in Iooning arter Ihe {Oneepoaepertment n looking after the timber ; c the Province. { 13 in 1y of Hon. Mr. Davis sa e trespass SATURDAY. MARCH 24'. the result of a misunderstanding on": WiiGeemtoie" *) kc nc concteen in on ue miaiteiieemanccncoorneneniienrmenmmmensmmmmene y part of the timber licensee of Coffin Township. All the trespass dues had 3 been paid. There had been no careless-- 4 ness on the part of the department, but o the interests of the Province had been safeguarded without at the same time + -- harassing responsible lumbermen. f -- PDues on Pulpwood. | us In reply to Mr. Whitney, Mr. Davis: A" Increased G'ant Urged For said the dues payable on pulpwood on 'vat; Crown limits had been increased from Colonization Purposes. [_,U To 10 cents a cord. ' s Beet Sugar Question. | Pln reply to_almotlon by Mr. ci'Pyne. 30' remier promised to bring down e THE LEGISLATURE BUSY. information in the Government's pos-- i * ~ session with regard to the agitation for : wai22 zi2 zl2 a bounty on beet sugar to be manu-- factured in the Province. A Short Scssion Yesterday, but Con-- Municipal Borrowing Power. siderable Work Done--Proceed-- Mr. Barr's bill, making it clear that ings in Private Bills and Railway municipalities have the power to bor-- Committees row money either before or after the * passage of a by--law levying taxes for the current year, and rendering more / en t & effective the law with respect to hawk-- » ers and peddlers, was read a second Yesterday in the Legislative Assem-- time. bly was given over to routine business, | Care of Drains. and during the afternoon the House The bill to amend the municipal act passed through various stages a large by making it compulsory on the part number of public and private bills. Al-- oé e(;rer'y ow(rilel:' of & lol;: t?t c'lean ;ut i the drain and keep the banks in order, t}?ough a epod deal of necess919.9" o'rk 'introduced by Mr. Mutrie, was refer-- was accomplished, the session . was red to the Municipal Committee. without great interest. Dairy Association. Taxation of Railways. The bill changing the names of the Mr. Conmee introduced a bill to Cheese and Bu:lter Ascsgciation gt East-- * ern Ontaric and the eese and Buttor amend th'e railway act by providing | Association of Western Ontario to that railway companies shall pay their \the Dairyman's Association of Eastern fair share of municipal taxation,. 301ntario uyd the Dairyman's Associa-- County Court Jurisdiction. iton of Western Ontario passed. Hon. J. M. Gibson introduced a bill Municipal Bonuses. respecting County Courts. He explain-- 'i Tl}e n'aatter of cl\;)icf honua};ss tlc; lloe.! w rstitutions came efore the rivate ed, i_n brief, that the measure doubles Bills Committee again yesterday morn-- the jurisdiction of County Courts. |\ing. The application for permission to The Attorney--General also introduc-- bonus came from the Town of Barrie, ed a bill respecting mortgages on elec-- which municipality asked to be allowed tric railway companies and street rail--| to loan $30,000 to the Barrie Tanning way companies. | Company, for the purpose 6f assisting | the company to erect new buildings ané Destruction of Trees. install a new plant. Hon. Mr. Dryden informed Mr. Jes-- The Attorney--General, who presided, gop that 41,107 trees infested with the pointed out that the by--law had not €an Jose scale were destroyed under the| received the required two--thirds ma-- provisions of the San Jose scale act. . | jority, and this he considered a strong I )'bstacle to the passage of the Lill.| Timber Limit Trespass. He held hthat m\:nl?lpalltites should livel the regulations imposed upon Mr. Miscampbell brought up the ques-- ap to tion of trespass committed on the tim-- t'g:":'wg";".ait;a:thzsfinBa"ma'?oth?t'; ber limit known as Aberdeen, but form-- o & pe ssion 0 | +» bonus. but to lend. He explained the erly styled "Coffin Additional. He 'ack of the necessary two--thirds vote: said that on a former occasion the % i that the v%te was takenone Crown Lands Department denied that 'Xe?g;d':agst a:d most inclement day n'}? there was any trespass, but it now ad-- he year. The number of votes requlr-' mitted that the limit had been trespass-- sd was 630, and the number polled was| ed upon and cut to the extent of 1,1062,-- 507 Col." Matheson thought that a | 000 feet of sawlogs and 16,000 feet of two--thirds majority of the total vote board pine. 'The facts showed, he was too much to require. Three fifths| maintained, that there was gross care-- of the total vote cast in favor of anyl 'nv.--law should-- be sufficient.