from 117.247 in 1897 to 81 "Whe House will be asked to ratify the 8 There had also been a large -- h mining regulations regarding staking the offerings at Toronto. The growth out locations in unsurveyed territory, of dairying might, perhaps, be partly lwhlcl;'were passed by Order in Council ast May. f sanancutnte o i mss % + J rom e . Armstrong and others the lack.of importations, due to the of Hrie City, Pa., asking for a charter g"amntlne regulations. Unless the in-- for an clectric railway in Woodstock, 'w':::xtr? b';'" attended to, the 100"("20" with permission to extend it to Ingér-- t flt Am very much more serious than soll and Embro. | _ Mr. Lucas moved the adjournment of o t 'i'liezgebate. and the House adjourned at soME MUNICIPAL BILLS. ' .20 p.m. A% 3 Private Bills Committce. Explanations of and Comments Cpon | > The Private Bills Committee held its KSeveral Measures Before the Leg-- ® first session yesterday morning, organ-- islature. [Piits. . At tne apening tion. 3. 3. cinwon fone of the bills telamend ithe muni-- § 'who bas filled the post of Chairman cipal drainage act is No. 110, applying + for sixteen years, moved the name of to section 83. This section provides :'l.o"'hl""hu"d Marcourt as C{u;lrman that where the maintenance of any I o' ¢ 4 o )ing 'so ' | ie .306 c?xl zfi:(;_se:f(fmzer';:'é'é" thaltn I\(l:'. flur-' drainage work is so expensive that the | \court had been looking 'for this place Council deems it inexpedient to levy rm'" a number "of years and hnld the cost in one year they may pass a | r > gi-- % ton Y'b%';"f(')";':ww';:e (l;l.fil :(f) ;;'td eet: by--law to borrow upon debentures the ings in the matter, he would himself sum required, which debentures are to ncimlnate Mr. Harcourt. The nomin-- be payable within seven years from the ' ation was seconded by Col. Matheson. date na-- Hon. Mr. Harcourt, in accepting, said at t t'hereof. Ths 'F;ro?o§ffd amf'nd he hoped he would be able to give the men : to change "seven" into '"not; f same satisfaction in that position that oo naet n ear y ce c uin "agel t | Col. Gibson had. given. y The object of Mr. Burt's _blll (No. 102) The dirst bill taken up was Col. is to provide for the election of .Coun- Gibson's bill incorporating the Board of eillors and Reaves for every municipal-- Trustees of the Presbyterian Church in ity except cities and towns in alternate ( Canada. Mr. Wardell, on beholf of | vyeans on Prenenl Nhder fee. o1 of the + Rev. Dr. Laing of Dundas, asked that municipal act, only' County Council-- . the latter's church be exempted frvm! ,lo'rs are elected in this manner. If this the provisions of the bill placing its | principle is admitted to be a good one property in the hands of the General { then the remainder of the bill amend-- Assembly and the Board of Trustees. \ing several sections of the act would Col. Gibson suggested that the better ;"'l o efect .' to carry the arrangement way for Dr. Laing to gain his object nfo eteeb.__, o would be to bring in & private bill to Mr. Dryden's bill (No. ;'I*'lh)1 tt'l amen'c} : this effect, and added that short no-- the San Jose scale adt." This is tice might be accepted in order© that low of the adoption of n,gula(itons un= | the bill might be got through this ses-- der the act to treat infested plants by| sion. The committee then reported the -lfl'lbmyifng. w'ashing or -- fumigation, m¥ bill with a few changes in the word-- Cl PC PCE | im(i but with its meaning unchanged. 0)2("(_&;;" '}m(:hiz:.'pttgr ",";'i':n';{ 2"3'5']'2:;]?' | MNr. Auld's bill to contirm an agree-- in o l e hn ankt _ dthink + ment whereby Leamington is to supply he municipal _drainage act, which | natural gas to the Essex County makes the lands and roads of | any | ? House of Refuge, and also to give tl.x(- municipality, company or indxvxduall' \ town legal authority to supply natural :;Sil')']g anybdrainage ;xorkl ash .. (;;nf!et.l #as t a m s myree s rg . able to e assessed an(' charge or | ';"l'tf'((l). 1\:"¥thpetl:gna(:1lle':1:x$:zg\st' :'lxqast rfr the construction and maintenance . of| respect to the latter part the privileg© the drainage work so used $ut Pr ?'\;5-' . »xtend only to the Township of Merscea let or an impeded outlet, but provid-- | The committee will meet at 10 o'clock ing that when the cost of any drainage this mo: '\lugA y work exceeds the sum of one thou-- s | : + * sand dollars, one--half of the cost of Notes. construction and maintenance should The Minister of Agriculture has be assumed and paid by the Govern-- t agreed to assist the Scottish Sugar ment of Ontario. The word 'i"f",'m | BReet Syndicate to continue its experi-- should apparently precede drainage | | ments for another year at Welland and work. | ' Alymer before deciding on the erection IenSestemermrmnmnee ies | of a factory. Hon. (Geo. W. Ross, Premier of On--! tario, has accepted an invitation from the Canadian Society of New York to [attend their annual banquet on the ev-- | ex;lng of her Majesty's birthday, May | +. Ti Mr. Farwell has introduced a bill to permit the use of the Imperlal Auto-- malic Voting Machine by municipali-- ties, whereby votes are recorded by a machine.