The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1900, p. 7

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to pass by--laws for the wnion of exiat, (Wuction bf a Tertneate of the wdura-- Ing school sections, the alteraM0n Of 'tional Department of Ontario, or other 100 the boundaries of a school section, oT evidence that the applicant had pre-- the~division of an existing section ":. viously passed an examination in the to one or more sections. AM4 PF Tidge! subjects therein stated. Mensuration, t o on esc ie Larrted thare-- political, physical and mathematical purposes within the time enacted there-- weography are dropped, and in lieu in shall remain in force until set asude(i hereof history of Great Britain And as provided in the said act, for a Derlfo d Canada are made necessary. Power is of five years. Section 39 provides in. given to change the curriculum. -- The an appeal to the County Counell of tha new order of things to take effect on county against the passing of any suh January 1, 1901. The new section seents by--law, giving power to the Council to an improvement on that repealed. appoint arbitrators to consider such ap-- peal, and their decision when mzlulethfa' to The Law Society. | eontinue in force for the period of five y | i 5% f orney--General has a bill re-- years at least. and sectmr'x ')d-) p'f."'i-d,ffi Ia'tl;gz ?c'»:tthz }I:aw Society. Section 4; 4 émy by-iaw's s& 1',):*5-2"(1 0fm~ dth'e of the act respecting the Law Society| o lg nariod of Ave v twithstand-- of Upper Canada enacts who shall be | d e perlo&i ?i'fl\le )eatl;s't no(t.(;\ é;-zfi?m ex--oflicio benchers of the society. It| ing]' x [ie-SL:O "uil;hséngwen The is proposed to add to --those thm-eln' urr:j%-st5 r}OMLT B r?-'a bill is to do away |provided t"every person who has for| omect Of MY. PaLial Ther av seven consecutive years held the office} BPe Eoud reass ye;;.rs ll]lnit. thi 1e;)%lm{n:, of Treasurer of the said society." This| be good reasons for asking this, un-- - casure * ns * ncrinicl | g a wel v character it is a compliment to the present incum--| l}ess t}:oiv. '"-'Ph;'.f 1" ";;}f:unn(ll;{1z-:'::tir)n bent of the office, and an amendment | y id os in tne eefer rests of the that should meet with the approval 0£| ;\v'ould' 6e lrl'l-thc gcn?m'lshtl}tli\":::l"to be the Assembly. The other clause of the| i:(jngls;t PeCE ! * 'act providing for the abolition of terms! DaVIg--. j 5 act to and changing dates for doing acts or pv'he{:l;rvlzd\t:e ?n:?alsl:se,flit-xlxtrl\edd::?tra(ctti(:n giving notice is a matter of !'"u"nf"! by fire is a most valuable a("t. and a iu)'q*.\Tgh, doubtless, there are good| S d nk makes provisions f 'l'he fi.rst '"\ii'lmhl:mvis has a bill which is sim-- sec:ti;m n:akfe% pr'og 1:iunstt:nhtnh(;'.s ;'(:; ply to place the School of Mining, pointment of fire rangers for 12 1 * inaston." 48 f p ~ ons under licenss to cut timber, or timber lTl.n;z?tfm,'r ..'xs(n{lob(.(.)'l.u:'lu rii\pfié;fl:fl;gfi § ¥ rices. > gsee-- l section 24 > ryore' | (x::()lms(:' (.toh\(;lrl:s s:l::\'coe;so of Plasnr;s act. The other institutions mentioned| under license, and provides for the :tm- ;x'n)df:i 1;71?';{13;1'.1:tflfi;;flgx;1\(]]1;;:?;!;%(3:«_. s v f > f lr oy l * + ® » +( huim'mont of such 1 numE)r'r 'm .ne t~n'.i'n Srhool af Prdcticai Sclence. Aand! rangers as the licensees may.request, o eP f* lege. Mont i. " 'Phig seems or. in the absence of such request. as ':Ic(,'-ll»l 'f'l 9%'1' Montreal. seem the Commissioner of Crown Lands very reasonapic. deems necessary,; and provides that Notes. one--half of the exnelnsf sha;'l behbm-;ne 8 comran . oinsda Loin & Sa \by the licensse and the other by the The entra 'anads 10an . ay-- iProvincée. Where the licensee requests, ings Company was ox'ix?'llxglly incorpor-- 'thv apnointment he is to submit to the ated by _l'l'()\'ln('l:ll lottm'.-;_ }mt;(.:n't ..l" { Commissioner a list of persons for such an (Ontario company, but in 198 was 'z'ppnimmont. subject to the gapproval created by an act of the Canadian of the Commissioner. The act ends Parliament into a 1)011)1111()!:'1'\)1111-:'111'.'. with a carefully--prepared clause stat-- Yesterday l1htj~ 'li'rintu!v T:'I\IIS "( on | ; the 3 [ the fire rangers. mittee of the Legisiature gave its as-- S * d::ths C l C 8i .n' to a bill \':'::Ting the :r{ssvts of the ' The A'ssossmcnt Act. | company as a company reorganized by Mr. Barr's bill (117). relates to the' the Dominion Parliament. The assessment acet. Section 61. sub--section usual -- argument -- over the -- grant-- 1 of the assessment act provides that iny of permission for mu'v\!n ipal bonus-- County Councils may pass by--laws for, ing arose 1:\"cr the _bill. giving the pow-- taking an assessment in towns, town-- l\.l" _1'""1110 Jlu;v"u(\'xtu}-zvi:fh';ml'r:g xt-uzs'.: 3 f i > twee > 1s ay wZ, 30 on deber ces as a lof 0 i :?"I);(')l!"l;ll"\l":llfizls tll:'éu;;znd:xr_\lr(' olfSlJ:Jli'g?. 1'&1(';01',\'"0)1'( lh:: manufacture of tables; The !n'm)(\m'd"n('t is to alll)"wl of '.hci and LM::.'"N:Ormlnfllz';' lltlh(thfox:.::""l?gl'imtl; County Councils passing a by--law per-- ment « © oundry, a Cf 8. mitting such town. village or township| control the l;xtp-xl h"h\g'.'"'"l unformed. to take this assessment themselves. The| Mr. Pattullo ohbhjected strongly to the work to be done is not altered, simply | bill, He s.x:-.'lq.}: lhr.rv' was no "".(.f?;l . the appointment of officers to do the| sity tor lmm'lr.hw, :-ln"fu.mtmv 1:!(!"?'} in | 'work. There may be reasons why it | Ontario to--day. here were too many} may be better down in the manner pro-- fretories, and sooner or later some" of | posed. the furniture companies would be mn'-l, | arms ed to the wall. Everyone knew also | The Pharmacy Act. that this Province was strewn with the Mr. Harcourt has a bill to amend the: ruins of foundries, and while this state pharmacy act. Under the present act! |of affairs existed power was still be-- the council is required to hold two sit--| ling given Councils to spend the tings in cach year, on the first Tuesday I money of taxpayers in establishing en-- in February and August. 1t is propos--| ed to substitute Monday for Tuesday. Section 13 is to be repealed, and a new section takes its place, the main feat-- ' ure of which is the imposition of a fee of 81. to be naid, together.with the pro-- ie i e .

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