The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1900, p. 3

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due to the House, and he hoped before r.'n adavance, on the part of the Do-- k the debate closed the_ ex--Treasurer minion, which would. have to be re-- St would be heard from. There were dis-- |paid by the Province. | » crepancies in receipts and disburse-- Mr. Ross pointed out that the wm'«ls[ ments extending over a long period of "the Province may repay" were uged | years, but no explanation was voucl-- in the statute. The Province, 'h(']'{'-! | safed. It might be said, these large fore, might or might not repay the ad--| sume being carried from year to year. vances. | an Q-.X)'!:'.l\:!linn \\Exl'mut 'tinu- for invest-- | Mr. Foy dissented from such an in--| ' igation would be difficulit, but when an 'h'l'l""'l"'i"" of the statute. He "-( »;x'!".;:lnul:m rk :'-_.:.m_:;z the :l.'.yz.-y-c-x;:l'\lj l on to quote Mr. l'_i'if'im:'.* Retter as| cies in ln'.h,;-'"..,g for Ih_u. year \"\ | showing that the Province covld not| was us:ka-fl it could ur:n'.".;!,\ -n~'a1-'nu-... 'lm_"", these moneys, for the ordinary| for the figures y'"\nzf ,-{]!.. ht'- ll'c'fi'li in purposes of government. The :~))"ilkl')' the memory. . But in {mis" yeat. 60+ | hoped the day would never arrive when :1"."": "";]"" :.l_ \':'\ ~L"l '.'JYI 'll'T:".l.l"':".;"i\l 'Il,{l- i the ['l'n\il\('\' would hbe comp lled to ask | (-\i?:ilti-}n!'n]:'i\ls'hb:xyxn:nl.]l"('l;.r:.'bn-:x'llw \v}'r'l"w | the l'".'".i,',',i'.l",l. f|.>§' :\:\lym ge under such! |late Treasurer. "The Financial Commis-- ,"*"""""""'-' conditions. lgion gave the total receipts for the year | Cheap Binder Twine. ,'\1»\. at $3.710,027, while the report of : . s . ' 'Uu- late Treasurer gave the _nf | _\Tr. Pettypiece (Y',:xfl Lambton) d lt | receipts for the same period at $3.0447,-- | with the charge made by the Q;»yn:-'!-- 'MK} : antl the commission reported $3.-- | tion that the Goversoment, in their con-- IS§4,.000 as the total disbursements of | duct of the Central Prison binder twine 'the Province,, while the Provincial | industry, were playing into the hands I'Treasurer made the total of the dis-- }nl' a monopoly." What were the facts / bursements £3,803,000. When thes« At the Central Prison between March Mfacts were brought to the attention of 1 anrd August 1, last year, 5.600 bales \hon. gentlemen opposite, and when of binder twir were manufactured. other -- explanations were asked, they | This twine was sold to the farmers 4i-- | were met with captious remarks and Irect-- at 10 1--2 cents per poun4. Pho lattempts at witticism. This, however. ;lvlr.« from which it was produced cos | | would no prevent gentlemen who wish-- !81--2 cents per pound. The twimne was led to have these explanations bringing sold between June 1 and August 20, and P 'the matter up. Mr. Foy commented on the sale was advertised in 70 local 'the fact that although the Financial papers. -- Every order received fron the | Commission had possessed the power to farmers was filled. The Governmen 3".!11 witnesses and to take their evi-- thus furnished the binder twine to the |dence under oath they had not done farmers at as low a rate as it could be [#o. and had evidently obtained all the sold for. This vear they expected to |information which they received from Co oven better. (Ministerial applause.) | the office of the Provincial Treasurer. Mr. Pettypicce said the Opposition | Moreover, the investigation was made professed to be friends of the farmers, !in srivate. That fact must be borne yet they were doing all they could to lin mind when considering@ the value of acery the work in behalf of good roads | the roport. The Oppogition or any-- carried on by Mr. A. W. Campbell. |body else were at liberty to challenge For example,, Mr. Matheson, in a re-- |the value of the report. He thought cent debate, was reported to have said it ought to be explained how it was that a street macadamized in Perth that the receints from the Dominion undor Mr. Campbell's direction had to as given in the public accounts were be torn up and made over. In reply €207,000 more than were actually found to this, Mr.: Pettypiecce read a letter ihv the commissioners. By including ; from ex--Mayor Shaw of Perth denying 'the railway certificates and annuities | the accuracy of Mr. Matheson's state-- | among the liabilitiecs of Ontario the ment, and asserting that the great ma-- |commissioners had sustained the con-- | jerity of people, both in the town and | tontions of the Opposition and con-- | county, expressed the opinion that good demned as fauity the methods of pre | work had been done. "It is rare in-- vious Treasurers. | deed," continued the writer, "to find Calls It Poor Financing. i""-'_'_":'.' :.:i\i'.:;":-. contrary nt\inifm. The C c rotleci R 5.. nao s R l\'nn' iz _one of \\l:~h any town might The Government in the past had | be prond, and is, I think, admitted to be raised money on securities held by them ' even superior to that done at Smith's at a cost of 5 per cent. payable half-- | Falls, where the town is expending yearly. That was not a good financial UMarge kums of money obtained by the transaction for a Government which | vote of the people 'for that purpose. claimed such large assets. He chai-- | The streets are well drained on both lenged the statement of the commis-- "-" ies of the road in' most cases, and li\'jq\n(-bv'\' that the Upper «"1}1:111:1 build-- | Col. Matheson knows this, because he | ing fund, the Upper Canada grammar himself asked to have one of the drains I school fund and the land improvement put down in front of his own pre-- "fun«l had been declared by the inter-- | mises," (Applause and laughter.) Mr. | provincial arbitrators to be held ex-- Pettypiece praised the successful, ef-- | clusively for the Government of On-- | forts of Mr. Dryden to stamp out the .i"'"'l"' That statement should have been | San Jose scarle, and then, reverting to | qualified by the addition of the fact | the Opposition amendment calling for | that those funds were to be held for | the dismissal of Sheriff Brown of West | the purpose far which they | Pigin, asked what the amendment had} !'-'""7'""' . Mr. Foy discussed the ques-- | to do with the budget speech. The | tion of whether Onrturio could obtain speaker pointed out that the Liberals lrhc moneys standing to its credit in denounced. corruption, and he enamer--| the possession of the Dominion, and ated Liberal papers that had also con--| held that the Province could only bor-- demned -- electoral wrongooing. The | row such moneys for the purpose of lo-- Conservatives woere anxiouas appdrent--| | | eal improvements. It would be shnply ly to have no investigation, for they| denounced the commission of in(lllll:'v'

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