The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1900, p. 4

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- on m' um * 5 ; The &@nnual per capita cost in ten New covered a large area. In this statement x York asylums, we find in 1898 the the attempt has been made to ascer-- b 4 amount expended _ was $185,.20 per tain over & large area what the Aver-- 0'9"3 as against $124 in the Province age cost of similar institutions is, and of ntario. In six Massa-- | the figures I have given will enable chusetts_ _ asylums _ the 9-V¢"3'8ei hon. gentlemen to understand our. po-- was $175.24; in five Pennsylyvania sition relatively to the, position of simi-- asylums the average 'was $185.64. lar institutions abroad. . s Then with regard to the Central Prison Then, the Mercer Reformatory, with a few words might. properly be said. a population of 1085, cost £214.16 per That institution is maintained at con-- canita; the Reformatory for Women in siderable expense to the country, nndl Massachusetts cost $215.43 per head, while it is impossible to say whether| and the Industrial Home in Michigan | this or that item is excessive or other--| $3$23.16 per head. f wise, by a comparison with similar in-- Mr. Ross then reviewed the manage-- stitutions elsewhere _ we can assure ment of the asylum farms, showing | ourselves, approximately at all events, that they, besides giving healthy em--| that reasonable economy is practised. ployment to the inmates, afforded pro-- In 1899 there was an z;;'eirage of 338 lit and reduced the expenses. persons in the Central Prison, costing t c $616.34 gross, or $114.95 net. The King-- Expenditure for 1900, ston Penitentiary, with a population of I propose now to deal with the ques-- 615, cost $203.09 net, or $318.21 gross; tions of expenditure for the year 1900. showing that as compared with King-- Hon. gentlemen will observe that there ston, where the conditions would war-- is a slight increase in some of the items rant us in assuming that with larger of the estimates, as compared with the | population the per capita expense would estimates of the previous year. Under be less, we are managing the Centrai the heading "Civil Government" we ex-- ' Prison for nearly $90 less per|! ponded last year $258,073.03. This year capita than the Kingston Penitentiary the estimated expenditure is $263,440. is managed. * "The increase there was made up by After comparing the cost of main-- small items, such as increase in public ) tairing prisoners at the Central Prison salaries and other items which we will with simil&r institutions in the othor have before us in detail when the esti-- Provinces and in the United States, Mr. mates are reached by the House,. Un-- Ross continued :--Take the cost in der the head of "Legislation'" it is also Scotland, where economical habits are proposed to increase the estimate as| associated with every public and pri-- eompared \\'ith last year. I have acted vate @uty. The cost at Peter-- upon this principle in regard to the| head, Scotland. with a popu-- estimates of the current year, namely.! lation of 350, was $172.t2. the increases are where the expenditure In Perth, Scotland, the cost por capita of the previous year showed that we | was $212.57. and in twelve local pri-- had not taken enough money for ordin-- | i a ar urpose. As hon. gentlemen who sons in Scotland with an average popu-- ary P 6 Ew * is e :A have examined into the public accounts lation of 157 the cost was $359.73, or , o Eoi three times the expenditure in the Pro-- will notice that in the administration | © vinée of Ontario * there was an _(werdraft--cnnsiderahle in * some cases--in order to avoid that in A School, Not a Prison. | |§'uhturo wlc; have lnereaso;l the estimate. k 3 is 4 y x at will account partly for the in-- Then, if we t' t rdorrpa.tnr. creased estimate for legislation .this for boys a4 Penetanguishene, we find /ar.. LASt year the estimate was $103 by comparison similar results. _ This o i s s e ns en l rese arinp ho ar wenls institution h l + M o ce 200 ; this year it is $133,200. Last year as been severely criticized The vas farf Aprl icient by the hon. member for South Lanark he sum was far from being sufficient. | # ' We have, therefore, increased it, in or-- (Mr. Matheson). I think he has found der that the estimate might ap ach that the cost per capita now» is more hy a SHf aPptoak ; more closely the requisite expenditure. than it was twenty or thirty years ago. rexr F o 1 $ However, I have anticipated what I I think that cost is justifiable. When want to say in resard'to it. "Adminis-- that institution was first opened it was, tration of Justice"--the estimate under purely a reformatory, rather a jJail, per-- this heading is $448,649, being an in-- haps, a house of correction, a place of erease oyer the estimate of last year of | confinemert; very little money was $6,000. ¥n education there has been an | spent in the education of the boys, or increase of from $734,862 to $750,048. instruction in handicraft; so far as f % . | 'their education merely was concerned Education. | very little money was expended upon npcjjeit w them. We have turned it into an in-- ('l.:;l;;orgfore;peczu;;\u:i{gax;g tg xltutl-{:atti:)?; !dustrial school, practically; we employ Hon. gentlemen will see that we have a larger staff than ever before for the increased the grant for continuation instruction of the boys, and every ef-- classes. Then we have on our hands fort is made to educate them, so that How a Normal School at London \'.'lhlv}.i | when their terms expire they will be will add to the expenditure about $10,-- honest and useful citizens. The cost 000. Then, owing to the increase of last year for 133 boys was $218.44 per our public schools, we must increase capita. The hon. gentlemen will sce from time to time the expenditure for that this is nearly one hundred dollars inspection. The expenditure last year more than the Central Prison, for the for that was insuflicient. We also pro-- reason' that it is not a prison and pose to increase the eost of the inspec-- should not be a prison, but an indust-- tion of separate schools, for | rial school. In Massachusetts Reform-- which we are asking about a \ atory for Boys the cost was $240.53;. in thcusand dollars additional, in | Wisconsin, -- £302.36; _ in Minnesota, the hbhope that before the --year $#313.23, and in Pennsylvania, $342.77. expires we will be able to -- make I need not give all the figures; we have more _ generous provision for that branch of the public service. For ln-l i on ie e c o

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