy was glad to accept the The Sawlog Policy. (At,r,eTh.-,ey',r,t,1,',,s statement. Mr. Whitney indulged in a brief rc- mail? aeye,vi',t",htege,ittri having trospcct of the suwlog question. and Mr Fiii',siiii further ex aned that he clnitued that the Opposition had forccd was iviii; wiliin t 'll'; mm ina- - tho Government to adopt the policy "Et, iii,'; ev (i if it ','idoi,l'r'h'/ 2'/'. e 'he,'",')','; mum-m in it'orActet In "it: ',ti,iraitnc2/,5t' in d]? ("tonstituency 133.33%}: election t " "arson ornc '.. it'n . ("cu t . _ ' ithull the JAfr'i'/d'.,',"t" had long PH" an: no, 819611] promise, to his kknowledge. , lviously decided to adopt the manufnc- c ' mat t ' except 118 to spea era. , :tutirur clause. Yet when the 'rpposl- Mr. Whitney, continuing, said it 'r' lion moved in favor of that policy the transpired during the trial that a er-

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