The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1900, p. 3

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; Pulpwood Cutting. § A dog, the owner of which Waid a tax 4 of $5, would be just as likely to gei In reply to Mr. Miscampbell, Hon. beyond control as a dog which no one 10' 'Mr. Davis read a statement showing owned. In a previous bill of his own C the quantity of pulpwood taken from he had made it permissible for anyone the Crown lands each year from 1805 finding a dog roaming at large to de-- to 1899, inclusive, and the amount of stroy it, the object not being the de-- dues received by the Government. The struction of the dog, but to insure care details were as follows:-- on the part of the owner. _ The bill i Cords. Dues. passed_ , e fMkstns .«ircarri1, Sl,l10 $6,423 Mr. Mutrie (Wellington) moved t:'u'f [*800--0t ....*..... do08l G6,808 second reading of his bill to amend t e {1i8906--97 ........... 46.387 8,238 act to regulate travelling on public fI80;«08:......; ... . _ 106,448 3,038 highways and bridges. The bill, \'\'hl(f!l f [I1808--00 .... .:. ... .. ~20.880 4,828 provides for precautions, such as lights, | _ Mr. Davis went on to say that the etc., on traction engines, passed. Sault Ste. Marie Pulp & Paper Clom'; To Prevent Plumping. pany had not taken any pulpwood of & teoks $ the ).'.l)-mlle reserve provided in their Mr. Pattullo, in moving the sgtor{d agreement with the Government, be-- reading of his bill | respecting PO.\'li ' cause, although they had had men in Councils, said that the r'.m\,i'e"",' Of,'h'] the field exploring, they had been un-- bill making the term"m fown .mxf able to find 50 miles of territory on County Councils two years instead o ) which there was any quantity of pulp-- one \\'c)ulci.' in his opinion, have the {]-L- & wood. The spruce was scattered in fect of bringing better men into l)e | small bunches, and consequently it had Councils. Another feature of the bill | ailnla. P f is % ras a clause making it compulsory in been impossible for them to lay out 50 was & C! * it 4 ballot - miles, so that they have had to be con-- an election for *# \n't'(fr to 'i';:llb;L dT;'l) tent with cutting such quantities in for half of th",'."m-'?l"dt-(;el'c? "'e'l + I such places as the department would intent of the bill is to abolish "plump-- ' | PIIC L ing." and this portion of it found some 4 | permit them to cut. The same was true ng, at ts iflf the Sturgeon Falls Puip Company. m:\';(xtflt'lqn{..'.;uon said that while he The total: amount of pulpwood taken ter@ ie e CDry% s / 6 Arimi |out by the Sault Ste. Marie Company thought that in time an act of the kind and returned to the Government was would be necessary, a more elaborate 45,431 cords. measure would then be needed. o 4 , Mr. Monteith (Perth) was strongly Alien Labor Bill. in favor of the clause, and said that in Mr. Wardell's bill prohibiting the his constituency men had been elected employment of aliens on Ontario pub-- to Councils who were not the choice of lic works was sent to a special com-- the people, but who secured their scats mittee of nine members to be appoint-- .t.hmugh. ])fiop!e in their own (',l't""t?i ed later. -- The Attorney--General agreed plum;.:mg for them. Mr. Pattull »l to this course without committing him-- will withdraw the clause, and the bill self to the principle of the bill, al-- | was sent to the Municipal Committee. though, he said, the measure contain-- _' | _Mr. Jessop's bill to amend the mu!}i- ed some provisions of which he approv-- |cipal act by taking the control of r;ol{ce ed . in towns out of the hands of Police %, Commissioners and placing it in the McMaster Endowment. control of Municipal Councils, was \'ig-' k * ho Akel vgus orously opposed by the Attorney--Gen-- ,~";"\{lr;,,,':'.':l",];'.!f\'r':'..\l;f.litf:l'_ ;L:}"{C:\X;Lh'l?':___""'l' | eral, who stated that aimost the entire | faxation received its Seanned reading im |press of the country was in favor .ofl ® on received its second reading. | the institution of the Police L'ommls-' Election Law Amendments. sioners. The Boards of Police Commis-- Mr. Whi f * sioners, composed as they were, were , Mr. Whitney's bill to amend the elec-- much more capable of controlling a tion act by m_akm-.: the provisions with | police force than a Municipal Council respect to bribery more stringent was would be. Qf"f'i for second reading on Weanes-- ! Mr. Mutrie said that the members of day, on condition that no other bill of | Municipal Councils were in every way -"{l'-'l'-'i_' purport should intervene in the | the equal of hon. members of this meantime. '!'_h~ Attorney--General ask-- House. I('d that the bill should stand over, be-- | The Premier said that he did not cause he had seen the measure for the wish to discuss the bill, but it was a first Hmt- that day and had had no | very serious thing, the placing of the opportunity to compare its provisions | adiministratior. of the laws in the hands \\lt!l the existing statute. The Op-- o[f a body elected by popular vote. The position leader, however, refused to al-- | Councils would be the rulers of the son-- low the bill to stand unless he was | stables, and the constables would prob-- given the assurance that he would not |ably prove to be good election agents be forestalled by any other bill. Even-- for the Councii. The bill meant the re-- !lm'll.\' an agreement satisfactory to verting to the American system, and it both parties was arrived at. would be many years before Canadian l Mr. Duff (Simcoe) moved the second sentiment changed so as to allow it. reading of his bill to amend the act The bill was laid over. for the protection of sheep and to im-- 4 pose a tax on dogs. Mr. Duff said Bills Introduced. :l.l.;,l:-lf. '"'_h',""!'l' be in the power of every Among the bills introduced yesterday | munic 1])..|l|\) to impose a tax on dogs. were the following :-- Q '[-Ion. .Ix:. 1)'r_\'don said that while he Mr. Mutrie--To enable municipalitios r)l{l(ll n:tit;lh;r;;ilm; Eo the ad'omion o}' the to 1_nake graits towards the formation und.erbflt'md i ne '.L'n.( member _ would of \ulunt:er bands. L Cf Dréeven lat a tax on dogs would Mr. German--To prohibit persons i : prevent the destruction of sheen. from aciing as veterinary surgeons who

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