The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1900, p. 4

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¢ C ¥ebra, history of Great Britain and such rules shall have the effect of pro-- Canada, composition and Latin. The longing the term of oflice of any elect-- rag S éounlcfl are also gi'vc'n power to further ed bencher. i 5 4 $ "egulate the requirements of the ma-- triculation examination as they may Forest Pregervation, deem recersary in order to maintain Mr. Davis introduced a bill to aemend the educational starderd. The pro-- the act to preserve forests from de-- vision is not to go into force, however, struction by fire. Hitherto the prac-- until January 1, 19014. tice in regard to the fapp?]l]ntt;ten%) of' 1 'he S a fire rangers has been for the lumber-- The San Jose Rcale. hion to nominate men fo» the office, the 1 Mr. Dryden's biil to amend the San cost of the men's wages being divlded] Jose scale act provides that spraying equally between the lumbermen and and fumigation may be substituted for the Government. The present measure burning in the eradication of the pest. gives the force of law to the practice. Where such treatment is authorized, or already in vogue. It provides that ordered, and the owner refuses to obeoy, where Crown lands are not under tim-- 'the destruction by burning must take ber liconse the Commissioner of Crown | place without compensation. Lands may appoint such fire rangers + + 5 as he thinks fit. Where Crown lands ' Game Law Consolidation. are under timber llcens%hthe Commls; Sportsmen will no doubt heartily ap--. sloner hx ooo n ce radueste y i » rangers as the license--holder requests, prove of Mr. Glbs(ons bill to ,consolid--| providing the Commissioner deems it ate the game laws, which gives effect to to be in the public interest,. In such the recommendations of the game law cases one--half of the remuneration and commissioners. _ Provision is made-- the expenses of fire rangers is to be & where any class of game birds are in paid by the license--holder and one--half danger of extinction, and the hunting, ; by the Government. Or the Commis-- shooting and sale has been torbldf.enl sioner may pay the whole amount and in any two of the States of the Union eollect the Government's share, in the along the southern frontier of Ontarlo.' same way as is now done in the case of one of said States ~being New York,! unpaid timber dues or ground rents. Pennsylvania or Michigan--for a recip-' Where a timber licensee is desirous ot; rocal close season in this Province. In having fire rangers appointed he is to| case the further protection of any gamo.! submit a list to the Commissioner, and | animal or non--migratory game bird, | the latter may refuse to appoint any of which is diminishing in numbers, is re-- them, or, ifter appointment, may dis-- quired, the Lieutenant--Governor in Icnarge them, and . substitute other Council may pass prohibitive regula-- qualified persons in their place. tions. The hunting, killing or taking of any cow moose or any fawn or Land Surveyors. young deer, moose, reindeer or cari-- Mr. Davis'® bill respecting land sur-- F 'boo under one year old is prohibited. veyors extends the prllavilege'of a short-- \Power is given to modify by order in ened term of apprenticeship to gradu-- 'L?ounml the provisions regpecting priv-- ates of the School of Mines. Kingston, |ate game preserves. 'The transfer of or any civil or mining engineer. \licenses to kill game is prohibited, and , | | it is made an offence to use, or attempt Algongquin Park. | | to use, a license issued to any other A bill introduced by Mr. Davis per-- \person. The hunting of moose, rein--| mits the cutting of spruce, hemlock, C ' deer and cariboo is to be licensed, and ; black and yellow birch, cedar, black , payment of a fee of $10 exacted in | ash and tamarac in Algonquin Park. At each case. _ The Chief Game Warden | present the privilege is restricted to will be permitted to issue a license to | pine only. game dealers to buy and sell during the | Another bill introduced by the Com-- open season, and for twenty days dur-- missioner of Crown Lands seeks to ing the close season, birds and animals eonfirm the order ir Council passed by lla\\'fully killed and procured. The li-- the Government relative to the manu-- censge fee is to be :--In cities of 100,000 | facture of pulpwood in Canada. population, $50 ; other cities, §#25 ; in--| corporated tsnwns and -- villages, 310121 Loan Corporations. townships, $5.©° Where an offence is committed in respect to moose, reln-! bi'lll'h:'o ,:r;tgggo%-g'e%%gal r;r::gggucbe';lt iat deer, etc., the offender is made liable to| is stated that the exag': rovls'lohs of imprisonment for three months, with= |this measure will not be pdlvulged for out the option of a fine, if he is proven the presént to have been masked or disguised and M in possession of a gun. Interesting to Municipalities. } Law Society's Bill. h ' Mr. Barr (Dufferin) yesterday intro-- ; !duced two bills. One is to enable The Attorney--General's bill to amend | County Councils, on the application of j the act respecting the Law Society of 'the Council of any town, village or Upper. Canada is interesting to the | township. to permit such town, village 1egal profession. Every person who has ' or township to take the assessment be-- + foragseven consecutive years held the | tween February 1 and July 1. A sec-- $ | office of Treasurer of the Law Society : ond bill is to authorize municipal Coun-- t 'is made an ex--officio bencher. The So--, |cils to borrow money for current ex-- d c:ety is ehabled by rule or by--law 1to , penditure pending the collection of abolish terms, and alter or change the| \ taxes, either before or after the pass-- is dateg for the doing of any act or giv-l |\ age of the by--law levying taxes for the 'Q § "nrany notice, which by the act has to current year. Another provision is to * _ done with reférence to any tesm or | bring. non--residents within a county E terms. Provided, however, that no | who take orders for goods, as well as § ysnt \ their agents. under license.

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