The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1900, p. 6

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Jcizing the course pursued by the * « EE!';::'-'ot8 the Ovposition. When this The tl"::j" Llii:d l;':"f"woani- investigation closed, when all the evi-- hmen "Jls vole rec'cl)gded in 4 to f dence 'had been taken and the Judges e h. beusias vore :"m nega-- l l ] had submitted their report, it would be vefi d r.l do svhlch made th':md" . \found that the inquiry had been con-- :'5 e _{53 re'l"h ains _ . were u""'"t A |\ ducted honestly and thoroughly, and to sd. . e p essre. . in such a manber as to leave no doubt Stratton and Barr, Caldweil and White, | s to its h ': Intent Leys and Fox, Charlton and Carscallen, | w.nofest--intel( Bowman and Macdonald, Smith and | Not Sub--judice. Kribs, McKee and Dempsey, German m 1 and Macdiarmid, Pardee and Powell. ! Mr. Foy (South Toronto) declare: The motion to go into supply was de-- | that the facts were patent, and not to clared carried on the same division re-- * be contradicted, that the Government versed, and the House spent some time | had appointed Mr. Grant as counsel in--committee. -- . | to. investigate a portion of the irregu-- l2rities. Mr. Grant was connected Government Measures. . with the investigation, and they now s F Ted t asked for the condemnation of the Gov-- n_':g"a";l,'(?g'n'g';,g';'ff nment bills w ('rej rnmeht becavse after all the facts had MrF. Davis' bill to amend the land| beer brought before it the Government on y it by tti fadunt ¢) | had stili retained Mr. Grant as coun-- s"f'q"y,""l"" M'l pul PE g"l, lt Py | ) sel. They were told that the West El-- l{u '(,};"}2 s dnes !:.t'he R?me pf',fl-' gin matter was sub--judice, but the :i(,m h"'t l;(;'gar éu tum{(;.h ap';f;'o.n- Government's action regarding Mr. ME .p. e Henmienan wan o o C '""l' Griant was not sub--judice. It was not} ;Lrgercucal Science and. McGill Col-- g:f;;:c-oth;e (-outrlt.. :'m(: thn' could com-- Mr. Davis' bill implementing into law ent on it as they pleased. C certain regulations under which tim-- The Premier's Answer. ber licenses and the Crown Lands De-- > partment jointly bear the expense of The Prémier said he understood that 'fll-(._rgll]ging" ¢ professionally Mr. Grant's standing --Hon. Mr. HMarcourt's bill to amend ' | was such as to fully warrant him to be the pharmacy act by fixing a well--un-- ; 'a& counsel in the inquiry, and that the derstood and definite standard of ima-- fonly thing for which the hon. gentle-- | triculation. i }man wished to disqualify him was his Hon. Mr. Dryden's bill giving the | lalleged connection with the parties in Governor in Council power to frame | the case. 'That was the single objec-- and put in force regulations for the | tion. destruction of noxious insects. | Mr, Whitney--One of them. Mr. Davis' bill to enable other woods The Premier--What other ? in addition to pine to be cut in the . Mr. Whitney--That he was the so-- Algonquin National Park fir a cer-- | lieitor for some of the parties. ltain period of time. The Premier--The Aum'ney-('.vm-rui, The Attorney--General's® bill relating 'sa)'s that he was not. At any rate, Mr.] to the Law Society. | 'Grant was the junior counsel. the Th aig' > A | senior counsel being Mr. Watson. There To Remove a Dam. o was no point in this want of confidence Bills to comnel the College of Den(al motion, «the Premier declared, unless Surgeons to issue certificates to (C. | ]lt was shown that Mr. Grant's conduct 1), Pinel of Bowmanville and W. H. }was unprofessional, or that he had. in Fisher of Chatham, both of whom have some way or other, been identified with had experience in dental practice, came | the persons guilty of irregularities in before the Private Bills Committes yes-- the West Elgin election. There was no terday, the first being championed by 'efldencc- to. egtablish improper conduct Mr. Keid and Mr. John Gregor, and on --Mr. Grant's part, unless jt were thpi the second by Mr. Pardo of Kent. On lallegath.ns of a man who had fled the advice of the Chairman the rmrn-:\sl across the border in order to escape the were referred to the Board of Trustees | punishment that would have been met-- of the College of Dental Surgeons for led out to him for his actions. Such a comference. Dr. Willmott, the Dean was -- the evidence on which the of the college, and Mr. W. H, S. Mc-- Opposition wanted the Government Callum opposed the bills. to be condemned. Distinguished law-- The committee heard the arguments - vers were to be condemned on affi-- of two rival deputations of the Coun-- davits secured--purchased, he ventuared ties of Lennox, Adt'""g'tfln and Fron--| to say--from a criminal. (Ministerial tenac. The deputation represented thet cheers.) He was surprised and asham--| manufacturéers along the Napanee ed at hon. gentlemen opposite. 'There| 'fl\'('!'. in the vicinity of the Town of was not a lawyer on the Opposition Napanee, \\'!m ]nhkv use of a dam near side wha would go into court with the foot of Nananee Lake, and the such an affidavit, and if he did it would other delogation was one of farmers be dismissed as unworthy of notice. living in the Townships of Camden and There was no fair play, no procedure ""'l"li"'-d. w h.u "x:w.-'-- found their land according to the usages of a British fooded anud inlureq "\'_ the Gdam, anrd 'country, about it. It showed the des-- who petitioned the Legislature to have \perate straits to which the Opposition the obstacie removed. 'The citizens of \were reduced when they pinned their Camden ul':d Portland were represent-- |faith to such flimsy evidence. (Minis-- ed by J. N. Whiting of Kingston, w. | terial cheers.) MH. Reynelds, John Campbell, w. H. After some remarks by Mr. Marter Hunt, County Commissioners of Fron-- in support of the resolution the am-- tenac; Alfred Hunter, Treasurer of ( endment was put and defeated by a Portland; and E. Freeman, 8. Storms vote of 33 to 30. It was afterwards and W. J. Shibley, _ all farmers. Mr. explained that Mr. Douglas had ab-- stained from voting under the belief lthat he was paired with Mr. Tucker.

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