The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1900, p. 3

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~~The second reading was then declared XZ,, The receipts from the #chool l '2-2 garfied un idivigion: tund and other trust funds in the bands f Fra T8. of the minion Government to nebise for Solfit into the consolidated revenue, the trust + Hon. Mr. Gibson's bill preserving to ' in connection with those funds was ;the members of the Canadian contin-- | abolished. s \gent their rights of franchise passed Hon. Mr. Ross said the questions |its second reading. Hon. Mr. Gib:on raised had been discussed so exhaus-- |said that while many of those who | tively that he would now only refer to ' had gone forth from this country to \ them briefly. His contention was that serve the Queen would become citizens | as a result of the act of 1869 trans-- of South Africa, and that many of the ferring the trust funds to consolidated officers of the Canadian -- regiments | revenue, the Government were not would become officers of the Imperial called upon to especially identify these an:}y. t:tmdmang' ':"':'";2 {::"\:""séoo:l't';:: | moneys. He did not say that because native land, an * Y ' 3 ¢ r p & W t reve' Government that their rights as citi-- ';'%:fif {;I:déo':.(::rt"l::}?tng:fi{ddangg pro-- zens should be preserved. Mr. Whitney | wide the equivalent for them. said that there was no doubt of the HJjon. Mr. Harcourt said (that Brit-- t he nESIX sympathy which they all had for t ish consols were not more real or tan-- lobjects of the bill. ing Th gible than the trust funds of Ontario. Hon. Mr. Gibson's bill validating + s Mr. Matheson forgot that the Dominion grants made by municipalities f?l'; Te would be delighted to--morrow, through |benefit of those &erving in m J";'?é its Finance Minister, to hand over these % forces in South Africa Also pASSC trust funds to the Province if requested | 'second reading. Mr. Gibson paid & to do so. "I myself," said Mr. Har-- 'high tribute to the services of Lord fourt, "heard Sir John Thompson say Minto in connection with the Patriotic to Sir Oliver l\fowat in speaking to this \Fund. In most sections of the c(tmmf:)y very question, 'Do T understand you to It was a comparatively easy mattér for say the Province of Ontario would like these branch funds to be made up, but O 4 U P to have these trust funds handed over in other sections the combination of A A i , tug 7 rem. to it ? If so. I can suggest there will 'the contributions 01 lndl;lgzxa'l rnem he no opposition on my part.'" The bers of the community mig 1e more k P o 4 C | difficult, and the bill was designed to reason for this was apparent, Mr. | i o % ale Harcourt went on to say, because the allow _ municipal -- Councils to make Doiminion was then paying 5 per cent grants in these cases. m i f & s 4 The House then went into supply. Tribute to The (Globe. Mr. Campbell's Position In commenting on the admirable re-- s yA sponse with whlf-h the appeals for sub-- The, House 'trok up tn? estimates for scriptions to the Patriotic fund had | the Public Works Department. s been met, the Attorney--General said :-- | ; Mr. Lfk}_';hf"rd explained that the "I have nothing but admiration for ;'"'"" "rf 'tfiig}']':' ,f:"q ""Ild""i?fi'(')';"i Loh tthe manner in which The Globe news-- rer o rays : colonization 'paper has carried out the self--imposed roads applied to Mr. A. W. Campbell, task which it has undertaken in con-- the present Provincial Roads instrue-- nection with this good work. Over 870,-- 1os. y +0 '0()0 has already been raised by way of Mr. Matheson .criticized the work of Esu?'svripti(ms to The (GHobe branch of }\lr.d ((';l{)mflfi'll. lz\\;t tz"x:e |:ll","r "1'188 d?(i this fund. I am sure that, irrespective ende y Hon. Mr. Stratton, who sa !nf political considerations, which can-- that no more capable man in tlfe Pro-- not enter here, every one of us must be \'l;wf' coluld( beMzot \t"'g}xl'"the m;iltion.M t willing to admit that the people con-- n reply to Mr. ney, Hoa. r. neected with The Globe have done an Latchford said that Mr. Campbell | admirable work in this connection." would endeavor to fill both offices men-- | (Applause.) The Attorney--General also tioned in the estimates. He was not paid a high tribute to the work of Dr. sure. however, that he would not re-- Rytrson, Chairman of the Red Cross quire t? askt{]or anlother frant of 'equal 'fund, and an ex--member of the House. amount as e salary of an engineer, | who was now carrying on the work of who should act as Assistant Commis-- | the reliéf of the wounded in the field. sloner and help in the duties of the col-- , He dwelt on the immense good which onization work. the Red Cross and the Patriotic Fund Mr. Whitney admitted the necessity had accomplished and would accomp-- of 5011":! ?uptel!'\'l!liond of r'dxx;cudit'urg | lish, and said that he expected the upon colonization roads, and launche result of the bill would be to largely int«:l:; dfinunclattlonh:)fh rr;'ethqnlisl };Ul;; augment the subscriptions to both of sued in the past, which. he said, ha ' these funds. be}e,n sulgied efilcly byl So:}'tl(;al l]notl\'cl-ms. Mr. Whitney was glad to co--operate fon. Mr. oss sa at when the in any step to remove all doubts as to Government's plans were matured Mr. the legality of patriotic rants -- b Campbell would have enough engineer-- k t t i k d tion with coloni municipalities. No worthier object ng work in connection w coloniza-- t could come before a British Legislature, tion roads to devote his whole time | and it was eminently proper to prove to to. s 4: K | their fellow--Canadians in South Africa , _ Mr. Kidd (Carleton) said that Mr. that the members of this House, at all Campbell had been in his constituency events, were not "absent--minded beg-- and had talked ably, but had done no gars." (Applause.) pm:l(-;ld(-al Rg(;:;diAl(\]l(;'i. Littl)e (C:\rg'iwoll& ' The second reading then passged. an r. Re ngton) participate in the discussion which followed on the More About Trust Funds. 4 subject lof the ex(;l)endltull'; of imnoney e on colonization roads. Mr. Hoyle (North k it Suppiy, Mir. . Mathosun ross tor (the Ontario) asked if there would not be piurpose of protesting against the doc-- a considerable saving in the cost of | trine enunciated by the Premier, that \stenographers and other office expenses mie ' if, as had been stated, the office was to Mc e e eeeeaeealt

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