The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1900, p. 2

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ies. Some of 15. The bil proposed W spec-- ack lncsest loan companics nad been ial conditions there sh on open wag o olying for special leat i t Ot-- sbason for moose this Fyear, such open 10 4 applying for special legislation a s | 10 be repeated every, thikd year M anata Permanc Central"f!al;gd:;nt &e ;'e!?:og]ll would provide that hereafter Canadsa Permanen! SUQ ing powers rtridge should not be offered for sale. Erie, in which the borrow ?'l D°Pe paMr V'Vhimby expressed his gratifica-- ?;:r':e:te altl:fl\t\'}:xsbyprtggo:t)a?lm\;\g:r t;:si tion 'at learning that the leglslatlfon bz bill to give the same borrowing powersi the Hous* haid» ttr;:n gg(:g&?(t)lr\;eo to_ '::::e. to loan companies under the Ontario| good results in p cond timé act as they possesseddlunder thee Dg;l -- The bill was read a seco * minion law. The lending powers "n. > Cold Storage. loan companies were also materially ln-l Co--operative L hs k creased by this bill. Hitherto a vefry| Hon. Mr. Dryden moved "; etgcxe'c e conservative policy had been follo"eql reading of 'a bill to provide 1e stor in regard to such powers, and they incorporation of co--operative cold--stor-- had been restricted to real estate, and[ ige . associations. He 'was tance a few other classes of securities, such derstood to dwell upon the mpgl A 'L- as municipal debentures and the 'de- f providing cold storage for t ?ipl:o bentures of othéer loadn (-}c:mx;?mfis.g N:'t;l ser\;n:iuxtxh :tt tg:ifir' 4 Dl;?)?)l(l)cs:i .?g,'_e i a & & | 111)1'()»?;;"?::1 %::ll(ogzxeckst :s wellras the kg-'r(-xgnt"t nnpt bxo.eedfng%.';(l) towards the f debentures: of ordinary incorporated cost bf .constructing and equiip_Plnsl'da | companies and other kinds of compan-- building erected by a co--operative cold-- ies. The present bill would enable loan storage association. aitict | companies to advance money on the de-- In -- reply to Opposltlolr;l tczt;c sn;!: bentures of incorporated companies 10(!]" the Premlerbfifplft_!l:edn tt atu w*?)v')?-:le | supplying gas, water, heat, light an\ ject of 'tho o W oartlculinr 1 ~ | power, the debentures of steam or elec-- cold .stmage or z;.)xlly coxl)d t orage to ; tric railway companies, the debentuires dustry, bg: t(f) mfaruiei dairy products of telegraph and telephone compan eis.] be availa Eth or . chable" mititics, so | and also bank stocks within cer t:{ n j and all suc per flkf* t(i 04 S.t'l.l(" | limitations, . There were use'f'ul pi'r(l)-! hat n\"l) mltfh; ta);'nd(tx)'rla:']k?tegd at the| q ":m'f "('\(n';(':;:ine?; mlltd\\'dz:; ;)(;'ttl)s'ld'fl ?nros'zr::?);r\?e';xlgnt opportunity. Pnsslh!.\"! o thaL (})1 t 00' ner cent. of the stock.' cheese factories might come under the| rar t'h-a.tb\\d o}?d li&.-n paid up there operation of the bill. He intended lo' M innt be } crease of capital stock, bring down shortly a bill to enable us 1 be'ar'l' qnd rovision as to the municipalities to issue debeatures for Sggre}::;to\t'd;)ern&nen't capital stock. the erection of cold;'storadge bl:lldlrngs 3 are-- otf the collection of goods at some In both cages the intex:eshs f(l)xtllshpro- {ilgtr}butmg point or some centre that P s one.e hare was 'y' 1 i b d upon by the muni-- tected. Further, there was a provis 0'; !'Y;l B'l'll'- fhoa?triig HDeO thoxs;ght' Te col_ | for dlsconti_nuing ing business on fl(l)P ; p?l :uot r)rodv'.xcts and taeir reten-- :):-'rlgi'::tii!o;l;fif: d(:;:'g"")l;': i:\'s:sl)?'zp'"'; It?gn Ountll trlw best time for r-narkcl!'nxl | ed to say that such companies did n'o':' | were ftm)tlhmprf:]r;::}_t.l f;fitl""is,' o}:}r; i;l,t]-g do a useful business, but he did slhst'l |\i\dflt (l'rfi\ e-old-qit')xl')a eybl;ildi'n"';l ty ' Te s oiie Sronacal ~ c an(} ?pth:-m;;':' 4;-22u!l'gte teh(.f feeé to iI')c paig. alf the | ;',1":::;,:n:?{";(,g('r\'\vl!(,r'}l'xfi:::lh«flzx.:'s of loan-- | buildings passed inspection, then Pro-- | ing business. Me thought the Hnu's.a- \'i.r;'vial' ?lid~w0mddbe'sl¥)er:1' nthe [ would agree with him, that until th(-u: he bi was read a gecon v was further light, and a demand 1:'" Mr. Whitney'. L',hurgefl. the creation of these companies \\a_s F shown, no more companles on the ter-- Hon. Mr. Ross moved that the House y ale Stook plan shoLd 08 400 -- *3Ai. Wiitney. Sard be ntendea to p > 1 % y C p('ll:lt(--hde debate which tolfo';ed reln{\arlks n'mvc- an amvndmenft fiondamxrtocry 0{ haey » . Foy, oyle, a ointment o r./KR. . Gran }\':]tful(l)orftré(;'gwtf)gr(ai:fi:';sMath);sou. i\ll'.| zxuea;:ql;tlarit cuunse} for thfll(.'rown ;)Ic e 5 fore the West Elgin Commission. e ;oznggsles:.(:,?mt,';&::h:oblg,é): ?fir\ltdti? said that in its report of the first meet--; rectors and shareholders of loan Lrom- ing.of t.he commissi(gl Tht? G:.o:)e mh(()le panies might be gl\'gn an opportunity ?}?(_":f{;:fp(;fi'g:iM{h(, ;?':"8813 'I{;fiphg Ot-p&h'eprtf:?::g,g}?:{e;l;:ls' said i stated that Mr. Grant represented the cgourse was un 1 in the . C S',"'f i Liberal organization. Neither the Pre-- Gu' l amase, Sn se , it 10 Fowiedprety mier nor the Attorney--General had overnment bill, but if it were found seen fit to clear up the existing doubt| to be necessary he would recommend it. as to Mr Grant'q position. They had-! The second reading then passed. ;nudv n;) alluélon to * the M cnor-! Game Law Amendments. mity, to the lasting disgrace of ¥ | the appointment of that man as one of Hon. Mr. Gibson moved thf' second lthe counsel through whose hands all l'ea.dlng of a bill tfl' (T()!'lsohdfl'e the the evidence would have to pass be-- game laws. He said it had been | fore it reached the commission. It was proposed: in the bill that the open sea-- | beyond his comprehension how the gen-- | son for quail should commence on No-- ! tlemen on the treasury benches allow-- } vember 1, instead of October 15. But | ed themselves to appolnt this gen(]g- there was a difference of opinion in the man to the position of assistant coun-- Province on the question, and at a later sel. Mr. Grant might be a very reput-- stage he would propose that the com-- able man in his own profession, but the mencement of the open season for quail Consgervatives said he was the very last should date, as at present, from October man in the Province of Ontario that al

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