,E individual the * may : omitted from the that Athe term "limited" > ars in full and in the same sized type as rest of the title. }n th: case r:f ath::.d j?cg aoek e companies the word "lim * may be MONDAY,-- MARCH 26, Abbreviated to "Itd." _ The bill will be [ o retroactive and will thus put an end | to the suits instituted against joint 'stock companies for abbreviating the 4G[SL A Dorg Amied"to "ma ." 4 Asking a Land Grant. ' _ Premier Ross and Hon. J. R. Strat--| mm zen ton on Saturday received a deputa--| * tlo:i. who asked t;x:(tm the Govornmc;lnt * _ make a grant of 6, acres per mile, Provincial Members to be Kept or a total of 1,250,000 acres, in aid of the construction of the Algoma Central at Work, Railway. The projected line will be % about two hundred miles in length, and will run from Sault Ste. Marie to Mis-- »mmemeemaeaecamer sanabie, on the C. P. R., with a :)'ranch to' Mlg:lpicgten. M'I'he dt.a,puta~ I on were introduced by Messrs. James UNIVERSITY FI N A h C ES- Conmee and C. M. Bowman, M.P.P.'s,| s and included Mr. F. H. Clergue, Mr. umss A. E. Kemp (President of the Toronto Board of Trade). Mr, Hugh Government Asked to Make an An-- Blain and _Mr. N. W. Rowell. The proposed railway Is one of the nual Appropriation--Algoma Cen-- numerous enterprises which the Am-- tral Wants a BHig Land Grant. erican capitalists for whom Mr. Clergue is acting have in contemplation. . They leite ce ts the cesreccatiinty expect, It was stated, to make expen-- ditures m'f investn;c;nt&m % a g;h.\l amount of from 6. A( to ,= The coming week promises to be a 000,000. The estimated cost of the busy-- one in the Ontario Legislature. railway referred to is $6,000,000, and All the committees will be actively at tht:jyl;vm l;ulld tll'le line '\(\'Ithout issuing ts . a dollar of stock or asking for a dol-- work, anfi as the remainder of the legis lar of cash subsidy. 'The promoters Istion which the Government have in undertake, if the land grant is made, to ¥iew will doubtless be brought in this en;lx-loy 5.0((;0 men along the line of * is 4 ibstantial railway, and to establish an agency in week the Housedmlll t?'a;'e a:'; ;m:l 5 Tcronto and another in the old country programme to deal with. ednesda y to facilitate the settlement of the land will likely witness divisions on three which may be granted to them. They bills. | These will be Mr. Whitney's ::'::' 0;36""{ g'orll:asf:)r irlnelltlns nickel n n at Sau e. Marie and w bill t? amend the election act, Mr. probably bulld rolling .miis AiSo I&L lLI Hoyle's bill to prohibit the appoint-- cost of $2,000,000. . Four large steam-- ment hereafter of a junior Judge for ers exceeding in carrying capacity any the County of Ontario, and Mr. Eilber's 1':"5":; :':'m 0;'"'&"9:;":'9;:?; being built s r ' in bill to permit mutual fire insurance next summer carrying ore tro(t)rl:efl:zlt':: companies to issue policies for five picoten harbor to the smelting works at years instead of four as at present. x:g'flsl;l'?. H'atmllton l:rlld Deseronto. The » ¥% * ps, it was claimed, would caus Mr. Whitney's bill to amend the elec an expenditure of $500,000. _ These ans tion act proposes to enact more strin-- o'ther statements were made by Mr. gent provisions for the punishment of Clergue in support of his proposition to bribery, but the Attorney--General has the Government. _ Mr. Ross promised | already a measure on the order paper a careful consideration of the propo--| g;-allng wltg the same subject, and the eition. ouse will doubtless take the view that i the Ministerial legisiation will amply Amending Municipal Act. provide for such defects as experience There are quite a number of bills may have shown to exist in the statute. . :';l:r;'l:";'d t°' "tmernd the municipal act, ce , rly grist of new p 1 bir. Stratton's --Bilis. Tery few of which are found to be of | Hon. J. R. Stratton's bill to amend :nuch or _ any . practical _ benefit, the charity aid act simplifies the work f _ made part of _ the _ present of compiling the tables showing the %r any comprehensive act. The | distribution of the moneys granted by est act that could be passed the Government to the various insti-- this session would be one to forbid for tutions entitled to receive aid. . the space of two years at least any A second bill by Mr. Stratton is to Turther tinkering with the act. What a amend the Ontario companies act. It r;llef this would be, even greater than proposes to get rid of certain features 't e relief from bonus legislation, which in the'"present law which have rather b'('b"d enough, but which will probably tended to harass mercantile concerns. h cured when the Government's bill is | In the case of an incorporated company rought down. The following three acts carrying on business under the name of fi;i":t:'oog sample of the ideas Dl'O'l i Mn W a« Inmmmmmmmimmp municinal acesiss oC Approving: \the