The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1900, p. 3

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Ssn tan. 3 ar tnait repart mat| l e Bills Reported. in--statement No. 1 of their repor ey f sts of St. | 88 'state that the receipts and expenditure; 1G;m:~ee' 'Ncl}m:;'h gfia"f:te;:kmg power of the tmvmfi f]°6' nt,',l? o (118';'?3 ;';&mf 'to iseue debentures to the extent of respectively $3,710.927.79-- an ,8064, ' en . y n the 970p85 while the public accounts of thgl 1'2111.\'11(-)(01? lz:(r)xdgaaym;) %ufidflgé gf;fifi ,(-)epotrt- the pist seceiple sare $h; SA and |€4 MiUhOUt CBABE® L piouse to con the total expenditure $3,803,081.38, airtx'd ,! fl;fi?'; g';l_l ai?rk(l)?[ihg ,(;'.O",g ot? Durham, Amounts mentioned in said statement i M yS idR 124 Pn 2t Aoponurt s us thos; gi\;en '-? "J\e dpug,l,l.(_: \to draw attention to the dlscussiuu'm mecounts of the r?v ncet P tnt uU the House on bonusing yesterday. Col. freints ane 'Aeperiiinte on 1907 oo Mathemon drew 'attention to the fact 1898 inclusive differ by very large that it was a loan, not a bonus'. 30 s 'amounts 'from the statements given in bill was reported on the understanding t t iC The ince ? that t schedule be furnished showing thexpublic_accounts of the.Erovince : that the annual levy for it should not P M exceed one--tenth of the annual taxa-- Charges, of, Eraud t}:nt a schedule be furnished showing Mr. German will move : "That a sel-- with the provisions of the act of 1888. 'ect committee be appointed to inquire The bill empowering the Village of into the charges of fraud made against Arthur to issue debentures to the ex-- ;thc late William A. Scott by one John | tent of $14,155 to consolidate its debt I \Chambers in 1871 for ilegal returns l\\'ns reported, after Col. Gibson had ex-- lof pine and other timber cut by];hc-" | plained it. * isaid Scott during the years from 1865 tA Fatra | 'to 1871, inclusive, with power to sum-- Elevated Railway for Toronto. 'mon witnesses and take evidence under The following petition, asking for the |oath and report its findings to this incorporation of a company to build | ; |House." in elevated railway in Toronto, and for | The Bonds Were Stolen. other powers, has been presented to.the | Legislature:-- | I Unusually interesting was the bill re-- That it is in the public interests that | BBD"CfigRl ]debentu'rosthnf }I!'? T'l']'l"" 0$ an act should be pasged by the Legis-- e racebridge _an« e ewnshnip _0 lative Assembly of Ontario to incor-- | Stephenson, discussed by the Private norate the Toronto Elevated Railway | Bills _ Committee yesterday. Mr. ('ompany, and that such act should , Ir; fent relie rovide that the company to be incor-- Richard _ J. _ Lance p bf'_'f'{', m:,',";); :mrated may, subject to the municipal-- |from a 'misfortune which befel hIM: ities affected, and subject to all other | the loss of debentures to the value of 6 s e e |$9,350, issued by the two municipalities, existing u_ghts. construct and operate {which he had deposited in Alfred a system jof e'e"""'g rj;"'l""'lys in "'f |Hunt's Bank at Bracebridge, whence (ln"'ll;'if' Trorgnllo i ry : 30 nt?g {r}llun U Ithey were stolen on May 27, 1807, by ceb in 2e renrtppaenge moomiiee se ie M oi on * {urstar 1t Wws sked thit the two with, a system of surface street rail-- | j gl",'s']m s ampawered 10 pay the ways in the City of Toronto, and other | ;f:}:gufi']{'f dufism"' t';mp:-)u'»lf-ln (]vlwlnt.urPS; municipalities within a radius of thirty | land also be authorized to issue new miles of the said city. (Signed). | debentures to replace _the stolen ._6. H. Janes, | ones not matured. Dr. _ Bridg-- S. F. McKinnon. | land advocated the bill, after which Mr. Lyman Melyin Jones, } 8. H. Blake, Q.C., spoke in opposition J. A. Towell, | I Ito it. He ssid the cancellation of the Railways Do Not Heip. missing debentures would do a great !\\'r(mg' to.the present holder of the de-- Mr. Thos. Southworth, Director> of |bentures, whoever he might be. He Colonization, writes :--In The Globe of 'said there were two courses open to Monday last appears an item referring \Mr. Lance, either to bring an action to colonization matters, in which it is | against Mr. Hunt for carelessness in stated that although no reduced rail-- preservation of his property or to give way rate has been obtained froin east-- | security for the amount and have the ern Canada to New Ontario, the Cana-- interest paid to him meantime. dian Pacific had "agreed to give a local | In reply to Colonel Gibson, Mr. rate of one cent a mile to enable in-- | Blake _ said ho appeared for tending settlers to look over the land bankers _ and brokers generally, when they got up there." It is also ' whose _ interests _ were at stake, stated that "the Grand Trunrk seems to on account of their continual dealing be the stumbling--block in this connec-- in such securities. After Mr. Lance tion." had spoken in his own behalf, Col. Gib-- Allow me to say that this is ineorrect, son pointed out that perhaps the bonds and, while giving undeserved credit to were now in the hands of a bona fide the Canadian Pacific, attaches to the holder, and the House should be very G.T.R. responsibility for retarding get-- careful in regard to such legislation. tlement that should properly be shared \Col. Matheson suggested letting the by both roads. As a matter of fact no |bill stand over, as such an act might reduction has yet been made by either |lessen the value of municipal bonds to the Grand Trunk or Canadian Pacific a very appreciable extent. After some tor intending settlers on Onjario lands, further discussion it was decided to much to the disappointment of the postpone consideration of the bill. Government. Your correspondent was probably misled by the fact that the ] Port Arthur, Duluth & Western and the |Ontm'lo & Rainy River roads have ar-- ranged to carry prospective settlers at

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