The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1900, p. 2

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That no other similar industry "éxisted l there, that they do not induce thereby Ontario, and Taudea~ ~pr C an established industry to remove from policy, having for 'Qm mt another part of the Province, and tha(; ment of that country, originat y the 8 ' the total bonus taxation do not excee Government. _ He PXDrelnd%um one--tenth of the taxation in the muni-- that the Province had been shown by. cipality. thebreport of the Financial,' > s to be in a good financial condition, and To Ald Raising of Beets said the Government would now be eble! The Government will probably place to make judicious expenditures that a sum of $3,000 or $4,000 in the esti-- would enable Ontario to sustain its pre-- mates for the purpose of enabling tests sent proud position. _ The-- expendi-- | to be made at different points in the ture of money upon colonization roads| 3 Provinece as to the suitability of beets |had given good value, and, ' in t,he'! for producing sugar. The matter has speaker's opinion, there was a larger not yet been put in definite shape, but return for the money spent in this| a resolution dealing with it will likely way than from any other service carrk'd! be placed or the order paper in a day '«m by the Government. -- Mr. (,'arsmallen] or £wo. "h?d Jecred atotho agricultural rest;urtc'el!s of northern Ontario, but in the fertile' Concession to License--holders. lqlistri(-ts of that country a farmer had It is thought the Government will better prospects of success than in any | grant liquor license--holders throughout |other part of Canada. Mixed farm-- the Province the privilege of paying ;ing could be carried on, and right at their license fees half--yearly. At pre-- 'the farmer's door a good market ex-- sent the privilege is restricted to li-- listed, where far higher prices for farm cense--holders in cities. The statement products were realized than in the old--, that the Government have decided to jer districts. . The Government, he con--| enact a law permitting liquor to be |cluded, would be sustained in the newl sold to guests in hotels dur:in;:'hr\rf;hol:'l:- |policy upon which they had embarked. rs, as it is contende e Legis-- k # o »» 'l":?n?lf;u.:r'{:in'flly intended, is not cor-- Mr. Morrison Says "Stupid. rect. The Government have not con-- Mr. Morrison (West Hastings) de--| sidered the matter at all, although MF' clared that all the talk about a new Haverson, the advocate for th(-. l'iqum- 'policy was intended to pull the wool x gellers, is urging it upon their atten-- |over the eyes of the people and divert tion. attention from the election scan«]alsl aent. [which had taken place. He accused| The Opposition Amendn o the Attorney--General of stupidity for Mr. Jessop (Lincoln), 1'-3summ!'z the preventing the Private Bills Committee debate on the budget, said that Cahill, from enabling the Town of Belleville to whose name was connected with West bonus a carpet factory, formerly locat-- Eligin irregularities, boasted in St. ed in Elora. The result was that that * Catharines that if he was Pl'-'?":"'u""l factory, employing 200 hands, was now be would "bust the Government." Re-- established in the Province of Quebec. a ferring to New Ontario, he said there | y o P were 100,000 acres of land unfit for cul-- | Province Sound Financially. tivation to 100 that was fit. ' Continu-- | *Mt:. Hislop (East Huron) said that > ing, Mr. Jessop said -- our :""""""';'.1 'there had been Liberal government in schools were behind the times. , Untario for over 30 years. -- During that t argued that the Government :1Iln\\fl'£l"_' time they had expended over $100 'i to high school pup.i:ls afnuuntcg.'l;)"., 1:' 000,000, but the Opposition had .f.'lilu't'.' each, compared with about §2. iwig to show that one dollar of that money each public school pupil. He criticiz-- had been improperly or unwisely ex-- ed the (10\'(\1'!\!)!0nt"fl munugemeflt of pended. The stock argument of the the Pioneer Dairy Farm: ""'?'";;113"; Conservatives was that the Liberals pcrimental Farm because they did no were corrupt He repudiated any such sustain themselves, there being larger idea. © 'The Liberals as a party had expenditure than revenue. He com-- never been connected with election im-- plained of the destruction of peach proprieties, and that was more than| trees under the San Jose seale act by the Conservatives could say boys in the Government employ who " ; did not know their businr's(;k }tlet ('rtw;l- Dislikes Praise of Premier. ° >d by moving, in amendment to the N fr':(tlfn(:nbih:t thf Speaker leave _ the Mr. Thompson (Centre Simcoe) pro-- thair : "In the opinion »of this HMHouse tested us.z:nn,st the Liberal members' : the evidence given at the trial of the flattery of Premier HRoss until the lat-- t ter had won his spurs. He thought [West Elgin petition. on the 20th -- of that. if the Premier had been sincere| 'June, 1899, and the statements made by in his desire to develop New Ontario | [the Judges in their report, dated 15th he should have given a seat in the! of August, 1899, together with the fact Cabinet to the member for West A1--! ltmu the said Judges 'ordered the costs goma (Mr. Conmee). He thought" of the petitioner to be paid by Dugald many of the public institutions of the! 'H,..,"-n_ returning officer at the said Province had too many attendants in election,. and Donald Macnish, a candi-- proportion to the inmates. ' date at the said election, call for the Mr. Wardell moved the adjournment $ ¢-- ldisn'.issnl by the Government of Dugald of the _ debate, and the House adjourn-- '2 Brown from his office of Sheriff of the jed at 5.45 p.m. 3 ) 3 * + i County :'x I lgnf e f f An Apparent Contradiction. Talks of New Ontario. Mr. Matheson will inquire: Is it Mr. Farwell (East Aigoma) spoke of the intention of the Government |the enormous natural resources of New !to ask the Royal Commission on the, fingncial position of the Province of On--|

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