" t . opposed ttt an n ' _ ' "I? f 'll', 'lk 03::ng Mr. Marter itinHlNltllm that these the export o m m n o. e men did not take part in lactic Globe had estimated the saving to Can- on their on wiah m m e It c - adian railways, vessel owners and instance °" did '° at the 25 of the Government. The Gov- workmen from the enactment of the e t h id , , ac urin clause at $580 000. Had rnmen s on resgn in 'l body on manuf t it ' a . 1894 th to- ccount of the election revelations. Mr. that law gone into force tn e tal gain would have been fully $2,- rQ,1J,te'irr1'rT,,'i1u"ll'J' 1'f,Pu',tgTi 500.000. rences n es n. an ac Dealing with the finance. of the th'edm _,,odt,'g"y,'t,rg1"i"ireeidf,t'Pat Province, Mr. Marter did not care what m an 3 en a a " the experts would report He had every turn, in their eiforts to obtain . Justice, by the Crown Attorney and formed his own opinion as to the facts. the Police Magistrate. He avowad , Mr. Marter exhibited a leaf taken from hi i l tti d l a Liberal campaign pamphlet. wherein mselt ready to ass " n pu ng own . - 9 corruption. and made a number of sug- a surplus ot 8G,li07,12t' was claimed. d t t and said it any gentleman on the Gov- gestions in regard to the con no o ernment side could show the statement elections. .One wt" that a Minister or was true the speaker would resttrrt his candidate should be debarred from in- , seat. The commission were instruct- timating that the. election of any can-. ed to ascertain some facts which had didate will result in obtaining Govern-; never been disputed.and it was a waste ment favors for a constituency. T V of money to make inquiries that were needless. He believed those on the Mr. Pattullo. , commission would give the facts asked Mr. Pattullo (North Oxford) said that tor by the Government, but it would it there had ever been any doubt as rot settle any point in dispute. to the capability of the new Premier of I',':: J',:','.",-;-,.'-'-?',' unzii you see. 1 111"ptr the position admirably it must - r. arter-- am asarding th s. T g e at once dispelled by the speech he may be wrong, but I will take the risk. ihad delivered the day before. He re- Do you expect the commission to go .garded the compliment paid by the . outside their instructions? leader of the Opposition to Mr. Speaker Mr. Rotxtt--f say that It they will act as a hopeful sign of the more toler- according to their instructions they will ant attitude ot the Conservative party give us a Very valuable report. I am towards the race to which Mr. Speak- willing to wait until the report is laid er belonged. Mr. Whitney had been on the tahle. l' fudge Elf itsnmerits, and rather late in appreciating the work of my on. ren canno wa . lion. Mr. Hardy, and he would like to Mr. Marter launched into the old assure the resent Premier that when question of the Sandiield Macdonald he retired grom his position he. too, surplus. and compared the finances of would be the recipient of like tributes that Government with the receipts and from the gentlemen of the Opposition. fi,',t,rien/litt/,t,'.: u(nder thts "bin" regime. Coming to a consideration of the ttnan- f,1t t1,;i,ti'i"1sfj1l?ihrl,.T"i,'ere Mimi??? iii: ','sraRtetyu1lu"e,tt,'1i/t'ht £23332: trrie1Jt;'itlt"/trPl,tre/,1vi'd,1/Til?0, of ' surplus of two million dollars. Mr. cc. at run . . . behind at the rate of '112.'iTt'r, and a Marter had argued that there was a . 364'" deficit of about "(0.000. The mem- deficit now existed of ' Min. bersédot thef (apposition, it they were The o u o . con ent o t eir contention, would C rr pti n have welcomed the commission as a Mr. Manor discussed the election tr.. means of confirming their view regard-. regularities. and complained that the in th fl mp. ot the West 333111 Commission tbs e nancial situation. Whether ' . e report of the commission was in V was too nt1rrow. Inquiry was limited (favor of or against the Government, he I I to the conduct of the returning officer. ins a supporter of the Government would i dlepilx'ty returning omcerg and poll iafgwsly h,')',""),','), its tlnding. Mr. ' C er s. and the real culprits would ne- hey a quoted extensively from I}: ti reachtlaid.t Mir. garter remindcld iw.' gerdkl); 'ttgn/r'." writings of. ouse t a t e rem er mse . o wn m . r. Patt - ", had once been untreated for bribery by garded Mr. Goldwin Smith as It' g" 't. agents. The Government were interest- 'tremely unsafe guide for public opin- 'i ed in screening the guilty parties. be- ion in this country, and ventured the ic 503"". they had profited by the trans- .opinion that Mr. Whitney would not , 'actiOns. If the Government' wanted lquote his opinion on the British-Boer , 1the matter cleared up they would not iWar at the present time. (Ministerial ' _" have denied Mr. Macdlarmid rcpresen- "ipplautre.) While Mr. Whitney quoted , tation by counsel before the West El- ',trom Mr. Goldwin Smith one of his gin Commission. Mr. Marter said it the ".'y."'.1 Pleased hearers was Mr. Sol Government were in earnest they White. an annexationlst, who had just . would first dismiss Messrs. Smith and been nominated as a candidate of the Viacom tt Wh l r'il'J.td, which was trying to drive Mr. * . t ra on-- at about Birm ng- Mr e, one of the ablest bl ham and Nevltt ? ' Canada. from his Jl'het"d,n'"dl, fairing; ol2"te'),ti2r,-,-.-Y Mr. Birmingham does /uinister. (Ministerial applause.) ngs we will get rid of him. MM; Strathton challenged the speaker I The Nickel Policy. Ft ow w at M . V _ " Sullivan had done. ance and Captain _lr,a"tut','l,rfidtothtahte J,'til"iV",ee?1, e,'iii - ui/it gainer said Capt. Sullivan was the subject fully discussed hie with! Mr Qt/at,,','.? Judgess. not say that it was one that he could ' ' on-He was tried and ac- "entirely approve. He did . utaitt-d by the not believe - same Judges. the question of nickel was absolutely analogous to pulpwood and timber. Mr. "'R.rt a business proposition. Mr.