* _*"TTon ollege. The bill of the Hon. M 6 is PC & € per Canaiia COlleE ing the Commissioner of Crow g];.'!n,'l.! j i. Richard Harcourt has given no-- power to allow by regulation prospect.| of a bill in. regard to Upper Can-- ing."nrining, hunting or fishing on the l 2] College. The bill will make radical fores}t reserves passed its second read. nges in the governing body of that ing. -- ( f itution and in other respects. mos Aid For Drainage Works. a Liability of Hailways, _--The Premier moved the second read-- YMr. Conmee's bill to amend the muni-- ing of a bill to enable the Government ' ( 1 drainage gct is really a most im-- to grant relieft to municipalitiee in | Bortant bit of railway legislation, in cases where they were engaged in , * e with other measures introduced by the construction of drainage works that. -- Bim during this session. The bill pro-- would overtax their resources. | R Vides that if owing to the construction Mr. Whitney doubted the wisdom of! Of a railway either before or after the any such measure, and®Mr. Matheson| : sing of. the act water is by any said It was another case of teaching the t means caused to flow upon and injure people to look to the Province for aid ; lands of any municipality, company instead of giving them to understand ; individual, or the natural flow of the . that they must pay their own way. ! Painage is or has been diverted or in-- The Premier--That is not very good | Rerfered with so as tro cause water to doctrine from a protectionist,. | L ' Fremain upon or --so as to prevent the Mr. Preston (South Brant) drew at--. free flow of water from any such lands tention to the effect of drainage legis-- a roads, or if owing to the existence lation upon the City of Brantford. He 'bf a railway extra cost is incurred suggested the appointment of a com-- i 'through the necessity of diverting the mission to consider (1) the possibility of rourse of a drainage work under this preventing floods by storing the surplus [ ct, so as not to cross this railway, the water ; (2) the development of water= «c rompany owning or controlling such powers or improvement of existing | ilway may be assessed and charged waterpowers on the Grand River ; (3) [ or the construction and maintenance straightening the course of the Grand, } f the drainage work to the extent re-- River ; (4) responsibility for the floods: | uired for relieving the injured lands and the best means of overcoming! aAnd roads from such water, and to the them. | extent of the extra cost of the work oc-- Mr. Crawford thought the Govern-- , rastoned by the existence of such rail-- ment were simply encouraging muni-- '(way. The'cost is to be determined by cipalities to come to them for aid. | \ | the enginesr, surveyor, Court of Re-- Mr. Whitney styled the bill an invi-- © vision, County Judge or referee, and tation to the municipalities just before | such assessment shall be considereq a general election to come to the Gov-- an assessment for injuring liability un-- ernment and ask for aid, in return for der the municipal drainage act. . The which they would be expected to sup-- railway thus made liable to asgessment port the Government. -- The whole ob-- shall not chave the power to petition jJect of the bill was to debauch mun}-- against the assessment. cipalities, and he would not sanction < Mr. German, on behalf of the Re-- the second reading. t tail Merchants' Association, has intro-- 'The Premier defended the bill as a A duced a bill placing a tax upon the meritorious one, and one that was call-- f gross proceeds of the sales of depart-- ed for by the topographical conditions mental stores, the tax to be in addi-- ot Ontario. _ Drainage works had so | tion to the personalty tax. far been aided only in a spasmodic t Destruction of Insects. ;;f;&'-dl:ut with sll;c'cessful results. Hav-l f one so we y { The House in committee discu'SS"' question was, shou.?lda &T;"n;vta)idgg:! - Mr. DPryden's bill giving the Govern-- &A comprehensive scheme whereby the ment power to make regulations fm' the + Government could help municipanties' f prevention and destruction of miul.i')"fl that were powerless to help themselves?} A or noxious insects. The bill further Mr. Whitney feared that the scheme! e provided that if the occupant or: owner l:night be usted for corrupt purposes. of the lot neglected to comply with th': The same might «be said of tarifl? C regulations, the work should be d.""}fi legislation, bonuses to railways, ctc. -.g by an inspector and the cost of t 'i The man who sought for a sinister + same entered on the collector's roll a:'f'-t motive could find it in every act passed f charged as taxes. The bill was le | by the House, whether public or pri--« over for oonsnderatim'l- ai |vate. Mr. Whitney was looking at the Hon. Mr. Harcourt's -- bill amen 'mln]r political rather than the economic ef-- the pharm%c,\- nt(-t was reported wit | fect of the bill. The Government were *1 some amendments, . | not pregenting the scheme in that way, ' Hon. Mr. Davis' bill shortening the but sincerely desired that the three gr t«rm of apprenticeship for apprentices four million acres of existing waste | to Jland 'surveyors under the Ontario lands should be brought under the | land surveyors act was reported "fm'-'_ plough of the husbandman. The bill | out discussion. _ The bill provldmf. fin was a good one, and if the Government the appointment of a number of "fire--| |remained in power would be adminis-- f l rangers" to aid in the prevention of | tered in the public interest. The Gov-- in fires on Crown lands, and for the pay-- ernment declined to take the responsi-- i ment of half of the salaries of these bility of granting appropriations, and ¢ rargers when employed on lands under the House would therefore be asked to license by the holders of the licenses, ratify each vote. The suggestion made was introduced by Hon. Mr. l)a\:is_x and by Mr. Preston for the appointment was reported, as was Mr. Davis' bill of a commission was a reasonable one, 1 terminating licenses for the cutting pt and the Government were bound to con-- 4 timber other than pine in Algonguin sider any scheme that would remedy [3 Kational Park after April 30, 1900 . | the evils complained of. "I