The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1900, p. 3

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"--_--_f ' as 'Poronto, wiIith "Its direct taxa-- ( The Disputed Funds. | tlc;n 5 But i{p'ops&l)ng theiP{ovln%e had I rored to raised the $350,000, consisting o rev-' § 78 fiMr. M?thefiogcn l;:g ,,fs'{d".';;? There | enue duties and succession duties, by f d t oo T tmua? nan | direct taxation instead of the «present | was no Government his hon. friend | method. It would -- moah _ $SmO0HOdd | could mention but dealt with its c:lt!"-; 6f assessment in Ontario, a paymieht o nadinnas ue int t:;e :?;'e zx;y l\%;the? of 4--10 of one mill on the dollar. It oc mus ornaraen. i his st t would also mean that the man who was son had withdrawn from his statemen n ssessed Sor $500 would pay-- 20 colits |o% receipts what every Qovernmeut | and the man assessed for $1,000 would considered was current revenue. Mr. ipay 40 cents. Surely that would not IMatheson had also said the Province be a large contribution to the Provin-- thad a debt of four million dollttllrs. Buf 'clal exchequer. _ (Ministerial applause.) ihe wanted to charge as presen 'y PX Mr. Stratton then censured the Op-- able and due the railway annuities of | position for decrying the credit and re. three million dollars. If Phe did that sources of the Province. 'he must capitalize _ the 5 per_ cent. Mr. Matheson protested that he had money held by the Dominion. If that never decried the credit of the Pro-- were done we had a surplus of six mil-- vince. He had, however, decriecd the lion dollars. (Ministerial applause.) financial administration of Ontario. Continuing, . Mr. Stratton _ said Mr. Stratton retorted that he, could, Ontario paid much less in sup-- construe Mr. Matheson's action in no ' plementary revenue than New other _ way when _ he declarec| York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and that the Province did not | manry other States. Would his hon. bave . a" ssurplus, and Oits , assets| friend take the responsibility of vot-- were not what they _ were -- made] | ing against receiving money from rail-- out to be. Mr. Carscallen, moreover, ways ? Mr. Matheson had said the had said that he would not advise any financial commission deserved the re-- friend to settle in northern Ontario.| probation of all honest men. What was that but decrying our agri-- Mr. Matheson--I did not use that cultural resourees ?° (Ministerial ap-- word. plause.) Mr. Stratton--Yes, that is the word. 1 I think if he will turn up Thc' Mallhhe Ontario's Record. l will find that his organ has given him After comparing the financial record credit for all that he has said. The of Gntstio avKHK that ar Queb(_f:';?;(} report of the commission, Mr. Stratton other Provinces, to the great advantage said, deserved the approval of all fair-- of the former. Mr. Stratton repliod to 'mlnded people. Mr. Matheson's criticisms regarding| That was not all. The assets to the timp s i Onthric; 'and which he referred were only the' :I'r'md;: | U:z l:ig]t ?;'mllii?usxzrlis ix?rthi: 'i}ru;'il'l('('. '};lz;};'l;l::le;:.t t}\r;il%(ilgtizts:onnrt\l:l(brt(;m:\L:mgn: and his statement that a reformatory P at rexys was not needed in Oxford. The reason léultlgipgs erected at great cost all over for the removal of the reformatory was ariq. | because the land at Penetanguishene Again Corrected. was not suitable to agrieulture, where-- a e as in Oxford, one of the finest counties stgin?::zfll'g' tl\(}rcol?['g(t?:wsg':om'l':l:eni]::i- in the Province, the facilities were un--| ter had said that the Government re-- surpassed for training the lads in ag--| ceived. $30,000,000 from Crown lands ;'Iculttxraldpuxuults. In this c:un}uuctlo:at he'es ' + io ie pointed out that the demands vpon x?({fig?,:sth('s;;:{)'f.fidltg;fivon hpal::)li(,ui'?'t the Government for hunuinitm'iuxll 1pur-* I Ur is poses were increasing. They had been| amount. Th?ret'oro. fla}:d];\h .thl}Iath: aSked to: ai munici?;al sanitoria, <h@l ow Tor the remaion :\(1__ ,:('1)00'(')1'?1 t to establish a home for inebriates, and | show for "-1_(; 'm;\(;glng;'fi ."'tl t. f,),'illl. personally i?f anything could be done in' a debt of $14, 4 x as 'l'"l '; ow this direction he would be much pleas-- x:(t)a:;mec'('):;nx;.? Srtafton asked, 10. £0 ed. The Government had appropriat-- C x i § ed altogether about $15,000 for the Pat-- Mr. Matheson denied that he had riotie Fund and other purposes, and if made the statement him. there' Were--hneed to do more, the (Gov-- Mr, _ Stratton--This is a stafemel}t ernment would act in the best interests clipped from the hnn', x:vntl»!mun_s of the people. .He dilated upon the im--| speech as reported in The Mnl.l--thats mense resources of the Province ""di all I know about it. Of course I will the steps which the Government were| give the hon. gentleman cre«it for all taking to develop them. He called up--| he takes back. ' (Ministerial cheers.) on the Opposition to drop the discussion Why did the hon. gm]tl! men not show of petty issues and co--operate in this that we have given $6,000,000 more for grand work of development. -- .(Loud education, and that the increased ex-- Ministerial applause.) penditures of the Province have been f s caused not by extravagance but by the Mr. Marter's Criticisms. policy of the Legislature in using the es\ ' funds of Ontario to lessen the burdens Mr. Marter declared the P\'-n\'mvlal, | of the people and to increase the grants revenue ample for all the requirements| | to the people. (Ministerial applause.) of Ontario if it were only economically | No doubt the expenditure was heavy, administered. If economy wore prac-- | but he did not apologize for that ; he tised the Government could make as | would, however, apologize If there was large grants to public institutions as ' not s0 large an expenditure in the in-- had been made in l'h'o past, and still | terest of the people. In three years lft'ep out of debt. 'The purchases' 91' \'Toronto, by means of direct taxation, supplies for public institutions were hadexpended over $1,0006,000 _ more made in the interest of favorites of the Ithan the Province. Surely Ontario, with Government. The revenue bill of last !its vast resources, could expend :ls' year had been rendered necessary by t

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