The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1900, p. 2

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p _ Mr. Hoyl s N du yle introduced o ce the expenses of ad a bill to re--| much or a filt:cciz' administration of Robert mr':'"t'wmne mm the in ilber introduced a b organizer of &Gham m Liberals; unicipal act. i1 to amend Alex. Hmith of &""'"""dtlvg i parly as + resclus $A rty f d Mr. Lumsden on New Ontari lhI:'h .C\o'nardp"--ne 131"!'2?'&[ Dart;) o 4 --*"Mr. Lum * ario. TA servative organizer * # in sden,. res vas. party, a r for haéhf,e'i",',ba'" on the ggg:,'iqms speech b-\',l'- Lumsden--Wi , and never . w some t ss, said the e ? * --When did P reyed of as hirty townshi iere he 'coa a n the Provigee, in the nships sur-- Mr. Ward se to rine as there & ell-- 7 Valley Province,. in the s there was that Mr. Birn 1~I say now _ dist five ye From a single Nouge COttuwa ganizer of the rngham has not b B ap. gp'l.ur.]t ars ago, two lar 10use or two this Provine e Conservative cen op-- * the 'fmiuh. one with fif_: \"lllugo:; had Mr. LUm;il.e ' party of ¢ minion ur y JA houses 1ouses and had now left n"' continuing, said soil t"(-r:'"'fi'f""t had declared ?,he po-- :)}f;hind' and ha('l"'u:larm"- m'(;\"iné(iau"'e wheat co as capable of p hat the e motherl rown in our J #» onstantl of produc shedd rerland. _ A ur lot with out any fertili y for seve + HC lng * Oing of s a resul i any, Led tilizer _ n years wi th our Canadi sult of th R weig T Udaer . Whea s with-- e Southe A anadiar h e T ighed G2 1--2 po heat grown the up a 5& thern Cross the i blood under he root 1 unds t re x grand free ere wo 4 '\'h'"rc-k\"s;'i(l.ou}!d not be Sl;)l'pthe bushel. influence <tr;:u| cauntry urjfll;-l(}; fim"_ rere e he st c passed y Cair . ching tro der British were i 4 saw 1 p % d ainy-- a1ro. ( tAr(»A § Tror USh On :_'-»dzc'.'he as ('ouh]'ol\)':n: there that Cheers.) n the Cape to !diStrict hl'_s of rneas"red' l.'-ul()\.'ll here. Member for E | | of ('10\'ere] hz_m grown 88 'f}'nq in that »r & P¥yhne East Toronto. | | that could 1ay. and he ven vaggonion'ls term "p ie rang the cha | ' old Ontari not be equalled tured io say bad hppp"a-_]avkez" G(H."- nges upon the ti i omnl He w anywhere i de ren applied ernment w itlr"el came when t}?l"d be sorry if "'n t rlld':d the clai to the A"flist@rs" hich | tural C e O fOrry il kilg o e claim o -- i"rrive:io"ggf;el'?'id- for \r\l';?nmu'\m"c"l' '<'ln!m..';c;\l:-im""cd a n:wd:\g;! Gf)\ ernmeIx{I:' f | (Ministerial rimenti n that time Hardy ssed the of ministr -- {tariolSt]::u}lapplaus"-)hgln:mll\l t'Oszg': f"i"}]': would S',i]le b(cwli?hm thntat{?:' several \'(']'1':'(; 2uc;'essflllly 01:":}(;(\.;"" o Tor oecurred (]iilT:{lfl('L'f"! 'l'l':l.i.x'l)\rehni"er but | prese T ia nsila f m for H 5 e Parlis rhich :r"'?dif?gt' }!mec"' that district 1'" s the dll'?ful::wq the fiil:'llir(fglflnl "'llildinr:rl:d there." As attle on t he was to nce, and ex ial condition of m s to ensilage n o the existe expresse n of steamers temperatur © grown was xistence of a & sed doubt fifty navigated L e. one of hi vas any surplh _a surplus. if Cra miles age Te s disposing is it was c there fast \\". and back miscaming p sing of the h as obtaine ? idys ith all on Decem|} +C he Gover eritage of th ed by country t his experience iber Z8 devel ernment had ze of the people Trozen e never k ence in th velop the gre: d done o g \"'?ft.'l but (*"""\'llnxinn'v wheat m"-lflt the pl.o\,hwfg'lmdt minerai rp'l'"ihlng to | vas sown on Jun q that was wh 4 many, Belgiu whtle Th -- Britain, G of Halt ne 20. en it | {hut"".,..'L glum and -- ot] ritain, Ger-- -- alf Million Acre als il'"'"' not nearly s ier -- countrie . There w Acres of Land ]\")):'..d()n