Trying to Fight the Tide. l ,{g'r;sggnmugmg ; T¥ ¥trip ) In most cases the bonuses which the smaller towns of many of the litde in--| 8'3 Legislature was year after year beiflsl | dustries which had been their pride nnd' * asked to legalize were simply an at-- 'stay in the carly years of the country tempt to fight against the tide. _ No-- and to drive these into the great cen--| © thing would prevent the concentration tres. In this way the sociai as well as and enlargement of industries in thesé the industrial effects of the system had modern times. Invention, new and been most unfortunate. > larger methods of organization, the im-- In _ closing, Mr. > Pattullo said provement of waterpower, of electricity, there were three courses open to the of railway and water transportation, 'House: To carry the resolution and were seen in the enlargement and con-- enforce it in future against all bonus 'centratlon of industrial establishments "VDills ; or, in the second place, to re-- |and in the failure or decay of many of enact the old bonus laws which exist-- the smaller ones throughout the coun-- ed from i1888 to 1892, with such fur-- try. _ The bonuses now being asked for ther restrictions as may be necessary, were mostly the pitiable efforts of de-- or, lastly, to lay down these and other caving towns, decaying industries and restrictions to be enforced in the Priv-- decaying men to stem a movement ate Bills Committee, so that no bonus which was irresistible. -- The result was bill can pass the House except under that very few bonuses that had been entirely exceptional or extraordinary granted accomplished the object intend-- circumstances. He (Mr. Pattullo) was ed In some cases they have prolong-- opposed to bonusing on principle, but ed the agony of existence, but they have every hon. member must see that the not promoted a healthy growth or saved Legislature ought now to take action industries which modern conditions had along one of the lines indicated. decreed must die out. Those who had {been receiving bonuses were usually of Resolution of No Effect. three classes : (1) Those who did not > 3 need them ; (2) those who were going tngre was no Taw on the statitesbook down in the industrial scale anyway ; | with re Miqélpa o T gard to bonuses, and therefore and, in the third place, adventurers the resolution could have no effect who were prepared to gamble on suc-- whatever. No sane Legislature 'lmcfd: cess with the money of the municipali-- undertake to bass.'a 4W ro ine nsl ® % * »stricting the| ties. In this connection it was worthy action of any future Legislature. No | the attention of the House that muni-- | member on 'ihe On'm'lt'iso;l "q-de" C | 'cipal bonusing had been a fruitful| posed that Mr P'ltl'l)llio wisl'eld t sutz- source of municlpal corruption. . When| tack the man{lfazrturers in lvle\? C ; | they were hearing so much of political| what his friends were doi f o tha | corruption in these days it was too true | % ; .0 ng for that | that it was not the only form known to ol on Oe onminfnith. «it t were was Y necessary to give the manufacturers the elector. In many cases the electors further brotection the Liberals would had been bribed with their own money supply it in unstinted Guantitics i I?l to support bonus by--laws which never Whitney would like to iinow what pa:!: (}id ?t'em any 8'000-' A man who was the Premier and the Attorney--General receiving ten or twenty or fifty thou-- had played in the drafting of Mr. Pat--| ;'?I'_"(;l ?2":;::"13' :02:;':{;" Lflaar': (':f'"?t aifr_n tullo's resolution, more especially as| carrying the by--law ; and that he had v;lll)?ebltllllein'}r(;c:;l:ccotfi ré)t'n?{lx;.r(:tosts e en; often spent it there could be no doubt. Th bonus to an industr enugea 5 e C y had caused all The bonus system was a menace to | the trouble which it was now claimed * capital, because men who had put their lhad resulted from the bor;xus r t_-l:ne money into legitimate industries --never 'The law of 1888, under which szs er;x. knew the.extent to which they would be |were allowed to be granted by m::fcf I st';\l")je(t to competition elsewhere "palities, with certain safeguards, was rough the action of municipalities spending public money against private a proper and reaennable one, but doe-- enterpriges trinaires and visionmongers had their ht way, and the law was abolished. He Injury to Workingmen. | ;\\'orlél((ll like tc:i see that law again re-- I |\v I | The system had been an injury to the '1: ites rteo-'e::ctr:eor?tl.d ";'ehog l?}%vt;nar:?:: | wcorkingman. It had taken industries |should take a strong position in this from one place to another, and unsettled 'matter, and not allow a private mem--; the conditions under which labor was 'ber to bring in a resolution in order to engaged. It had not increased wages 'test the feeling of the House on an ab-- anywhere, because the rate of wages stract question | was fixed in the labor market, ir-- * | | respective of bonuses or exemptions. The Premier's Position. | : There was now a demand for bonuses ' to a number of pork factories. If these Hon. Mr. Ross paid a compliment to , continued one of the stable and most Mr. Pattullo for the lucid and compre-- promising industries of the country hensi\:e manner in which the latter would be ruined by over--competition, had discussed the question, but did not and the result would be enormous loss see why a municipality should not be and dismay among those farmers and allowed to exercise reasonable liberty others who had been induced to put regm'ding the appropriation (I)xt its own their money into such enterprises. moneys for any purpose whatsoever. Bonusing had been pec.,",',',,y disas-- He did not agree with Mr. Pattullo that trous in its effects on the smaller places bonuses as a rule had been unsuccess-- & | throughout the country and on the ful in preventing the establishment of ;;"l'x'r'eei.ll1 idistric(;s.t i Al(:ing \\t'ithd modern lt(l)m?\'ll l!lrt"}'tlstflel:l. $ lnhmamt,h :39!;898 he 'ention an e modern tendency to-- & cou e shown that bonuses lwards big enterprises, it had gradually had developed local industries of great w helved to increase concentration in the value to the municipality immediate-- y es ie CC