The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1900, p. 2

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L. .ooommmmnnmmniiieneniemenmnmaae > >\ @--mramanarreir i ic > > * * * mm >A l of produce, and as agriculture Hes at pmmprommneeroannnnanmammnany e | n Increases in Revenue. & b2 I e foundation of our Provincial, per-- c %3 [ two items | haps of our national, wealth, these fig-- I shalll J"'tth;:"{':"m "':Q o age, * First, | ures must be very ifyi r navei 4o: s o Io se jA | very gratifying to every \ we have an increase from the License ; person interested in the prosperity of | Department. _ Hon. gentlemen remem-- | the country, (Ministerial applause.) As ber that last year an 'rdditional tax ! another instance which shows th was imposed on tavern licenses issued CHvity ic en y E$ ac: in our cities, and a'tax was also im-- | ivity of business we have this fact-- posed on brewers and distillers. «~From 'ithat the bank circulation ten years ago these sources we have an _Brlcre'a;sre_fl | was $32,207,144, and last year $41,320,% | revenue from licenses of . §07,045.). 0'+3. _ Deposits in chartered banks \"The incidence of that taxation is as ' m TT A fls anks follows:--From C2 brewers we réceive lamnumsd ten years ago to $134,0650,732. | . ©$30,855.0606, and from 8 distillers $3-).--' : They have now reached a total of $272,-- 166.06, maklng*in flll B re\\{;!nue 't'ro"';' 202,08t%. The railway traffic ce that source of $66,022.32. P.rece:w?\ | 180 amounted m' ;,.,"h'(":'.(;: i'pts in also an increased revenue of $31,020.21 t § C o ue tw D5 ; last| from the additional duty imposed upon | year they were $59,715,105. The num-- lm vern licenses in cities, making up the : ber of failures ten years ago was 1,747. l$97,1mn alroadyb stated. ";1 b:l!eve t{lrixg' 808 the rore 1.305. 'Ct sar taxation was borne without any = In 1\- 8 they wore 1,305. The ll_ab:llues ; convenience by the various parties up-- ' ten years ago amounted to $14,528,8M4 ; on whom it was imposed. I want to' | in 1898 they were $10,3%33,G30,. -- Every notice also that this increage in the one of these items contains mueh food revenue from licenses took place in the | for reflection. They accentuate the face of the fact that 88 fewer licenges Statemen't with which I started at the | were issued last year than were issued outset, viz., that there has been a great ! the vear before. Owing to the amend-- revival of business, and that we are 'men't to the act in 1897 increasing the enjoying an era of prosperity which has unit of population, by which a munici-- been gratifying to every hon. member pality was entitled to a tavern license, in this House. (Ministerial applause.) 88 licenses were cut off last year, mak-- h Companies Incorporated. ing the number'of tavern licenses now 3 fewer than they have been since Con -- Another cireumstance, perhaps not so federation. Take the year 1893--4, We well known as the statements already had 3,276 licenses issued in Ontario made, is go be found in the records of _ for the sale of intoxicating liquor. Last {th:' Provincial Secretary's office. In ' yeur we had only 2,97t, a falling oif 1898 that department issued 244 char-- of about 300 in 'that period of about | ters for the incorporation of joint stock five years. There is therefore under (:un};:umos." !,u'st year MG were is-- the n.perution of that act a gradual re--| N.";'L t d rsre 1. M probleimnentary Jottel's duction in the number of licenses, and| ;'-\}":n C crgs lsfilf*l'xl ; last year, 8T. In by the assistance of the act of last ses--| v'ir',;ialt"(fil;nepqIr:;}.'t*?s:\?(~r({0t;ss(1'1§til{'bl;rlg; sion there has been & substantial in-- year, sixteen. The totals of these th;'oe se e en ny L e o nc 'N'(?r (.];.)'pls .U\'.J'L classes were 275 in 1898 and 399 in increase apply to the Provincial reve-- 18090. But the capital stock is the ex-- nue alone. Of course, under the act $ traordinary feature connected with the of last session the entire revenve aris-- issue of these charters. The amount ing from licenses went into the Provin-- of the capital stock represented by the cial treasury. But extending our cal-- letters patent issued from the Provin-- cuvlations over a period of five or six cial Secrotary's Department in 1898| years, we find that the Province re-- reached a total of $35,691,177. The| ceived $1,656,375.93 from tavern, shop capital stock represented by charters| and wholesale licenses--that is, for the or letters patent issued in 1899 totalled | five years between 1894 and 189%--and $156,606,885, thus showing the confi--| the -- municipalities | received . $1,507,-- dence those who have money to 1nvestl 441.44. So the entire revenue from tav-- | have in the various projects which aro ern licenses has been almost evenly di-- | opening up to them, whether in the du-' vided between the Provirtfce and the | velopment of our agricultural resourees | municipalities. or in the development of our industries. ) x (Ministerial applause.) | Decreasge of Drunkenness. ® The Receipts for 1899. One of the incidents connected ¥ . with or alleged to be directly "Having said so much in regard to the connected with the number of li-- evidences of prosperity that surround | censes issued for the sale of intoxicat--. :1;' l.;t, ue turn now to the receipts of | ing liquors is the effect ubon the com-- ta:in l"azl::'":w':'i;lg:LinP;?K'ln('vh "'f On-- mitments to our jails. Hon. members Nikes C ces * ive these fig. looking over the report of the Inspector 1,l't'sl on their desks, and they can see f Liconses will have noticed that a Orrdthomselvos where we stand in re-- large number of those committed to our gard to receipts and expenditure :-- jails are committed because of drumk-- From the statement in the hands of enness. Ten years ago, that was in hon. gentlemen they will see that the 1889, the ntimber of commitments to revenue or receipts for 18099 amounted our county jails for drunkenness was to $4,006,494.96 in 1896 as against $3.-- 4,073. Las'tl,year the number commit-- G47,353 the previous year, or an in-- ted was 1,882, a very gratifying falling creasge of nearly half a million dollars off in the number of commitments for 'in the revenue of this Province. That drunkenness, _ through _ our . police, | increase is not confined to a few items, courts, and through the oflicers ap-- ? |although it is largely composed of a pointed to keep the peace, ; |few items. There has beon, as hon. gentlemen ' 'will have noticed, no increase in the [ oo im t t t e e e e e e e ... succession duties last year, but rather

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