industries .fl) o rich in n"no»s good ldnl ere there 500,0( : eutrs large ""Dul-n'fllflsh"d and s E* growth i'.',it('lm;)emd with a 1101 acres of | the .:KQ to bring (l}x~r"lls' It \\"lq'"qpr; aunns * 1 + £ nixed fores | € eople > &« tax: as a 6 such good ut little pine. 1 orest | soure of Ontari xation u i lar to ( land, with e. It was o \| 1 ces of this ,h rio when ., pon $ what prev i conditio oc' | imited is Province w the re-- ago, that prevailed he ns simi--| whe *, The charsge were so tled. i our hardy s 're a cenrtury wuaen timber wi o c was made un-- 4 tries 1n3;10a(1 of S'fln'fror:z shouid be sct}. llll) minecrals on"::; sold the 1\-0("«:1 T ole roads sh e _ thought the foreign coun-- | fay purchaser that land also hq{ mple | 3 mo.!ati()nuum be built 'fl't,- fairly good | \Ih Davis--That' passed to | E the 'lUrthp'{f the Sv{:'_ex.\.'r 4'*"'3 accom--< bf:x r. Pyne said ldhfs not so. reference in country ; who go in+ts en turned off ti at many pers | g rerkr'y-- ces of the ¥. fe thous c pecting for mi timber lanc sons had | I Hamilt ie hon. m ight «ne g for mine: ands wi ', were '\)\f'h(.\xp_ C""Sc:.nlc(,.';lbu" far East i Mr. Davig q.l.l(\i-.-a]s, hen pros-- hear olly _ unwarr: ) to Mus \ on of at '."". there w s i l'v;'«fx:z-' He ,,nrh"_l:."'dlllxl.ln[e(l, '"'Ix:.."\'a to """ri-'ll,'.',t(, which \mu]('l- :'l's an explan-- 3 as "'(-'li":ffl llxlr'll;ih)rpst gl'\:\:'i]l:ri-.nflpl" of }.'::':nmnt had h:rh.. policy c')t'(\('[':)lpt"lblel M regre s s tted for & s such lan. '7(' ors on # n not to : ae '!('_! of "':':t'_-r'! that such ]-lln,.;'t_"'l"'uhlll'v' ](il:" was still l:f]l.:-b(lr limits \"";1'-'!!0"- prng_i met ed were ever oper as those e: prespectors, cut, for the ere the pine | j it, and rej r opened ast fr tors, in their e reaso me rejoice for sc o. B their fay n th; nent p ced th: sottle-- vilt fire moveme at proposed t at the Govern such f ires® for thei ents to a u}le wished lu() reforest thcm.-u\ orn-- People res might enda: cir camps 'ln(ll ie Govern o congratulat« I ople could g f nger the timl nc e rnme Fratulate MR th go 1| th® timbe area of for nent on reservi nA s 1'? timber had hr-' and Pl'ospect"""" r. country. ; est in the Luk\n-l"' a large Mr. Pyne do een cut. where and u'_.t;.u'.l',l"('a"(y "'hi('hi' -"'mug_;;";li 1:'(!1'("' was i"] ""ubtod whethe? > the "'"ninlz}l]'t-cm}s' was ""qlf(n- beauty 17 imber "mit'c; '11::' interest of 11'1 such a Algonqui 'ht. The incre surpassed of ators, and m re often e people gonquin Park si ncrease of & n u/s . and was it ri i held byv c. R a reserv rk since i f zame i people to c it righ y specu-- | co irve was qt es iy had been m w gearc} ".d'fl"'-" prosp it to allow t} o al e mplimented uite remarkabl made i: h for miner _,'("(t("-_q the y those | Crown Lands on tin Department He | s alis. aestiny o e manys Pync '"'x.:'m to § against forest f 'll.m precautio a of | C oi ty question i'PLak!ng D6 l2de a portance res, and & ns it took impliment n _ order pon _ the United S by stating t] showed its im--| said _ Mr ts -- 'to. Mr er to pay is | d States lost ®% that in 1N 6 TL | bi Mr. Tarte 3\ S Tarte NS | timber by f st ®20.0 808 the it he ; K464 ¥a % He Jt L)l)J fire (]eva;.l-ailn'i'b:i.(lm) worith (I)f Umcnts of :}m not '_)i..s iglora; | p * Gde r ?. s | is Eie & o ne 01ce +13 /m Wald, ecorrupt :_],{N)(," referred b he remained ]', people of Q '\l,\ sen-- | .party uH' -'1.|'<-lllces' saying l'li;:fly to the til the ('h'"tiolrd his pres(,mll;;lh c, and if| , shown that !;]'°l'e'l them. -- It e Liberal driven from l):h ?"Ok place ]']:"-'llhm un~| ]'". Conservativ had oeen ower by hls' l would be s es had as | compatriots.

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