eE EPE AERPEDSAEETET a o f ; » FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 6 edcas k e -----_gq---.!---"______--_'---"--"--"--""" » _------_----__ + Statements by John G. Pritchett 6 Read by Mr. Whitney. --#-------_---- AFFIDAVITS PRODUCED. Premier pointed out that the electoral Taking advantage of the opportunityl corruption in West Elgin was now be-- afforded by a motion to go into Com--| ing inquired into by an impartial tri-- 1 > Su y . Whitne last | bunal, and protested against attempts mittee 'of Suppls. )l" hichi my. 4 an| to defame a member of the legal pro-- evening in the Legislature moved an| fcssion on the strength of the state-- amendment condemning the appoint-- ments of a man who by his own con-- ment of Mr. R. A. Grant as assistant fession ought to be in jJail. (Z;h'. \\")hlt- y % 4 ney's amendment was voted down by a ecunsel to the West Elgin Lommi::slon. straight party vote, and the House then The Opposition assumed that Mr. Grant went into Committee of Supply. occupied the position referred to, but Mr. Mutrie complained that lndyes- he >y--Gener: auently ex-- terday's Globe some remarks made by Vie Adternes (,,gner'll subseiti 5 * Mr. Jessop were attributed to the plained that Mr. Wm. Macdonald was former. The remark was to the effect expected by --the Government to act as that members of municipal Councils assistant to Mry. . H. Watson, counsel were in every way the equal of mem-- to the"commission. It so hAppened bers of the Legislature. o . thae, commission. Appeneu, Mr. Crawford (in the absence of Mr. however, that Mr. Macdonald was out Carscalien) introduced a bill for the of the city when the commission met, vmtt-«-ftinn t;t life z{)nt'il propegty ini the e p t use of stationary boilers and engines, and i't ,'"" G'rant had acted as assistant and the: cxamining and licensing of he had only done so temporarily. Mr. persons in charge of them. W hitney supported his attack on Mr. Loah Corporations | Graut by reading three affidavits from 3 ¢ John G. Pritchett, formerly an Alder-- In moving the second reading of a P x bill to amend the loan corporations act man of London, but now a resident of Mr. Gibson said the changes contem-- Detroit. In these afmdavits Pritchett plated by the bill were suggested by declared that he acted as a deputy re--| Dominion legislation on the same sub-- C Bs o tA p s } ject. Formerly legislation _ by both turning officer in the West Elgin elec--, Houses ran in pretty much the same tion under an assumed name, andi lines. Of late there had been more or counted for Mr. Macnish, the Liberal less divergence on the part of the Do-- candidate, ninete 'ote g Fge ' minion Parliament. One of the most t; 'i \m wn \(.)lcs th""' "_'"'" important matters dealt with by the cast for Mr. Macdiarmid, the Lonsena-! bill was the borrowing powers of loan tive candidate. When the exposure companies. The difference existing be-- took place Pritchett asserted that he. tween the Dominion act and the Pro-- Was pald .money to leave the c 4 vincial law with reference to this point I noney to leave the country | was that while Ontario provided that and promiged that he would be given in the case of companies doing a say-- regular payments until the affair had ings 'l')anllé bu:igess thet:orr(:;vlng ;;ow-i p > + ers should not be more than three times| cleared over~--~In replying to Mr. Whit-- the amount of paid--up stock. the Do--| ney, the Attorney--General and the minion law authorized borrowing power | to four times the amount of the paid--