The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1900, p. 3

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5 f, "mferprovincial Arbitration. { F't'ctvr.m:'g:':}l't.le'% Colonization Ronfi () Mr. Matheson moved for a return of has been bestowed upon that gentle-- copies of all awards made by the arbi-- man, and--in addition to his present du-- trators between the Prov{nce and the \ties he will henceforward have super-- Dominion since January 1, 1893. He vision of plans and specifications relat-- said millions were involved in these iIng to colonization roadg. In return awards, and that the awards of the ar-- for the addition to his duties, Mr. Camp-- bitrators had destroyed the contention bell's salary has been increased from | that there was a surplus. _ Premier / $1,750 to. $2,000. His office has been |Ross replied that the documents were |nttached to the Public Works Depart-- | included in a journal of the House now ment, and in future he will be under in the printer's hands. {:ye direction of Hon. F. R. Latchford, Does he live in Toronto ? on' se:zm;er. { fir t 0 ' Mr. Thompson, in moving for a re-- £ rm&'ory v<@ 'oys.. turn of copies of all correspondence in | The estimates contain $30,000, part connection with the appointment. of of which is a revote, for the ereetion of | Donald McNiven, as a fishery officer for l a reformatory. for boys in the County | Lake Simcoe, informed the House that, ) of Oxford, which will take the place of notwithstanding the statement of the the present institution at Penetangui-- Minister of Public Works, his informa-- shene. The sum now®set apart will ' tion was that Mr. McNiven lived in To-- not cover th.e entire cost of the new \ronto when appolnted. and had "\'('d] bulld'ng,{""h:('h will be fully $50.000. [here~ever since. Hoe asked how he In addition there will be the cost of could be expected to serve the Inter-l equipping and furnishing the reform-- ests of the people of Barric. 'The mo-- atory. The building will be located be-- tion passed. tween Woodstock and Ingersoll, but the t ; exact location has not yet been deter--| + Mr. Hoskin's Salary. n;lned.f A;] theiclose of the present ses-- | | uy is sion of the egislature the Govern--/ Erelgxl;:n ':{:(')"tv";gé f;';"::?a:y" p';';'(lle't'of'i';lf ment will settle upon the site and then | John Hoskin as official guardian ; also tcrgggr gl:e'sb;gd;r&gt:r;'e;gu?gs e i of the number and names of the clerks in onstruction AWell cunder <way 'By Sth o > y by the !hls office and the salary paid them by end of the coming summer \the Government; also the amounts of rnggs | other emoluments, if any, paid to Mr. Spraying Operations Dropped. |Senie y aiielst gyargigy t the e Judging from the estimates for 1900, C $ * the vote for spraying in connection The New Cobourg Asylum. ;\l'lth dfruitrg'rg\\'lng has been discon-- |\ In reply to Mr. Barr's motion for a t)?aute the E'r",uifmr!xyow::trs'sshf)?:llsldf])oe\g return showing the number of lunatics be in a posltlon- to put to nractical "'i'"fl"edfl"' 'h"M"')""';{ J't't"" of tihle I:}';"'; use for themselves the instruction vince, on. Mr.-- Stratton said a w g as J from a statement prepared on February ofmyc'telarlqial;i n effen for a numbet 28 there were shown to be 66 l\matlcsl x * 'ar;ld abr]»ut 15 idiots in tgeb jails, g)r' No Grant for Dairy Building. -- whom the Government ha een unable| P > io provide asylum accommodation. It:! l}t is consldereci. un"kely that the ap-- was the aim of the Government to care plication for $5,000 for a dairy building for these unfortunates so far as pos--| at the"'l'oronto Indx)strial Fair will sible. It was the intention of the Gov-- ':?eeth""h any success. The applica-- ernment, Mr. Stratton said, to have, 'tlg: a:) aroused considerable opposi-- the old college building at Cobourg re-- Clalh alhong country members, who fitted so as to accommodate about 300 e at the Toronto Exhibition: is patients. 'The department hoped to belng built up at the expense of other have placed there, perhaps by the close shows in the Province. :)t ttrl\e ycm;. all th%hsenne ptlx;lentsbn&w Dairy Products. f n the asylums. ey would probably also arrange to turn the institution at The $1,500 provided for dairy school Penetang into an asylum for the crim-- | instruction is to be divided _ equally inal classes, while a portion of one of among the eastern and western asso-- the other asylums might be used for clations. It is given with the distinet ' the epileptic portion of the community. understanding that the money . shall ? The House had from time to time be expended in educational work to | granted liberal aid for the construction :,mptoye the quality of dairy pro-- 'and maintenance of public ln'sxtitutior;'fi. ucts. and perhaps with the exception of the f h acy § Brockville asylum it had all been Fharmacy Act M unanimous. Mr. Harcourt's bill to amend th> Discussion on Mr. Pattullo's resolu-- pharmacy act changes the dates of th» ' tion, that the House viewed with dis-- meetings of the Pharmacy Council for favor the bonusing tendency, was fixed the granting of certificates from the for Wednesday next, in spite of the pro-- first Tuesday in February and the first test of Mr. Whitney against devoting Tuesday in August to the first Monday a day to the discussion of "two recitals in each of these months, There are and a platitude.'" provisions dealing with the qualifica-- The House adjourned at 4.35 p.m. tion of apprentices. -- Each apprentice, P \| after the passage of the bill, will have Mr. Campbell's New Position. | to pay $1 fee in registering, and he is to | produce a certification from the Educa-- A very important change has been j tion Department, or other evidence {made in regard to the office of Mr. A.I satisfactory to the #&®*®uncil, showing ( LW. Campbell, Provincial Road Instruc-- that he has matriculated in arithmetic,

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