The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1900, p. 4

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& ETTE ® ramcent a mile?"the other roads MA not, locally or otherwise, though I am rocrmmmmants kn n en rmeearie ho:;etul still that some arrangement "':'f";'. 6. P arsham. Ved &. Hiee *s1 may yet be made for better terms than a bill to amend the' munlcipe acott 89 we now have. 1t is intended to remove ambiguities Kingston's Technical Classes. in the Col:m'\)?e t'}?:vi) rf:r m?n:o- nd rom Kingston waited more woarkable abling o,,"th'ie{'n"e',';'ég?, f,g the Government last municipalities to acquire electric lig evening to ask for financial assistance plants. ~The amendments are amtb toward the formation of technical | those sugs,;esged by the Ontario Munic-- classes in the collegiate . institute of |\ ijpal Association. 5 &z A deputation, headed by Mr. a. --P. that city. The deputation, which was Graham, M.P.P., waited upon the Gov--; introduced by Hon. Mr. Harty, includ-- »rnment Wednesday and secured .the ; ed :--Mr. E. J. B. Pense, The Whig ; nromise of the payment of $800,arrears | Principal Ellis of the collegiate insti-- due to the County of Leeds and Gren--| tute, Prof. Dyde and Mr. Geo. Y.+ ville, in connection with the adminis-- | Chown of Queen's University, and Mr. tration of justice in the county. ! Thomas Lambert, Chairman of th« Hon. Mr. Harcourt yesterday beard a Board of Edueation. It was pointed deputation from Ottawa concerning the out by the speakers that for four or vexed question of the apportionment of | five years there had been technical high school moneys in cases . where | classes in the public schools of the city. there were towns or cities separated \ with the result that there are now 8 from counties; also one from Fort Will--| large number of boys ready to gradu-- iam, asking for assistance in the estab-- ate therefrom, with no place to go t( lishment or a high school there. | ' continue. their work. Assistance hac A deputation, comprising Hon. F. R.! been .promigsed from the city and other | Latchford, Ottawa; Messrs. W. H. Big-- sources to the extent of $1,5300, and 2 | car, Q.C., Belleville; I. B. Lucas, M. like amount was asked from the Gov--| P.P., Ower Sound; 8. F. Lazier, Q.C., ernment. The work would be carried and W. F. Surton, Hamilton; A. Lums-- on in the present collegiate building. den, M.P.F., Ottawa, gnd others, wait-- Hon. Mr. Harcourt expressed his de-- ed on the Attorney--General yesterday light at hearing of the progress of and requested that the Government in + technical education in Kingston, and their appropriations for libraries of said for his own part he would be very county law associations fix the amount glad if their request could be met. He having regal'd to the amount of busi-- said Ontario had in the past paid too ness done at each point, and the num-- much attention to book education, and ber of active members of the profession not enough to subjects of a practical in the association. Hon. Mr. «3}{bson kind. Col. Gibson endorsed Mr. Har-- promised to accede to their request. court's statements, and said the Gov-- ENi Bitineupteceereanateenmammes ernment, in dealing with the mattcr.: THE PRIVATE BILLS. | would have to act in a way compatible j with their general policy. l o 3 k Explanations of and Comments Upon - Dined at Government House. Some of the Measures Before the The following gentlemen were invlted: Legislature. to dilne. at G-)'vex:nment House lgstr 'The bill relating to 8t. George's Church, ((e?';;?e:gé--é'elgrsii;:bO}iegrlg:i'ngiifz:'lt'ikl?}L' Ortaws, (NQ. 17), is to enable the rector and en, Mr. Walter Cassels, Q.C., Mr. Jus-- church wardens of 8t. George's Church, Ot-- tice Falconbridge, Mr. Justice Rose, tawa, to issue debentures to the amount of Capt. Sutton, R.C.D., Capt. Taylor, Mr. ;14,000, the procecds of the sale thereof L. Lash, Q.C., Mr. Frank Fleming, Mr. to be applicd in payment of a mortgage se-- A; P_.' Cockburn, Mr. James Hv'-ndcrson.' | ured upon the church and church lands, ]1:'11: i%];-?\l.xeslogaig(}qnéMll;irplgz)':' !{/}II)'II; I the detbentures virtually taking the place of Ml ePadt, 'l\'i.f'.l."..'l\ir.. Guil;t);'(i .l\'l:' llhl' mortgage. 'The church and lands are P.P., Mr. Hislop, M.P.P.., Mr. Hoylé. M: charged with the payment of the debentures P.P., Dr. Jessop, M.P.P., Mr. Kribs, so to be issued, and the interest on the M.PP., Mr. Little, M.P.P.. Mr. Lucas, oo t 0 48 oC nocc d M ie nprentinced M.P.P., Mr. Maleolm, M.P.P., _ Major 10 be igened are to e imade payAbicea proc Miscampbell, M.P.P.. Mr. Whitney M.l o be ssu:t are to 'n' mx'u"n payable, a pro-- P id r Y, portionate part in each year, or at the end P.P., Mr. Farwell;; M.P.P., Mr. Foy, M. of a term of yenrs; in the latter case a P.P., Mr. GaMagher, M.P.P., Mr. Gra-- | «iuking fund to be raised yearly is made ham, M.P.P., Mr. Hill, } MP.P., My¥r. | compuisory, s Hoimes, M.P.P., Dr. Jamieson, M.P.P., , Unrder the act respecting 'Ilu- property of Lieut.--Col. Leys, M.P.P., Mr. Joynt, M. I-(Il'i;."[«'»_nh. Austitutions, K.8.0., chap. 307, ' P.P., Mr. Loughrin, M P.P., Mr. Lums-- | shove refereed To shail not. bu enommbersg ' den, M.P.P., L_ieut.-(.'.ol. Matheson, M. | »xcept with the consent of the vestry 'ot' P.P., and Mr. Kidd, M.P.P. | the church and of the Bishop of the dio-- | Note | «ese and the Executive Committee of rhe' 8. i'»i'illlo:lo«(;{o::mt'l:(ll':':).;:. m'l'h(t- |tb{'enmhl(~ to the & > h x s » » A(l 0 » 'l_ eur 6 M" Hill has l.ntroduced a bill re-- is silent regarding the oth(-r"l"(-:fi)?flf'c:s bruf specting the Toronto Suburban Street quired to be observed under the section; \| Railway Company, Limited. The pi'in- ought in view of the sale of the (il'lwl:l':l."t'; cipal provisions are that the name may to include a recital of such consents in the be changed to Toronto Suburban Rail-- m'nnl}:l»l_t:. Under the church tempordlitice way Company; that passengers refusing} act, 3 Vic., chap. 7"-1, the soil and frechold to pay their fares may be put off a car.l ufhthcl (-.hurnl! is \h«stml in the parson or ' a}r:d 'Flso (;;)lnflrml;g agreements with 'c)nee'':;lx;:n';mdn:l P&l}:xogthfi\i:%dtel:;.m'fn'x: the Township of York, the Village of : _ und % Weston and the Town of Toronto Junce--| ehurels ivardead sare, cundiraseciCofthen

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